
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 122: That guy is definitely not Himejima-sensei!!

In the courtyard where the Kakushi members post tasks.

The Kakushi members with anxious expressions were walking back and forth and shouting to communicate.

"Hey! The Butterfly Mansion is short of hands again!"

"I'm coming——!"

"How is the task on Water Hashira's side?"

"There is a risk of Upper Rank demons, it is recommended to increase manpower, send a message to Kamado-san."

"The task of Flame Hashira, the location is Kii province , set off!"


Teams of Kakushi members in black uniforms walked out of the courtyard, passed by Senjuro, and headed down the mountain.

"This is the Kakushi..." Senjuro turned his head and looked at the gradually disappearing figures of the hidden members.

——The speed of information and intelligence organization is so fast.

—This is the logistics team of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Can I... do it too?

He withdrew his gaze, lowered his head to straighten his clothes, and walked towards the courtyard.

Then he timidly peered into the courtyard.

Senjuro leaned on the door frame, nervously looking into the courtyard, his timid voice trying to rise as much as possible:

"Excuse me——!"

But his voice had barely echoed in the crowd for a moment before it was drowned out by the buzzing crowd.

"The Butterfly Mansion is still short of two people!"

"Why doesn't anyone want to join the Butterfly Mansion, which is the safest place?"

The members of the corps were bustling around in the courtyard, discussing tasks loudly, seemingly oblivious to Senjuro's weak voice.


Seeing that no one heard him, Senjuro's eyebrows drooped, and he sighed helplessly.

He encouraged himself by clenching his fists.

—Everyone is busy and didn't notice me, it can't be helped.

At this moment.


"Oh! It's the child of the Rengoku family." A passing member of the corps stopped, instinctively glancing at Senjuro's bright hair color:

"What's the matter?" He pondered, then pointed to a team of corps members who had just left:

"Are you looking for Flame Hashira?"

"The corps members who followed Flame Hashira just left, you might still catch up if you chase now."

"No, that's not it." Seeing someone stop in front of him, Senjuro quickly shook his head and waved his hands:

"Excuse me, is this where I join the logistics department of the corps?"

He lowered his head, grabbed the hem of his clothes with his hand, closed his eyes tightly, and spoke with effort:

"I want... to become a member of Kakushi."

Upon hearing this.

The member of the corps was taken aback.

He remembered that the second son of Flame Hashira was probably only twelve years old.

—Doesn't he plan to become a swordsman?

He looked at Senjuro with some confusion, scratching his head in puzzlement, but still nodded:

"I see."

He turned his head and shouted in the direction not far behind him:


"Come here!"

The Kakushi member put his hand to his mouth and shouted loudly: "Today is your job to recruit members!"

Senjuro lifted his head, following the gaze of the Kakushi member, looking forward.

"Oh!! Here it comes——!"

Sayo, already dressed in the corps uniform, her face covered with a black cloth, excitedly shouted, waving her hands high.

Tap tap tap!

And squeezed through a few people, running towards this side in small steps.

After seeing the general appearance of the person coming, Senjuro was stunned.


—This person's age seems to be similar to his own.

So, there are people like him who have already joined the corps?

Senjuro thought to himself, a hint of longing for the future life in the corps was born in his heart.

In a strange environment, having people with similar personalities or thoughts often makes people feel much more relaxed.

"Hello! You're the one who wants to Kakushi member, right?"

Sayo greeted the senior, turned her head to Senjuro and nodded, she smiled, very cheerful:

"People here are noisy, come with me."



Logistics department.

Senjuro curiously looked inside the room, he sat down.

Sayo stood in front of him.


She held a small board in her hand, on which was neatly arranged a "roster" for recording members:

"—Please tell me your name, age, and the reason you want to join the corps."

Recalling how he was questioned by the senior when he first joined the corps and panicked.

How about it!

Were you scared by this strict atmosphere!

Sayo's eyes were faintly triumphant as she looked at Senjuro.

Get nervous and panic~

It's okay, it's okay~ Every newcomer will go through this...


To her surprise.

"I understand." Senjuro nodded, took a deep breath, and spoke calmly:

"My name is Rengoku Senjuro, and I'm twelve years old."

"The reason I want to join Kakushi..."

Senjuro smiles, giving a relaxed answer:

"I wanted to help others."

Born into a distinguished family of swordsmanship, Senjuro received excellent education from a young age, especially in manners.

When answering others' questions, it's important not to forget to smile and maintain eye contact.

——You must look at the other person with passionate eyes! That's the only way to make them feel respected!

This is what his elder brother taught him.

In front of him.


Sayo blinks, completely oblivious to the fact that the pen in her hand has fallen to the ground.

So smooth!

And he's the same age as me!

Listening to the fluent answer from the kid who is shorter than her, Sayo's face turns pale.

She recalls how she embarrassed herself when she answered.

She takes a half step back, looking at Senjuro warily.


It's her complete defeat!

She clutches the clothes on her chest, looking heartbroken.

After Senjuro finishes speaking, he doesn't forget to look at the stunned Sayo, asking curiously:

"Senior, why did you choose to join the Kakushi?"

He raises his head:

"Is it also to help others?"

"Me?" Sayo is taken aback. Ever since she joined the Kakushi, she has been asking around for a tall, thin monk named Himejima.

But no one has ever taken the initiative to ask her about this.

No, no one would ask the examiner during the entrance exam, right?

"...I'm different from you."

"I joined the Kakushi for myself."

Sayo's lively mood dips slightly.

Compared like this, she suddenly seems very selfish.


The hand clutching her chest tightens.



"...After that, I gathered information and finally came to the Demon Slayer Corps, but I never found him... That's it."

Sayo and Senjuro are sitting on a stone bench at the entrance of the logistics yard.

Senjuro's hands are on his hakama, his back straight, a very standard sitting posture——forming a stark contrast with Sayo, who sits down casually next to him.

Listening to Sayo's memories and explanations word by word, Senjuro nods in realization:

"I see."

He turns his head:

"It's okay, senior."

"This is not selfishness, it's guilt."

"Guilt?" Sayo tilts her head in confusion.

"Yes, because I couldn't explain it clearly in time, causing an irreparable misunderstanding, and I didn't apologize properly."

Senjuro speaks his understanding, recalling his father who once knelt and cried in front of his mother's shop:

"That's why I feel so guilty."

"You must explain it clearly while you can."

It seems to sense that Sayo's mood is a bit low.

"Don't worry, senior——it's never too late for this kind of thing."

He slowly turns his head, smiling with his eyebrows drooping, looking at Sayo beside him:

"Keep the belief in your heart and tell that person."

"Although the process may be difficult... but——"

For some reason, the image of his father no longer being in despair and regaining his spirits flashes through his mind.

The corners of Senjuro's mouth can't help but rise, he speaks softly and amiably:

"——He will definitely forgive you and regain his spirits."

"After all, it's Sayo who said it, such a brave and kind person."

After speaking, Senjuro still smiles apologetically:

"I'm sorry, senior, I'm really sorry, I suddenly called you by your name."

Seeing Senjuro's smiling face, Sayo opens her mouth for a moment, not knowing what to say, and stammers in place.

She chokes for a long time, and in the end, she can only purse her lips tightly.


A hand clutches the clothes on her chest.


This kid!

Sayo lowers her head and closes her eyes tightly.

——Without a doubt, he's an angel!

"By the way."

Senjuro seems to remember something, he turns his head, looks at Sayo, and asks friendly:

"Senior, could you tell me the name of that monk?"

—The golden tips of his flame-colored hair swayed slightly, somewhat dazzling Sayo's eyes in the sunlight falling from the eaves. The young boy smiled:

"Maybe, I can also help with some small tasks within my power."

Coming back to her senses.

"As for the name..."

Sayo lifted her head, she fell into a memory, her gaze drooping:

"Everyone calls him 'teacher', I only know one surname."

She turned her head to look at Senjuro and said the person's surname:

"It's 'Himejima'."

"I only heard from the servants that the teacher seemed to have been saved by Oyakata-sama, the rest..."

"Even whether he is in the Demon Slayer Corps or not, is just my speculation."

Sayo's gaze gradually dimmed.

It's been so long, and there's no news at all.

The teacher was originally weak, and he only ate a little bit every day. If he was working in the Demon Slayer Corps—

Her face became increasingly pale.

—Could it be that the teacher has already died in the mouth of a demon...!

Sayo was startled by her own thoughts, she incredulously stretched out her hands to cover her mouth, her expression gradually becoming horrified.

Upon hearing this.


Senjuro's expression suddenly became a bit strange, he was surprised and paused for a moment, incredulously confirming again:

"—A monk named Himejima?"

"Ah! Yes!" Sayo's pale face recovered.

God, she was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded in affirmation, and gestured with her hands:

"That's right, very tall, and very thin..."

After hearing the words 'Himejima', 'monk', 'tall', Senjuro directly nodded his head.

In the Demon Slayer Corps, there is one person who completely matches these characteristics!

—Stone Hashira·Himejima Gyomei.

He directly ignored the 'thin'.


Senjuro stood up all at once, looking down at Sayo:


He affirmed and decisively nodded his head:

"I know that person."

After a while.


Sayo was stunned, she blinked her eyes, tilted her head in confusion, her tone emphasized:


The figure of the young boy standing up blocked the sunlight in her eyes. Even though it was in the shadow, that determined expression was incredibly dazzling.

Sayo.exe stopped running.



After a while.

At the entrance of the Rengoku family.

"Hashira... the teacher actually became a Hashira..."

Sayo hung her head low, her trembling eyes full of surprise:

"...And he's even the strongest Hashira."

Recalling the vague figure that once stood in front of her, constantly swinging his fists.

A thin layer of mist gradually covered her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Sayo sobbed softly, leaning against the wall.

At this moment, Sayo suddenly shivered,

"Hey! Senjuro, is it okay?"

Sayo's expression became flustered, she was somewhat at a loss as she tidied up her hair, looking left and right anxiously:

"Are we really just going to go directly to Himejima-sensei's house like this?"

Although she was always looking forward to it.

But when it suddenly came to this moment, it was not as exciting as she had imagined.

Instead, her heart was full of anxiety and conflict.

—If, Himejima-sensei doesn't accept my apology...

—Or if, the teacher actually doesn't care anymore...

—Or, he has completely forgotten about us...!

"...What should I do."

Sayo anxiously paced back and forth on the spot, her gaze always fixed on the ground.

In front of her.

"Caw! Caw!"

The crow slowly flapped its wings and landed, perching on the eaves of the Rengoku family's door plaque, looking down at Senjuro:

"Stone Hashira is at home, and has not gone out on a mission, you can visit him!"

Upon hearing this.

"Thank you, you've run a long way."

After Senjuro thanked the crow, he smiled and turned back to Sayo:

"See, the crow says it's okay."

At the same time, he was secretly relieved in his heart.

——Great, Himejima-san is home.

Born into the Rengoku family with his particularly sensitive soul, he could clearly perceive the vulnerability in the girl's heart at this moment.

"Let's go."


In the town.

Himejima's residence.


The white cat stretches lazily, arching its body and sticking out its tongue.

Just as it was comfortably preparing to find a place to lie down and sleep.


A hollow blowing sound came from the yard, scaring the white cat into jumping up, meowing in surprise, its fur standing on end:

"Meow!!" It yelled, venting its dissatisfaction.

As if sensing the cat's discomfort, the unpleasant blowing sound stopped for a while.


"Hoo——!!" As if not willing to give up, it sounded again.

This time, it wasn't just the white cat that had its fur standing on end.

From the house next door, there came a hoarse scolding:

"Damn Himejima! Stop blowing your broken shakuhachi!!"


The door of the courtyard was opened with a bang, and the white-haired old woman stood angrily at the door, holding a broom in her hand.

Her somewhat cloudy eyes looked at Himejima, who was standing in the middle of the yard, his eyes filled with tears.

"Namu Amida Butsu..." Himejima chanted the Buddha's name.

He was holding the shakuhachi, ready to blow.


"Give me that shakuhachi!"

The old woman shouted, waving the broom in her hand and rushing up.

Seeing the situation was not good, Himejima quickly dodged, and to avoid harming the cat in the house.

——His robust body turned and rushed out of the house to the street in an instant.


Sayo and Senjuro, who had just arrived near Himejima's house.

Then saw——


The old woman waved her broom, angrily shouting, chasing after Himejima relentlessly.

"Namu..." Himejima's eyes were tearful, his hands clasped together, protecting his shakuhachi, running ahead.

Sayo watched the two of them rush past her.

She trembled, reaching out to tug at Senjuro's clothes:


Her voice trembled, her emotions on the verge of collapse, she frowned tightly, incredulously turning her head and shouting:

"That guy is definitely not Himejima-sensei——!!"



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