
Demon Slayer: Please Let me be a normal person

I just want to be a person. Is that so difficult? Aoki crossed into the world of Demon Slayer and obtained the system. He honestly held the "Professions" System. Suddenly, he was found by Muzan and was forced to become a Demon. Since then, he has added two more goals. First, eat the Demon King, and second, find a way to become a person while retaining the power of the ghost. This is an Translation of the Original.

YourShadowsenpai · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

After a while.


Demons came out of the darkness and surrounded Aoki in the middle.

"How did you find out?" The tongue was extremely long, and the Demon with saliva drooping out of his mouth asked with a calm face.

"Such a poor hidden skill, you can be seen it at a glance."

Aoki glanced at all the Demons around him: "So many Demons come looking for me. What can I do for you?"

The long-tongued Demon did not beat around the bush and said straight to the point, "Don't pretend. I saw with my own eyes that you ate the dike Zhenyi and handed over your method of eating other Demons, otherwise you will definitely die today!"

"So that's it." Aoki suddenly said, "You guys have a lot of ideas."

He will be seen because he didn't intend to hide it in the first place.

He didn't care whether the secret was exposed.

The Demons are his food, and the Demon king is the object of his revenge. As a Demon, he can't establish real trust with human beings.

What's more, this is a vine attack mountain, which is a cage that can only go in and out.

The long-tongued looked at Aoki's calm expression and sneered: "You must be thinking that Demons can't kill other Demons, so they don't worry about their own safety at all, right?

But I tell you that there are many ways to kill you!

If you are tied up and put on the open space, do you guess what will happen after dawn?

Aoki took a look at the long-tongued Demon.

Although it was just a quick glance, he had recognized that the long-tongued Demon was the Demon he let go near dawn yesterday.

It seems that he is the leader of the siege.

It's really a little able to gather so many Demons.

Aoki must admit that the current situation is still a little troublesome.

The Demon power on the mountain is generally at 6 point, 7 point, and there are few at 8 point.

One-to-one, with his current strength at 12 point, one hand can crush it.

However, with the harassment of other Demons, he can't use "Devour Demons". If he can't kill Demons completely, he will inevitably be dragged into a war of attrition.

"Do you all want to know?"

Aoki said, "But what if I have only one of you can use it?"

The Demons started to get a little restless.

"A bunch of idiots! can't you even see through such a simple conspiracy!"

The long-tongued Demon was so angry that he hurriedly said, "You don't have to worry about it. Just tell the method and how to distribute it. That's us..."

His voice stopped abruptly. Looking at the enemy who suddenly appeared in front of him, his head did not react for a moment.

"Are you really separated?"

Aoki's eyes were cold and fierce, and his fists waved heavily.


The long-tongued Demon's head exploded like a tomato, and his body fell straight down.

Aoki did not pause at all, turned around and rushed to the Demon with his mouth full of fangs next to him.

He is originally tall. After this extra point, his muscles have become very developed. At this time, he rushes like a tank, with amazing momentum.

The fangs were so scared that he forgot that he was a Demon. He stood still, trembling and at a loss.

The next moment, he took the footsteps of the tongue-tongued Demon, and his head was torn apart.

The other Demons finally reacted.

"Let's go together!"

"Don't be afraid! We are Demons, and we won't die at all!"

"Kill him!"

"Give me the method of eating Demons!"

The Demons rushed to Aoki together.

A Demon with bone spurs on his elbow was the closest to Aoki. It jumped up, clenched his fists with both hands, and smashed Aoki's head like a sledgehammer.

The green wood didn't come back, and his arm was swept diagonally.

Suff! Like a long knife passing by, the bone stinger is divided into two and directly cut in the waist.

This is the absolute power crushing!

These little Demons are as weak as babies in front of Aoki, and any punch and foot is an unbearable weight for them.

Unfortunately, there is no way to kill Demons quickly without "Devouring" Demons skill.

"Is there any way to suppress the regeneration ability of Demons?"

Aoki's idea floated, grabbed the two Demons, used them as weapons, and smashed them behind him.


The four Demons donated blood in their mouths and flew out.

But just then, a thick arm suddenly broke out of the ground.

Aoki was caught off guard and only had time to tilt his head.


The bridge of his nose was broken, and his body involuntarily leaned back and took two steps back.

"What a great power!"

Aoki stood up straight, and his face had recovered as before. With a glance, he found the target of sneak attack on him.

It was a huge meat mountain, completely surrounded by all kinds of arms, showing only a pair of treacherous and slender eyes.

"It's a hand Demon!"

Aoki instantly recognized the identity of the enemy: "Ha ha, it's all here. If you can leave all these Demons behind, you can complete the Attack Mountain today."

The appearance of the hand Demon cheered up the Demon who had been scared by Aoki again.

"Hahaha, hand over the way to eat Demons, or you will die today!"

The long-tongued Demon was both solemn and excited: "Goodly, there is a hand Demon to join in, otherwise I may not be able to take him today!"

"Does eating Demons become stronger than eating people?"

The hand Demon's eyes were also hot, and several hands were closed, hugged into a huge fist, and flew out like a rocket launcher.

Aoki snorted coldly, did not dodge, and also waved his fist to meet him.


The hand Demon's arm is like a bamboo that ignites firecrackers inside, torn and blood splashed.

Aoki was about to continue the attack when four Demons rushed over and stopped him. Without waiting for him to get rid of it, the hand Demon's arm had been successfully regenerated.

Boom, boom!

The fighting became more and more fierce.

Blocking the attack of the Demon again and watching the rapid regeneration of his arm, Aoki frowned: "If there is no way to suppress their regeneration, there is no need for the battle to continue."

He won't lose, but he can't win.

If you continue to fight, it's just a waste of time.

Although it's a pity to let go of such a good opportunity, if you can't do it, you don't have to force it.

Is there a way to suppress Demon regeneration?

Of course.

Sun Blades, one of the ultimate three-piece sets for Demon hunters, is a magic weapon that can suppress the regeneration of Demons.

The problem is that he can't get any at all.

Is there any other way?

An idea suddenly came to Aoki's mind.

At this time, a fang came over.

"Lets Try it!"

Aoki was punched by the fangs, and his hand knife was slanted.


The fangs's face cracked and his head shook.

"Devour it!"

Aoki's eyes were sharp, and he launched a "Devour Demon", and his palm turned into a black hole, frantically devouring the flesh and blood around him.


The fangs and Demon brains are divided into two.

Aoki's palm was surrounded by a circle of rapidly rotating blades, which scraped off a layer of flesh and blood. Because he went through it directly, he didn't wait for the fangs to struggle, and "Devour the Demon" automatically terminated.

However, Aoki, who has excellent eyesight, was surprised to find it.

The fangs's head seems to show no sign of regeneration.

There was a sharp sound of breaking the air behind him. Aoki turned around and punched. The moment he met the Demon, he launched the "Devour Demon" again.


Aoki's chest was hit hard, and the Demon's face was torn open with a huge scut.

Aoki noticed again that the wound caused by his fist also completely stopped regenerating!

"That was not an illusion just now! It turns out that this is the correct use of 'Devouring Demons'!"

Aoki's eyes lit up and swept over all the Demons.

"You are all going to die today!"

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