
Demon Slayer : The exploits of the Evolving demon

Haruto traveled to the world of Demon Slayer and was forced to became a demon because of circumstances but by coincidence, he also became Tsuyuri Kanao's fiancé. From then the journey of a demon who will bring huge change in everyone's life started. whether or not it will be good or bad remains to be known. ................ To get advance chapter you can visit my patreon account →patreon.com/user?u=80975639 →user name

0_Eclipse_0 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 54 : Conflict.

The moment killing intent flickered in Sakonji's eyes, an immensely powerful aura surged forth from him. It resembled an impending storm, gathering energy like dark clouds ready to unleash their fury. Yet, within that intense moment, it felt as though everything had plunged into the depths of the sea, submerging everything in cold water. Everyone felt a shiver run through their veins. It was really like the calm before the storm, the eerie stillness before the destruction brought forth by the storm.

Haruto, who was the main target of this, braced himself for the coming battle. Despite his skill 'Danger warning' going overdrive, he couldn't see any path free of danger only the danger closing in from all sides, but he remained calm since at the end it was just a clone but he still gripped the hilt of his blade tightly. His golden eyes narrowed, fixed on Sakonji, the Water Hashira.

While Haruto acknowledged Sakonji's superior strength, he wouldn't just resign to his fate. He wouldn't allow himself to be killed without a fight.

Kanae and Shinobu, bewildered by their Senior Sakonji's sudden hostility towards Haruto, after some hesitation they cautiously approached him. Their eyes mirrored their wariness and confusion towards Sakonji's intentions.

Outside, Makomo and Sabito, deeply loyal to Sakonji who had raised them like a father, also sensed the shift in the atmosphere. They too tightened their grips on their swords, ready to defend their master's honor. In their eyes the person their master wants to kill is also the enemy in their eyes.

Sakonji, his face obscured by a tengu mask, fixed his sharp, penetrating gaze on Haruto, as if trying to decipher his thoughts and intentions.

Haruto looked directly at Sakonji without fear. He knew that when he became a demon, he accepted the risk of being hunted down. But if someone tried to kill him, they should also be ready to face retaliation. In Haruto's view, right and wrong depended on perspective, and it was all about defending oneself and sticking to one's beliefs.

As for who kills whom, Haruto always followed according to the words of the future Water Hashira, Giyu

"The weak have no rights and no choice."

"You can only obediently submit to the power of the strong."

The room was silent, extremely so. Haruto pressed the hilt of his blade tightly, and stood alone, watching everyone vigilantly, including Kocho sisters. He had never really let go his vigilance from the Kocho sisters. In any case, he is a demon, he is naturally every human's enemy.

As for Kanae and Shinobu, they looked at Senior Sakonji with confusion in their eyes. Sakonji sat there silently, looking at the Kocho sisters who were vaguely protecting the demon, feeling extremely surprised in his heart.

Leaving aside Kanae, the newly promoted 'Hashira' who has a gentle nature, even with demons. Although he is surprised at her having such a behavior, it was not impossible. But Shinobu is different. This is a girl who hates demons to the extreme, but at this moment, she was faintly protecting the demon.

Outside the door, Makomo and Sabito were holding the hilt of their blade tightly, their eyes fixed, and they were always listening to the movement in the room. If their master made a move, they would rush in immediately to help the master.

The Tomioka family were also startled by the strange atmosphere that suddenly descended, and they couldn't help but look up strangely, looking at Makomo and Sabito who had already pressed their hands on the hilt of their blades at this moment.

But the most surprising reaction was from Kanao, who had been sitting outside like a marionette obediently according to the request of Haruto, she suddenly stood up. The beautiful but empty purple eyes flickered for a moment, and then, like a puppet, she stepped on her feet and was about to walk into the room. However, just as she was about to step into the door, she was stopped by Makomo and Sabito.


In the room, a tense silence hung heavy, stopping everyone from moving even a little from their place.

"Master Urokodaki..." Kanae finally broke the silence, her confusion evident regarding Sakonji's sudden hostility. She believed everything was going smoothly after they had just finalized their cooperation with Haruto, all under the instructions of Oyakata-sama (Kagaya Ubuyashiki).

"I know." Sakonji's voice rasped softly.

"I'm just... concerned," he added with a hint of hesitation, his eyes flickering beneath the Tengu mask.

"I believe in him," Kanae asserted firmly without hesitation.

"Me too," Shinobu echoed in agreement. Sakonji frowned slightly.

"Do you wish to settle this through combat or something?" Haruto asked, addressing Sakonji while sensing the tension of impending conflict.

Haruto gripped his blade tightly, locking eyes with Sakonji. His golden gaze held a mixture of determination and readiness for a life-or-death struggle. Yet, unexpectedly, Sakonji's demeanor shifted.

"You truly are a demon I cannot read, I don't even see the craziness in your eyes like the others I have met so far" he remarked thoughtfully. "Perhaps... you are different indeed."

"I give my consent to the cooperation for now, if it means reducing casualties among the younger generation," Sakonji continued, his voice rough yet now devoid of the earlier killing intent.

Haruto regarded Sakonji cautiously, gradually easing his grip on his sword as he sensed the absence of hostility. Just as the Future Sakonji placed his faith in Nezuko, who had become a demon, the present Sakonji seemed willing to extend trust to Haruto, who had taken a similar path.

This was primarily because Haruto didn't seem like the dehumanized demons had encountered before. He retained his sense of humanity despite his transformation. 'He's not like other demons,' Sakonji acknowledged silently, willing to give Haruto a chance based on this observation.

Sakonji had Left the room but Haruto's mind remained restless. Despite avoiding a confrontation with Sakonji, he couldn't shake the awareness of his own powerlessness. Reluctantly, he acknowledged that in a direct fight, he would undoubtedly be outmatched by Sakonji. It was a harsh reality he had to confront and change.

As he contemplated, the door creaked open, and a petite figure entered. It was Kanao, with her black hair, purple eyes devoid of emotion(which surprisingly had hints of worry clear for everyone to see), and her usual attire—a black pleated skirt, white boots, and a cape with a dark pink bow.

Haruto was surprised to see her. He distinctly remembered telling Kanao to stay outside. She had always been obedient, so her sudden entrance puzzled him.

"Did you come because you were worried about me?" Haruto asked softly, a smile tugging at his lips. It was clear Kanao was making progress, slowly opening up her heart. Approaching him like a puppet, Kanao reached out and naturally took his hand, her gaze fixed on him with serious intent, as if searching for any injuries on his body.

Haruto gently stroked Kanao's head, feeling a surge of warmth as he pulled her into a comforting hug. Beside them, Kanae and Shinobu silently observed the scene. It wasn't the first time they had seen this human girl depending on the demon but for her to walk in despite the dangerous atmosphere spoke volume of her feelings.

With Kanao in his arms, Haruto lifted his head to meet the eyes of Kocho sisters.

"Thank you for standing by side" Haruto expressed his sincere gratitude to the Kocho sisters. When Water Hashira Sakonji had directed his killing intent towards him, the sisters had chosen to stand by Haruto, despite potentially benefiting more by aligning with Sakonji.

At that critical moment, Haruto hadn't anticipated their support, but he deeply appreciated it nonetheless.

"Hmmph! I don't need you thanks," Shinobu replied dismissively, turning her head away. "I just... didn't want you to die so quickly."

Haruto smiled, understanding Shinobu's reluctance to admit her stance.

"I need to return to headquarters immediately to report the situation," Kanae interjected seriously. "The cooperation with you and the Demon Slayer Corps needs to be documented promptly. Also, we must inform the head about Muzan's ability to change appearances—it's crucial information."

"I'll go with you, Sister," Shinobu insisted hastily.

Kanae gently shook her head, placing a hand on her sister's head. "Please help me maintain the situation here for now, Shinobu. It's important to keep things stable with me gone. Can you do that for me?"

"Ok" Shinobu reluctantly agreed, still very much willing to be by her sister's side.

Meanwhile, Haruto picked up the bamboo hat from the ground and placed it back on his head, concealing his demon horns once more. The Tomioka family then entered the room,

"Bro, did you get into a fight or something?" Giyu teased Haruto, his voice laced with concern. Tsutako and Kai, standing beside him, shared similar expressions of worry. Even though there hadn't been a battle just now, they could all sense the tense atmosphere.

"No, your future master was just putting on a show," Haruto replied with a shake of his head, stepping closer to pat Giyu on the shoulder. "If you really want to learn, you should stick close to the old man."

Giyu's eyes brightened at the suggestion, but he hesitated slightly. "Do you think the old man would be willing to teach me?"

"You won't know until you ask," Haruto encouraged, giving Giyu a reassuring pat.

"I see," Giyu nodded, determination settling in his expression.

Turning to Kai and Tsutako, Giyu addressed them next. "I've spoken to them about your new accommodations, and they have no issue with you staying here. But the old man suggested you build your own house."

Kai smiled confidently. "I can handle that. I should also thank the owner for letting us stay."

As they discussed their plans, the atmosphere in the room seemed to lighten, the tension from earlier dissipating.

. . . . . . . . .

Shoutout to my patreons CHEONMA and Tony Brittain. Thank you so much for your support.

late but here is today's chapter. since it's new week don't forget to donate power stones guys. Just make it rain.

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