
Demon slayer: Pendragon

A college student died while heroically saving a little girl from kidnappers. After his death, he met a goddess who offered him a chance to be reborn in a new world. He accepted her offer, ready to start anew. Demon slayer doesn't belong to me

NiS74 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Demons are real?

A/N: I changed the name of MC from yuta to Arthur as yuta Pendragon doesn't really fit.

Chapter 3: Demons are real?


"You came," Rukia said, looking at Arthur with a small smile. "Come here and take a seat," she added, gesturing to the spot beside her.

Arthur took a deep breath and walked over to her, settling down next to her. "So, Mother, what is it you wanted to talk about?" he asked, a bit of anticipation bubbling up inside him.

"Well, patience, patience. I will tell you, but first, I want to ask you something," she replied, her smile warm but tinged with a concern that only Arthur could notice.

"What is it?" Arthur asked, curiosity evident in his voice. He wondered if she somehow knew about his reincarnation or if this was just about his future, like many parents ask their children. It could be something as mundane as that.

"What do you want to do in the future?" she asked, her smile remaining gentle.

So, my hunch was right, Arthur thought. But honestly, he wasn't sure about his future. Maybe becoming a scholar? That sounded too dull. So, what did he really want?

"Me? I don't know. Maybe I'll marry a beautiful girl and settle down," he said, half-joking. He didn't have any concrete plans yet, and as for marrying a beautiful girl, that was just a throwaway comment since he had no interest in romance at the moment. Maybe that would change in the future, who knows?

"Marry a beautiful girl?" she repeated, a bit surprised by his response. She hadn't expected that, but it did relieve her slightly. At least he had some thoughts about the future, even if they were simplistic.

"Alright," she said, her smile fading as she grew more serious. "I'll tell you why I invited you here."

Seeing her serious expression, Arthur straightened his posture, ready to listen carefully.

"Do you believe in demons?" she asked. Demons? Why was she bringing up demons? Was she talking about the mythical creatures from legends? If so, did that mean demons were real in this world?

As Arthur pondered the possibility, Rukia continued, "What do you think a demon is?"

In my previous life, I had learned that a demon is typically considered a malevolent supernatural entity. In Christianity and Islam, demons are often seen as fallen angels or evil spirits aligned with Satan. Judaism and Hinduism view them as lesser spirits or beings that oppose divine order. In Greek and Roman mythology, "daimons" could be either benevolent or malevolent spirits. Cultural depictions, like the Japanese "oni," describe them as fierce creatures. In modern contexts, demons frequently appear in horror and fantasy media as dark forces and are often used metaphorically to represent inner struggles or fears. But I wasn't sure if these concepts applied here, in this world.

"No, I don't, Mother," I said. Even though I had read books beyond my years, they contained no information about demons.

Seeing my confusion, my mother began to explain. "So, a demon is..."

You might be wondering what she told me about demons, and though the author hasn't written it down explicitly, don't worry—I'll fill you in. In this world demon are real, demons are carnivorous, vampire-like beings that primarily feed on humans. They are nocturnal and vulnerable to sunlight, which weakens them.

My mother explained that demons possess incredibly strong physical constitutions and powerful regenerative abilities. This makes them immune to ordinary weapons and allows them to heal rapidly from any wound, even regrowing their heads if decapitated.

The only weapons capable of inflicting significant harm are Nichirin Swords, forged from special ore that absorbs sunlight. To kill a demon definitively, decapitation with a Nichirin Sword is the only guaranteed method. Additionally, demons have a strong aversion to wisteria flowers, which are poisonous to them and whose scent they detest.

She also mentioned the existence of the Demon Slayer Corps, an organization dedicated to hunting and killing demons. Most of its members are combatants known as Demon Slayers.

The Demon Slayer Corps operates in secrecy because it isn't officially recognized by the government. Consequently, its members cannot openly carry their swords in public. The general populace remains largely unaware of demons' existence, and even if Demon Slayers were to reveal their mission, they would likely be met with skepticism and disbelief.

Some of you might be wondering why Arthur seems so calm about this revelation. Well, he isn't calm at all. In fact, he's the exact opposite. Inside, he was throwing a tantrum: Hell, so you're saying demons are real and they eat humans? What the hell! I got a second chance at life—was it all for nothing? But if Mother is bringing up this topic, maybe...

"You know, I planned to tell you this when you were older," my mother said in a sad tone, "but seeing how mature you are for your age, I decided to tell you now." She paused, her eyes reflecting a deep sorrow. "I remember you asking about your father and that room that's always locked. Come with me, and I'll explain everything."Her voice was soft and tinged with sadness as she looked me in the eyes. Then, she stood up and began walking out of the room.

Understanding the gravity of the moment, I quietly followed her. This wasn't the time for questions or small talk. After a short walk, we reached the door of the perpetually locked room.