
Demon Of Ruin

Convicted for avenging his brother and committing murder, Locke thought his days numbered as he drowned himself in numbness, seeking temporary escape. Whisked away to a new world after surviving an otherworldly ordeal, he finds himself on a planet full of innumerable strong beings. Excited at the thought of living a free life, he quickly is proven wrong as the first place he lands in is known to him by only one name-hell. Along with a half-assed system and talking demon, Locke Doomstone must man up and face creatures unfathomable to him as he goes through the cultivation world... Setting off events, deemed as a prologue in the grand total of things. oOo I am a new author and am writing this to improve my writing skills. This is not for the betterment of my grammar but my vocabulary, description of events, and overall flair. Please read till the third chapter before deciding whether this book is for you. This is a passion project. oOo Cover Art is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down, please get in touch with me.

RuinedWorld · Fantasy
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10 Chs

In Front Of You

Locke couldn't even savor his victory over the giant lion before getting put into the next hell- and apparently, it was called hell too.

"How did you end up on that island? What's your name? How'd you get so buff?" Right now, he was in another dark room slightly lit up with torches and was getting questions rapidly fired at him by the same boy who got him caught. Well, the blame was also with the demon, but the boy was the one who brought the guards over to him.

When Locke had rerun into him, he had bashed the poor sod who tried to be friendly with him while muttering, "This bastard, aren't you the one who got me in here?" yet the boy swiftly got back on his feet as if he was not hurt in the slightest, grinning widely, before extending a hand and voicing out.

"Sorry about that. If I had known that someone was there, I would not have tried to escape into the sea. Not that I was trying to flee anyway. But how'd you get there anyway? You couldn't have floated from the sea, and you wouldn't have gotten past the guards since you are but a mortal.

The boy talked in ways unfamiliar for people his age, but Locke ignored that and the boy's questions before inquiring with his own. "Why wouldn't I be able to float to the island? And what's your name?"

He had conveniently pushed the conversation in his favor and was taking the lead but kept in mind that the boy assumed he wouldn't be able to make it past the guards since they could use those weird powers.

'By the way, are those guards also utilizing Creatrix energy?' Locke queried internally while simultaneously waiting for the boy's response, but the kid just dumbly stared at him. The youngster only snapped out of it when he noticed Locke raising an eyebrow at him before uttering, "What d'ya mean? How could you float on something... when there's nothing to float on?"

The boy got even more confused but continued upon witnessing the tension gather on Locke's face while his eyebrows furrowed together.

"The Dream Woodlands." Both of their voices echoed each other sonorously as Locke repeated what the voice inside him mentioned. "Ah! So you do know!" chirped the kid as he glanced at Locke, failing to notice the worry on his face increase.

"Some, but I have only heard far-fetched rumors. Care to enlighten me?" Locke had immediately adjusted to the somewhat old but unique way of speaking.

The reason it took him this much time was due to the demon inside his head that couldn't be trusted yet and was always insulting him, the creepy old man who had gone on a monologue about hell with an obsessed look, making Locke assume he was an edge lord. For the finale, there was the kid in front of him, who got him in trouble as soon as he transmigrated and had presumably been here for a long time. The kid was probably the first normal person he ever had a proper conversation with, leaving out the other two whackos.

"The olden records speak to us" The boy stood on his toes and pulled down a well-lit torch, bringing it to parallel his chest while casting a mysterious glow on his face, which in turn enhanced the immersion of Locke.

"Of a time when demons existed. They were said to be brutal creatures of the sins, corrupting humans alike with their vile ways, reigning in chaos and disorder until the angels and gods appeared. The gods had blessed us with power for faith and sent down their apostles to spread the virtues and rid the world of filth. They had driven away the demons who, with their last bits, escaped into this place. Forever hidden away."

Taking a deep breath, the boy licked his cracked and dry lips, tasting the faint blood on them as he glanced at Locke, who was still engorged by the tale, his eyes absolutely blank seeming almost lifeless as he stared into the dark space, unmoving while his thoughts raged internally.

This... this was more than what he had bargained for. All he wanted was a second chance at life, yet what he received was a world where gods and demons ran amok. He, a mortal man who had not even attuned himself with Creatrix energy, was now in a world of immortal beings... and he was all alone.

Light and terror both seeped into his eyes as he scooted back, the rocky walls piercing into his muscly back, meting out the pain, acting as a reality call.

He, Locke, was all alone in another world. An indecisive man remained as mere shedding of who once was a great fighter, now isolated and confused. He was not afraid of loneliness. For two years, he had secluded himself, preparing for the day. The day he finally got revenge on his brother.

But that was it. All his life had only culminated in achieving revenge. At the end of the day, after he had lost his purpose, all that remained was a little boy bawling his eyes out in the rain over his brother's cold corpse. All that remained was an orphan, confused and in utter despair, before finally finding solace in fighting.

His mental barriers were crumbling down, but before they could reveal the fragility akin to broken glass inside, a deep voice resounded in Locke's ears. It was gentle but held the same harshness it did before, going even more profound.

{Not everything is as black and white as it seems, child. Get yourself together, and it appears that the residual aura of despair has already started to affect your mind. Seriously, how pathetic is that? Even a passerby insulting you could break you down with this flimsy mental resistance. Well, it at least appears that you don't want to be swept away in this current that has taken you away from your original world.

Keep it simple and take one step at a time. The gods and demons don't matter for now. Your past is your past. Move forward on the path in front of you, and you will eventually find the answers to your questions}.

This helped calm Locke down and also made him realize that his emotions were being manipulated by whatever remnant there was. He realized that the demon wasn't exactly a bad guy as depicted in the records except for the occasional cursing and even thought that he might be one who could keep him company.

With this, he grew even more determined to move on from being a mere mortal to someone who could be in control without being swept away by the tide. Of course, it was only reinforced by a meager amount. In the coming days, he would soon comprehend that an astronomical will was needed to tread on the path of becoming one who's strong.

Even though all of this seemed like it took a long time, it had only been about 10 seconds, and Locke was now in an awkward stare-off with the boy from earlier.

The kid then grinned before extending a hand once again and stated, "The name's Eryx, and I like to punch stuff!" Even though the kid was skinny, he still flexed, showing off his slim but seemingly mighty body. Locke also extended a hand."Locke. I like to kick and hit stuff with heavy weapons."

It was a brief introduction, but it was apparent that they both liked fighting, so they bonded quickly even though Locke was usually shy around strangers. He didn't know why but he felt free around the little guy from when he first met him.

The two joked around and sparred, almost forgetting where they were before a bell tolled in the distance, its echoes reaching them as light streamed in, coming from what was beyond a gate which was being pulled up from the ground.

"FOR OUR OWN AMUSEMENT, WE PRESENT TO YOU! THE GUARDIAN MATCH!!" A loud yet deep voice boomed through the area, drowning the chants for blood that came from every corner of this enormous place.

Locke glanced at Eryx next to him before grabbing his mace and slinging it over his shoulder, slowly walking over to the light, his features unrecognizable as only a dark silhouette could be seen.

Locke could feel it even though the area seemed to be unrecognizable beyond the white light blinding it. His heart pumped blood furiously as adrenaline rushed through him. He knew this place.

He had grown up in it, after all. The ring. He was entering the ring once again, and he couldn't wait to claim his title as king over here. The ring was where it all started and ended for him.

Damn, it's 5 in the morn over here. Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed it, do leave a comment. Oh And I'm really sorry for the late update.

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