
Demon Slayer - Eclipse

Born in a world where demons roam about slaughtering all in their path only combated by a secret force who call themselves Demon Slayers. This story follows the journey of Kazuya Shoku, a boy living in a carefree sanctuary, but this fantasy world of his is shattered. With a sword in his hand, he slashes away to create a new world while searching for an equilibrium between Light and Darkness, Man and Demon. With a single slash, he will turn dusk to dawn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is gonna be my first fanfic hence Im quite inexperienced and hopefully through this Im gonna be able to write good dialogue and build other techniques. I do not own demon slayer nor the cover picture Im using and the only things I do own are the OC Im making. Anyways enjoy the story. This is gonna have AU elements while being quite slow paced meaning the mc isn't going to slaughter Muzan in the third chapter nor is he going to touch a sword until near the end of the first volume... (Update Schedule) - Im gonna update 3 chapters a week with about 1k to 1.5k words each chapter. This may change when school restarts for me since Its my holidays right now.

EternalDuccMonarch · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Family and Sayonara...

One and a half years later…

Beside the river, a young boy appearing five years old had his eyes closed. His legs were slightly bent, and his hands stretched towards the waiting waters.


The boy's ears twitched as his hands rushed towards the splash like an eagle diving for its prey.

(Shoku POV)

Feeling a scaly sensation tickling my hand, I opened my eyes and cheered, 'Finally, I actually caught a fish.' In my excitement, my grip loosened, and the fish flopped out of my hands and slapped my face dropping into the water.

The fish then circled the water again as if mocking me. Clenching my fist and then releasing it, I calmed down. 'Ha, no way I would let a pathetic fish like you bring down my mood'.

Cheering, I raised my hands, leading the rest of the villagers to look at me weirdly but then smile.

"Hey, Little Shoku, what were you doing with that fish?"

"Little bro Shoku are you alright? The fish so viciously hit you."

"Hmmmmm, Shoku, why isn't Yuki with you today."

I grinned and said with an honest face, "Don't worry, aunty, I just really love the water trickling through my fingers, and I had accidentally grabbed it." Pausing, I put my wet hand on my head and started to play with my hair.

Aunty gave a suspicious nod and a knowing smile 'Kids these days are so weird? Playing with fish instead of other children. Must be a new fetish.'

If I knew what she was thinking, I would've spat out blood and died just then and there. I then looked at her daughter. "Don't worry; I'm alright," I said, trying to maintain my smile.

After responding to the mother and daughter duo, I looked at the boy; he had a cocky grin on his face that made him seem like a snotty young master. But I knew it wasn't intentional and that he was just born with it, but I couldn't ignore him thinking that he could court my sister.

Pulling up my sleeves, I winded up a punch as my hands swung like a windmill and then I released my fist, aiming to wipe out any thoughts of seeking for my sister. The air distorted with my fist and...

I missed and tripped.

"Are you alright!" All three of them exclaimed, instantly picking me up.

Internally I was happy to see how the entire village was like one singular family. 'I'm grateful to be part of such a nice family. I wish time would forever freeze, and this picturesque world will always remain the same.'

But suddenly, a deep voice wiped my happiness away. "Shoku-Chan… It's me, your favourite Uncle Bob. Come and gimme a hug".

A chill passed through my heart, and my body shuddered. I had to go away quickly, or my life would be in danger…

Leaving with great haste, I ran on the familiar pathway closing my eyes. 'Let's see, no, let's hear. Can I get home with my other senses?'

In the past year or so, I started to train and sharpen my senses. It started ever since I told the Pervert Sage Jiraiya and explained what had happened when I visited the Paradise Faith Cult. I remember seeing Jiraiya's face in shock as he told me not to say anything about my encounter with the cult, about Doma or my supernatural sense's.

"Shoku, you have a talent, but you are too young and weak. So if you were to reveal it, you would be killed. Don't say this to anyone." I remember Jiraiya saying, even though I couldn't understand, 'Why hide it. There aren't any dangers,' I naively thought.

Then a pitch black bird appeared, its eye's containing traces of intelligence and in its talons was a note.

"I gotta go, Shoku. Remember not to tell this to anyone."

"Ok, b-bu-but when am I ever going to see you again?" I said. I don't know why I cared about this perverted friend. Oh wait, maybe that's why: he is my friend.

"I will be back one day, and when I am back, I wanna see that glistening smile of yours. Understand that one day you will face a cruel and harsh world. A world that will be unfair… But always maintain that innocent heart and mischievous smile. Don't ever let colour be washed away from your eyes, and even when defeated, always get back up. Cause you only truly lose when you have given up…." He looked at me with a solemn gaze, his face more serious than I had ever seen.

I nodded, not knowing why he told me this.

Then giving Jiraiya a toothy grin, I said, "Well then, we don't need some sort of soppy goodbye… Were men" I turned around quickly. 'I can't let that old man see me cry- wait, I'm not crying.'

"Yeh, we truly are, maaaaaan" He had his arms over his face and also turned around. I don't know how I knew that since I was also looking away, but I will just attribute that to my senses.

Returning to the real world, I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked back home. Arriving home, I was greeted by the scent of noodles and soup. Taking deep sniffs, I opened the door "Hey mum, hey Yuki… Are we eating Ramen today?."

"We sure are. Now go help your sister set up the plates."

"Roger that", I replied to mum. I went and grabbed the clay bowls filled with the delicious Ramen and placed them down on our humble table. My sister brought 12 rice balls when my dad finally returned from his smithy.

"Go get cleaned up. Then we will start eating," Mum demanded, then looked towards me. "Shoku, you go and help your Grandma come over here… Just be careful she is a lot frailer."

Walking towards Grandma's room, I saw a pair of lost eyes. 'What is Grandma thinking about?'.

Suddenly she snapped out of her trance. "Oh, look who it is, my little boy Shoku. Come and give Grandma a hug." She stretched her hands out, and I hurriedly jumped into her arms. No matter how much older I had gotten, I was still treated like a baby, and I didn't mind it. Instead, I relished this feeling.

In her hands, I was absolutely calm. However, all of a sudden, I felt something… Something strange 'Grandma is colder than usual.'

"Grandma… are you ok?" Worry painted my eyes with concern. "Grandma, are you cold? If so, Mum and Yuki have prepared a warm feast."

"Ho ho, don't worry about your Grandma… Back in my day, I could combat wolves and bears. Come now, let's go and eat." She put down a mask and picture frame her hands onto a bench and got ready to leave.

'Bu-But you're not at your peak'. I knew she was trying to shrug it off and was telling me this to make sure I wouldn't worry.

I knew it.

I know she is getting older.

I know she won't be with me forever.

But I won't acknowledge this and sink into my world of fantasies… And create a sanctuary where my family and I lived together forever.

Walking towards the table, we sat down on the floor, waiting for Hayate to arrive and then eat. Speaking of the devil, the man came in fresh white clothes. "We can begin eating, but first, say your prayers and thanks."

We all clasped our hands together and closed our eyes for a short moment. Then mum said, "Well, we can begin eating."


I dug into my meal and ate a rice ball. The rice grains in my mouth were soft with a mild flavour. The kelp that held all the rice together added a little bit of crunch and salty flavour to the delicacy. After eating the rice ball, I looked at the main dish. I picked up my chopsticks, carefully picking up several strands of noodles, and slurped it all in.

My tongue burnt. "Hot, hot" I blew on the food and forgot the heat. The noodles were delicious, and the soup combined added so much more. I was slurping down the rest of the food. Giving out a comical burp, I rubbed my inflated belly.

"Gochisosama (It was quite a feast)" I put my hands together in front of my chest and thanked her for the food. My mum nodded, smiling at my manners as I helped pack away the dishes and clean up.

After cleaning up, I held my crafting knife in my hands and went outside, the sky was dark and I entered the smithy ready to continue my craftsmanship.


A/N: To be honest, I wanted to fill more in this chapter, but I don't want to rush the novel too much. Also, I added the Japanese words; I merely did that since the world is in a traditional Japanese world, and I want to make their family seem like a traditional Japanese family.

Moreover, I would really appreciate it if you threw me some power stones and started commenting more on my chapters : )

Finally, I might update my cover as a legendary friend of mine may or may not draw a new cover page for me, so that's eggciting. It's only a possibility.

Quack... I like duccs.

Ooooooo, well how do you like the chapter? Have you been bored already by how slow the novel is going or do you think its too fast? Please tell me in the comment section. Also put this book in your library and throw me some power stones.

I also might get a new cover since my legendary friend is making one. I dont know how it will go but its still a possibility.

Finally I like ducc's and you all will be my ducc army. Now join me on a conquest of ducc domination. We will need all the resources we can get so gimme your power stones and recruit more people to read the book. Farewell My ducc army and may we meet next time.

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