
Guild Mark

"...it's a secret."

Hearing what Zach said, all of them including Erza who was also eagerly anticipating what Zach would say, deflated after hearing that.

Cana puffed her cheeks and pouted, "Oh, come on! Just spit it out already. I'm gonna tell you my magic so, you tell yours too, okay?"

Zach just shrugged with a teasing smile on his face, "Isn't it better like this? I like being mysterious."

Cana, still pouting, turned her head to the side and crossed her arms. She then harrumphed, "Hmph! Being mysterious that bluntly won't make you popular with girls."


Listening to both Cana and Zach's conversation without processing anything, Natsu suddenly chimed in while slamming his fists on the counter as he stood up, "Aniki, fight me!"

Hearing what Natsu said, Erza had amazement flashing through her eyes as she looked at Natsu. Suddenly bursting out, she then stood up as she looked at the pink headed dragon kid, "Natsu!"

Startled, Natsu started shrinking back when he heard Erza's outburst. He then asked cautiously, "Wha- what is it, E-Erza?"

Staring hard at Natsu, Erza suddenly said, "You, you're a genius!"

"Huh?" Confused, Natsu tilted his head. A second later, Natsu had a smug smile on his face as he looked at Gray even without knowing why Erza called him a genius.

Looking at Natsu's smug face, Gray had an impulse to freeze it for eternity. Gray sneered with a small voice, afraid Erza would hear him, "Tch! Just an accurate misfire."

Unbothered by Natsu's expression, Erza continued as she turned to Zach, "Zacharius, fight me."

"Ehh?" Looking alternately at both Erza and Natsu, Zach was at a loss on what to do.

Noticing Zach's expression, as the ever generous Erza, she said with a smile, "Well, you can fight Natsu first, and then me."

Hearing Erza's suggestion, Zach turned to Eevee for advice using telepathy, 『What should I do Eve?』

Lying down comfortably atop Zach's head, Eevee yawned, 『Why don't you just fight them, master? They'll eventually know of our abilities anyway, vee~.』

Zach agreed with Eevee's advice and replied, 『Right, and we can also measure our power on how strong we are compared to other people.』

Without bothering to reply, Eevee just yawned lazily.

Finished conversing with his partner, Zach made a decision. He then looked at Erza and grinned, "Alright, I'm also curious on what magic you guys have. And a fight sounds fun."

Pleased with Zach's reply, Erza started walking to the center of the guild. With a loud voice, she announced, "Everyone, clear the area! There's gonna be a fight!"

All Fairy Tail members shifted their heads towards Erza's direction. With literal stars dazzling in their eyes, they started talking while they moved.

"A fight?! Isn't that fun?"

"Is Erza gonna fight? It's gonna be pretty exciting!"

"C'mon, let's move the tables and chairs."

"Faster! I wanna see a good fight!"

Within the Fairy Tail guild, a large vacant space was cleared on the guild hall. Zach, Erza, and Natsu were standing in the center. Encircling them were the members of the guild that couldn't wait to see a good fight.

Macao Conbolt, a 29 year old middle aged man with spiky deep blue hair wearing a ¾ shirt and gray pants was standing with the crowd beside his best friend and partner, Wakaba Mine.

He then asked Wakaba, "Hey, Wakaba. Won't master Makarov get mad at us for not stopping these guys from destroying the guild again?

Wakaba Mine, a pompadour haired man wearing a yellow jacket with an orange undershirt and black pants, was smoking a cigarette with sunglasses on. He then answered Macao, "It's fine, it's fine. They're just kids anyway, they can't possibly destroy the whole guild."

Macao looked at Wakaba as if he was an idiot. He replied, "But, that's Erza, you know…"

"Eh…" Speechless at Macao's comeback, Wakaba hurriedly said as he pointed at a ledge on the 2nd floor, "Well anyway, look. It's not as if Master doesn't know what's going on, he's even watching."

"Fine, I also wanted to watch a fun fight anyway," said Macao excitedly as he saw Makarov not bothering to stop the fun.

In the center, Natsu was grinning broadly as he couldn't wait to start the fight. He bumped his fists together and shouted with fire coming out of his mouth, "I'm getting into a fight with aniki. Hahaha! Now, I'm getting all fired up!"

Responding with the same enthusiasm, Zach smiled, "I'm gonna be fighting with a dragon. Heeh~ how exciting!"

Seeing as both boys were eager, Erza stepped back, raised her hand, and said, "Zacharius, Natsu, are you ready?"

Natsu and Zach took their stance and said, ""Yes!""

Slashing her hand downwards, Erza shouted at the same time, "Start!"

As the most excitable one, Natsu was the first to make a move. With fire coating half of his right arm, he shouted, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" As he rushed towards Zach.

Seeing the attack aimed towards him, Zach responded with an attack of his own.

"Elemental Demon's Water Palm!" Pushing out his palm, transparent water gushed out of it and covered Zach's whole palm.

As both fist and palm collided, Natsu's dragon fire was extinguished by Zach's demon water.

Shocked by how a dragon's fire was extinguished by his aniki, Natsu jumped back, but before he could land, he heard Zach announce his next attack.

Swiping his hand horizontally while saying, "Wave!"

A wave of transparent water came crashing down on Natsu as he was propelled upwards.

Backflipping in mid-air, Natsu sucked in a whole lot of air as he curled his fingers and blew into it while falling downwards.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" A blast of fire came out of Natsu's mouth, like how a dragon spouts fire from their mouth.

Looking up at Natsu's attack, Zach followed by opening his mouth. A blob of water was suspended just outside of his mouth. A millisecond later, it blasted towards Natsu's attack.

"Elemental Demon's Water Breath!"

As the two magic powers collided, a loud explosion occurred which destroyed the countless wooden planks on the floor as Natsu's fire was extinguished while Zach's water was evaporated; causing a fog mist to appear.

Natsu looked around as he landed; with the fog covering his sight, he started looking around vigilantly. As Natsu was cautiously keeping an eye on his surroundings, Zach directly saw Natsu with the help of his Clairvoyance magic's passive.

Silently forming water tendrils, Zach sent them towards Natsu stealthily. Seeing an opening, the water tendrils controlled by Zach darted straight and bound Natsu.

"Tentacle Bind!"

Oblivious of Zach's sneak attack, Natsu was constrained rather helplessly. Natsu tried lighting a fire on his arms and legs but the fire was easily extinguished by Zach as more and more water tentacles wound around Natsu.

Several seconds later, the fog dispersed by itself; letting everyone see the result of the fight.

Seeing Natsu tightly constrained with no hope of escaping, Erza announced the winner, "Match over! Winner, Zacharius!"

Hearing Erza announce that the fight was over, Zach released Natsu.

Having been released, Natsu fell to the ground in a sitting position while gasping for air. A couple of seconds later, Natsu looked at Zach with a smile and said, You're really strong Aniki! But how can you extinguish my fire? It's a dragon's fire you know..."

Zach smiled when he heard Natsu praise him, he then replied towards Natsu's question, "Just because it's a dragon's fire doesn't mean that nobody can extinguish it."

The crowd within the guild were exclaiming as they watched the fight. When the fog appeared, they grumbled as they couldn't see what was happening; and when it finally dispersed, they again exclaimed after seeing Natsu's state.

"What? The fight's over? So fast? I haven't even had enough."

"I know right! But you can't deny that they're pretty strong while still being brats."

"That's right! Natsu's fire felt really hot. I can feel it even from here. Also, Zach's water is also that impressive for being able to extinguish Natsu's fire."

"You know what's more impressive? Zach's pet. It didn't even fall down during the fight!"

"Slayer Magic really is cool!"

Seeing the aftermath of the fight, Wakaba said to Macao, "See, what did i say, they didn't destroy the guild. "

Macao replied, "Stop being smug. They almost destroyed the whole floor. Where are we gonna put all these tables and chairs now, huh?!"

"Uhh…" Wakaba was once again speechless by Macao's counter.

"Hahaha!" A brown cloak wearing Gildarts suddenly butt in the two's conversation, "Don't worry about that, Master will take care of it."

Macao and Wakaba turned to Gildarts as Macao replied, "Well, if you say so, Gildarts."

Gildarts just smiled and said, "But really though, Fairy Tail's younger generation really is the best."

On a ledge on the 2nd floor, Makarov was thoughtfully overseeing the fight.

'So Zach's element is water. But he just said Elemental… that can't be all that there is, right?'

'Hoh~, so a Demon can neutralize a Dragon's fire.'

When the fog obscured everyone's view, Makarov didn't have any difficulty looking through it. He captured all of Zach's moves. He was impressed with how Zach was able to adapt and make the right decisions after the fog appeared.

'Looks like this match is over.'

And as expected, when the fog dispersed, Erza announced the winner.

After the match, Zach was only sweating slightly. He then offered his hand to Natsu which Natsu gratefully accepted. Pulling him up, Zach then patted Natsu's shoulder and said with a smile, "You're pretty strong Natsu, your Fire Dragon's Roar was really good."

Zach then turned to Erza and asked, "Erza, will you give me a break for a bit? It feels like I have to give it my all before I can defeat you."

Erza raised one of her brows after hearing what Zach said.She then proclaimed, "Hoh~ you think you can beat me?"

Zach just smiled and said, "We'll see."

And as the ever generous Erza, she readily accepted Zach's request, "Alright, I'll let you recover for a bit.

Zach just nodded and squatted down. Crossing his legs he started meditating to recover the lost magic power faster.

Before Zach could fully immerse himself in meditating, Makarov jumped down from the 2nd floor. Landing near the trio, he called out to Natsu who was already arguing with Gray as well as Zach who opened his eyes after hearing his name.

"Zacharius, Natsu, both of you come here for a second," Makarov hollered out.

Natsu immediately stopped arguing with Gray and went to Makarov while Zach opened his eyes and stood up as he too went towards his Guild Master. Not bothered by being interrupted while in meditation, Zach's magic power was still recovering but with a slower rate.

As the first to arrive, Natsu started asking, "What is it, Jiichan?"

As the second to arrive, Zach just stayed silent as Natsu already asked his question.

Makarov then said, "While Zacharius is still recovering his lost magic power, Let me stamp you your Guild Emblem. You can choose the color of your choosing and where you want it stamped on your body."

While both slayers were thinking, Makarov called out to Reedus as he asked for something, "Reedus, may I have the Magic Stamp?"

Reedus Jonah, a slim man with curly light orange hair wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a black pants while painting, replied to Makarov, "Oui."

Receiving the Magic Stamp, Makarov waited for the kids to make a decision. Zach was the first to answer.

"Jii, I'd like mine to be on my left shoulder. Also, will Eevee also get stamped?" Zach asked after making a decision.

Makarov nodded regarding Zach's question and said, "Of course. Eevee is also a part of Fairy Tail."

Zach then asked Eevee, "Eve, where would you want your guild mark be?"

Eevee jumped down from Zach's head on to the ground. She then showed her left hind leg as she sounded out a, "Vee~"

"Looks like she wants it on her left hind leg," Zach said as he bent down and petted Eevee's soft fur.

Makarov nodded. After that he turned to Natsu, "How 'bout you Natsu? Where do you want you Guild Emblem be at?"

Natsu immediately answered, "If aniki chooses his left shoulder, then I want mine on the right."

Makarov nodded again and asked the trio, "Then what color do you guys want?"

Natsu raised his hand and announced loudly, "Red! Just like my fire and Igneel!"

Zach then followed, "I want mine to be black. It matches well with my hair and eye color."

Zach then asked Eevee on what color she wanted. Eevee just directly pointed at her Master and made a cute sound.

As a smart person, Makarov immediately knew what Eevee wanted and said to Eevee, "So you want to have the same color with your Master."

Which Eevee nodded in response.

5 minutes later, Zach, Eevee, and Natsu finally got their Guild Mark tattooed on their body.

Seeing as they were all set, Erza asked Zach, "Zacharius, are you ready yet?"

Zach felt his magic power and was pretty much back to its natural state. He then shrugged as he said, "Pretty much."

"Then why don't we get started?" Erza said eagerly.

"Why not?"

Sorry for the wait. As I said, I'm a slow writer so expect long waits for new chapters.

As always, Vote, Comment, and Review.

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