
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 90 Tomioka Giyu's Business Trip and Ninja.

On Himejima and Tanjuro's side,

Tanjuro was raising his eyebrows, pointing at himself:

"...Let me teach the Hashira?"

"Hmm." Himejima nodded.

Before opening the transparent world, he had practiced the "Transparent Heart Eye" that could see through people's hearts.

For example, when Tomioka Giyu and Kocho Shinobu chat, both of them will appear happier.

Shinazugawa Sanemi, before, when talking with Kocho Kanae, would also become much more restrained.

Recently, Iguro Obanai has also been getting close to Kyojuro's student.

And the other Hashira did not notice this.

Not only these, but Himejima also found many traits from other Hashira.

And Tanjuro -

After previous and current contacts, Himejima found.

It seems that he is a person who does not want to deliberately show his strength.

During the Hashira joint meeting, if it weren't for Shinazugawa's initiative, Tanjuro probably wouldn't have fought him.

So... if he wants him to teach the Hashira.

He can only take the initiative to propose it.



At the same time.

On the other side.

Tomioka Giyu's mission location.

A certain town.

"Caw! Caw!!"

The pitch-black crow circled in the sky.

People on the street looked at this side with a different kind of gaze, and deliberately walked around, as if they had seen some kind of ghost.

"Woo woo woo..."

Mizuki Nanami, holding her box-style camera, was standing on the side of the street, the blood on her face had long been washed clean.

But everything she saw that night had left an indelible shadow in her heart, which could not be washed away no matter what.

The people in the town, because all the people in the dojo were dead, and only she survived, thought - whether the culprit was related to her.

Even some radical people directly accused her of being the murderer.

After that, the boss of the photo studio, under the rumors of the town, was unwilling to let her stay as an apprentice.

But, he gave her this camera as compensation.

If it weren't for Mizuki Nanami's big heart that could withstand shocks, she would have chosen to commit suicide by jumping into the river long ago.

Not long after.

Mizuki Nanami met this man in front of her, who claimed to be from the Demon Slayer Corps, Tomioka Giyu, who said he could solve her troubles.

In front of her.

The expressionless Tomioka Giyu was pinching a blurry black and white photo, looking down.

After looking at it several times, he raised his head and said to Mizuki Nanami:

"Is this the only one?"

Upon hearing this.

Mizuki Nanami, who was crying, suddenly stopped.

She put down her hand wiping her tears in a daze, looked at Tomioka Giyu incredulously, her lips trembling slightly:

"What...what do you mean?"

.....She almost died!

Seeing Mizuki Nanami's surprised expression.

In Tomioka Giyu's mind, Tanjuro's previous words to him, "You're often hated by people," surfaced.

Although he didn't know why, he probably realized that he had said something wrong.


Tomioka Giyu chose to stop talking and continued to study the photo in his hand.

In the photo.

There was only a blurry figure.

It seemed that due to not adjusting the suitable parameters, light source, position—the photo was incredibly blurry.

Even the angle was tilted.

You could barely see that it was night, there was a moon, and under it was a silhouette.

And the incredibly obvious tattoo on the arm, and it seemed like there were rosary beads on the ankle.

Apart from that, no information could be obtained.

Tomioka Giyu's heart was gloomy—the appearance of the demon, this kind of information was almost useless.

Yes, as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, the mission is not just to slay demons.

Sometimes, you have to start by finding traces of the demon.

And this stage requires talking to all kinds of people, understanding, and even further investigation.

And Tomioka Giyu, is not good at speaking.

During the last mission, if it weren't for Kocho Shinobu, he would probably have been caught while talking to others.

After a while.

Mizuki Nanami stared blankly at Tomioka Giyu, and a thought that this person was unreliable suddenly rose in her heart.



She lowered her eyes, her expression full of unbearable loss and frustration:

"Maybe it's better to give up, the police can't find the murderer..."

She said, reaching out her hand, pinching the photo to pull it back.

But after pulling hard twice, she couldn't move it.

"Hmm?" Mizuki Nanami raised her head, looking surprised at the expressionless Tomioka Giyu.

Tomioka Giyu stood quietly, took the photo from Mizuki Nanami's hand, put it into his own clothes, and said:

"I probably know what happened."

He raised his hand, letting the crow in the sky land on his arm, he nodded at Mizuki Nanami:

"Please come with me."

After saying that, Tomioka Giyu turned and walked away.

In his view, that demon did not kill Mizuki Nanami, so there might be a possibility of coming to find her again later.

In the case of almost no clues, protect her for a while first, and then make plans.

Behind Tomioka Giyu.

With her hand stretched out, Mizuki Nanami, who was holding nothing, stared blankly at Tomioka Giyu's receding figure.

Standing dazedly in place.

Then, realizing that the photo had been taken by Tomioka Giyu, she hurriedly shouted and chased after him:


"Wait for me!!"

At the same time, she was crying out in frustration in her heart.

—Why do I encounter these things!

On the side of the street that Mizuki Nanami ran past.

On the wall.

There were some papers that were still posted and some that had been torn off, but there were still remnants.

On the remaining paper, you could intermittently see words like "reward".

It's not the Edo period anymore, such a blatant reward for others' paper, it was probably torn off by the passing police.


The crow left Tomioka Giyu's arm, it flew in the sky, overlooking the entire town.




In the town, on the roof of a certain house.


Lightly tiptoeing, an almost silent figure landed on the tile roof.

The person crouched slightly on the roof, he bent down, his ear against the tile, listening to the sound inside the house.


He took out the paper tucked in his waist, spread it out, his gaze swept over the portrait and various information written on it.

Obviously, the reward order during the day was torn off by him.

The thick iron plate on his forehead reflected a pale light under the moonlight, and his plum-red eyes were emotionless.

From his appearance, you could roughly tell that he was about eighteen years old.

...This is the place.

He lowered his head, and there were marks left by others on the tiles in front of him.

He put away the paper.

He pulled out a sharp kunai from behind him.

With light hands and feet, he pried open the tile that had been prepared in advance.

Under the tile, there was light leaking from the house, and this part of the roof had been cut off by others.

The kunai, dressed cleanly and neatly, moved silently.

Yes, he is a Ninja.

He is a Ninja who has survived in a Ninja family that has continued to this day, almost all Ninjas have disappeared in the Edo period.

His name is Uzui Tenko.

He is the younger brother of Sound Hashira·Uzui Tengen in the current Demon Slayer Corps.



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