
Demon Slayer: Let Me Loot!

I accidentally open a Pandora Box... the consequences? I found myself in this new world... • • Note: I'm not a native English so expect some grammar mistakes and low vocabulary. • • Disclaimer! I do not own the characters or settings of Demon Slayer at all, and I'm only creating this story for entertainment purposes and to improve my writing. And the cover.

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New Life

Note: I'm not a native English so expect some grammar mistakes and vocabulary.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or settings of Demon Slayer at all, and I'm only creating this story for entertainment purposes and to improve my writing.

"Let's drink, my treat," said a man to a young man beside him as they walked down the stairs.

"No, it's fine," but the young man rejects.

They are coworkers Torsun and Kenji, and they just came from work so Torsun invited him to relieve some stress.

"I love you..." Torsun joked.

"Seriously, it's fine," Kenji simply replied, as he to this idiotic friend of his, cause since high school they have always been together.

No homo!

While walking, they spotted a figure of a woman on the side of the bridge who has drunk her alcohol while removing her office shoes and putting her bag on the side, as if she was about to jump.

"Hey, hey isn't that Katnep? The mysterious, bitter lady," Torsun nudges his shoulder, as he asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, you're right," Kenji responded while looking at the woman up and down, seeing her red face and as if about to jump, he frowned then run hurriedly, "She drunk!"

"Eh?" Torsun becomes dumbfounded, but seeing Kenji's serious face, he followed him behind.

"Kyaaa!" Kenji jumped and ended up crashing into her, causing the woman terrified, he quickly gets up to give her some space.

"Y-you..." Katnep looked at him silly with a red face, then she pulls out her little stepbrother twice the size of him.

This shocked both of them!

"Ma... Masaka! You are... you who destroyed countless realities! The one who caused chaos to man, even kid never escape from your grasp! T-the, the DESTROYER!" Torsun is spouting some chunni words while holding his head as he kneeled on the ground.

As for Kenji?

He is lying on the ground convulsing, his eyes turned white while foam oozing from his mouth.

What kind of development is this?!

Remembering all that he shuddered, seeing a veritable trap and die embarrassingly is worse than watching Boku no Pilo repetitively.

He leans toward the trees, feeling the freshness of nature, gazing at the sky,

"I wonder what happened to my family now?"

"But it's strange, how could I died that way."

Even though he stays all night, he didn't forget to check his health, because not all are fanfic main characters.

"Enough thinking." He stands up and walked to the small house in front of him.

A man wearing a tengu mask came out from the small house, then the man looked toward him and said, "Hey kid gather some woods," he paused then looked at the sky, "And hurry because it's getting late."

"I-i think you should go, old man," He said nervously. Because he doesn't know what kind of monster will emerge in the woods.

After coming to this day, he learns this world is not simple at its seem.

This world is popular anime on earth -- Demon Slayer.

Where the sun goes down, demons will appear, killing and eating humans with no care that they are human before becoming demons.

Purging the demon is the job of the demon slayer, with their true purpose killing the behind all of these: -- Muzan.

"No! That is part of your training," Sakonji said as he walked inside while waving his hand.

"Training my ass, and all I do is running back and forth at the mountain," He grumbled. Even though he dont want to accept, he still goes, because of owing Sakonji his life.

When he came to this world, Sakonji found him in the mouth of a demon unconscious. If not for him... he may not even be here.

He gritted his teeth, "Fine."

The last ray of sunlight of the sun vanished, and the night has come.

Looking calmly at the dark forest giving a scary vibe, but inside he is sweating furiously thinking that the demon might suddenly appear while in the middle of picking woods.

"Damn!" He cursed. Honestly, he is terrified this is not some kind of horror movie while eating popcorn, but this is a real-life horror that may cost his life.

He is just a normal human with an earthling mentality. He is not some kind of protagonist who facing a monster that can instantly kill you but still dare to shout, "You damn fiend! I control my destiny. I grasped the throat of the faith! And you are just my stepping stone." Like honestly how can you expect something like that.

That's not realistic at all!

And there's no dragon on earth!

Anyway, Kenji's reaction is normal, like a wise man said; without fear, there cannot be courage.

*Grass sound*

A strange noise came from the grass behind him.

Kenji suddenly became vigilant, raising the wooden sword, his eyes fixed on the grass that made the abnormal noise.

Suddenly, a black figure jumped out from the grass, because of anxiety, he quickly swings the sword, hitting the black figure.

*Rabbit in pain noise*

The black figure fell but if you look closely, it's just a rabbit, he released a sigh of relief and pick up the rabbit, "What the fuck rabbit, you scared the hell out of me."

"Kekeke, a tasty human, human, kakaka!"

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Instinctively dodge the incoming attack, he jumped backward, looking at the terrifying and disgusting long hand demon laughing on the ground.

"Gross," He muttered. It's disgusting that even the top 1 disgusting food on earth might run on shame seeing this.

The demon has a long hand, tongue sticking out, eyes bulging while walking like a gorilla.

"Kekeke, human surrender, dont be scared, as long I eat you I become stronger, kakaka! then I eat stronger humans! Kakeke!" The mother fucking demon madly laughing suddenly it tilted its head and rush to him all four.

"Fuck!" He wanted to run be couldn't, he is terrified that his body becomes paralyzed.

The long hand demon jumped, blocking the moonlight, reflecting its figure to his face.

"Blood Demon Art: Hebi no the!"

"Hey, hey! You shiting me, right? Using demon art instantly. What kind of coward are you!" He

gather some courage and shouted.

Blood Demon Art techniques can only be used by higher-level demons, the action of the demon proves that it is a higher-level demon, with the demon using this technique it decreases his chance from escaping to 0%.

He can only pray that he wants to be reincarnated again if he dies.

The demon long hands shot to him with great speed, it dances through the air like a snake ready to devour its prey.

He struggles as the demon's longhand coil at him tightly.

"Finally," The demon lick his face leaving red slimy saliva that covers his face.

'Fuck! Fuck you, old man! Fuck you, author,' He keeps cursing in his mind.

He is desperate that he broke the 4th wall!

Suddenly, the demon opened its mouth large enough that can fit two people, only darkness could only see inside like a Void.

This sends a shiver down his spine.


Suddenly, a light of hope flashed in his eyes.

[(1×)Plot Armor(Unlocked): Use when the host is in a near-death situation.]

[Giving the Plot Armor... 28%... 39%... 49%... 79%... 100%!]

[Body Breathing Techniques Acquired!]

"Kaaaaaa!" When the demon is ready to swallow him whole, suddenly felt unknown energy entering its body, and giving it an intense pain that it subconsciously releases him.

The demon looked at its hand finding the unknown energy that enters its body, without noticing that it release Kenji.

While a sudden surge of information appears in his brain, however, he didn't feel any pain, but he felt good like some 10 women messaging every part of his body.

Thinking why suddenly the demon release him but looking at the busy demon, he didn't have time to think, quickly run but not to escape.

Holding tightly the wooden sword, all focus, breathing.

The blood in his body rapidly heating, and the speed of its flow in the body is increasing.

'Body Breathing: Fourth Form: Tomerarenai-ryoku!'

Kenji launched himself at high speed. Before the demon could react, he was already standing behind it and had flowing blood in his sword.

An 'S' -shaped wound came out from the demon, extending its face to its leg, blood spurts from the wound.

"Kekeke, human useless, useless! usel-" Before the demon can continue to speak, a ray of light gushed from its wound, its body expanded and disappear into ashes.

[(1×) Broken Wooden Sword, (1×) Demon Finger, (1×)Rabbit Egg, (1×) MW11, (3×) Bullet(MW11) Gained!]

The system sounded in his head, before he could look he fell on the ground losing consciousness.