
Demon King of Remnant

Azazel, the most fearsome Demon Lord, was heavily wounded on his fight against the Hero. The gods, who feared his power, took this chance and attack him, left with no choice, Azazel used a spell that send him on a place where gods cannot reach him. Knowing that he won't be able to return to his world for awhile, he decided to conquer this new place where he was sent. Thus, his path to conquest, begins. A RWBY fanfic

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 9

"ARGHHH-! Stop-! Please! SPARE ME! ARGHHHH-!"

Cinder stared at the now pile of ashes on the ground in disgust. She flicked her hand as the ashes was blown away by the wind.

"Sooo~? We're done here?" Mercury asked while putting his hands at the back of his head.

Though he looked carefree, he was actually sweating, even his prosthetics legs were trembling, even though he already saw this happen a few times before he still couldn't get used to it.

His boss' brutality was really second to none. Though he remembered that his boss's boss, Salem, was even more terrifying than her.

She was terrifying, that, he was sure. Though he only saw her smiling most of the time, just by getting near her caused his blood to run cold.

Then there is Azazel, man how he like that guy. Azazel was someone whom he wanted to be, not only was he strong, he managed to 'tame' the three most terrifying woman he have ever met.

His boss Cinder, the leader of the Branwen Tribe Raven, and the big boss herself who threatens the world from the shadows, Salem.

"Yes, looks like Roman Torchwick is the only man left. I heard that he is coward, just an average thief with almost no subordinates. Honestly, if these guys weren't so stubborn I wouldn't have to come to that guy." Said Cinder with an annoyed sigh.

"Well, he is a good thief. I heard that he was once a trained huntsman but left his duties after his team died during the fall of Mountain Glenn." Said Emerald as she placed a hand on her hips.

"Hmm, well let's go."

Cinder walked away as her hips swayed, Mercury looked away as if finding the dead bodies around them interesting.

Emerald unconsciously took a glance for a moment before she glared at Mercury, daring him to look.

"Hmm, how could we find Torchwick though? From what I know, he's very slippery, even escaped prison after a few hours of getting detained." Mercury stated as he tried to ignore the look his partner is giving him.

Cinder smirked after hearing his question, "Its easy....in places like Vale, there is always some rats you can ask around."

Mercury just raised an eyebrow as her words were very similar to what his father used to say to him.

The three of them walked for a whole lot of time before finally arriving at a club. Cinder glanced at the sign and smiled as she walked in, her two subordinates following behind her.

Cinder's eyes wandered around the club, people were dancing, flirting, smoking, drinking, all sorts of stuff. She then walked towards the bartender who was wiping a glass.

She sat down and asked, "Where's Junior?"

The bartender stop his work for moment before continuing to wiped the glass, "Who's asking?" he said, not even bothering to look up.

"A client."

The bartender looked up and observed her, he got to admit, she was beautiful, one of the most beautiful woman he had ever met, though he dared not linger his gaze any longer because people liker her usually has very strong backing.

The bartender then observed Mercury and Emerald, from what he could see they seem like a guard, a dangerous one, the way they carry their selves makes them looked like a trained killers.

He knew that if he make one wrong move then his life will be over. He put the glass down called out one of the lackeys and told him to tell the boss of people looking for him.

After that, he turned his gaze back to Cinder and nodded his head. "I have notified the boss, whether he'll meet you or not is up to him."

Cinder smiled and gave a small nod. "Very well. Oh, and give me a Margarita, and add a little agave syrup too."


Cinder smirked, "Margarita, don't you sell drinks here? Now I'm wondering why there are a lot of people here despite having a poor service."

"Ah!? Right, I apologize." said the bartender.

Cinder then turned towards her subordinates and tilted her head, "Do you guys want a drink? Sit here, don't just stand there."

Mercury smiled as he sat beside Cinder, "Hey bartender, you got some fresh espresso in there?"

"Yes, we do have it. Espresso Martini?"

"Yep, you do know your stuff old man."

Emerald hesitated for a moment as she glanced at Cinder, who was also looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "I-...Is it okay? I mean, I'm a minor?"

Mercury choked on his saliva as he gave Emerald a 'Are you fucking serious' look. Cinder, on the other hand, just smiled in amusement as she forced Emerald to sit beside her.

"What are you talking about? Old enough to kill...old enough to drink."

Emerald gave a wry smile, yeah that was kind of true, she stole, lied, cheat and killed, why was she hesitating to drink? "Umm, Manhattan with Carpano Antica."

Mercury laughed, "Would you look at that, so you do know your stuff Em. This ain't the first time in a bar am I right? Why are you hesitating now?"

Emerald growled at her partner, "This is indeed not my first time in a bar, though its definitely the first time I'll drink. I heard people ordering this in the past and it seems to be good, especially with carpano antica, or so I heard, so I wanted to try."

"Oh that's definitely a good stuff, though not as good as Old Fashioned with Rye, damn I remember when I took a little from my dad, it was good."

Cinder merely smiled at their interaction as she picked up the glass of Margarita she ordered, she took a little sip before smiling.

'Hmm, not as good as the one in Atlas, but its still good.'

At that moment the lackey who the bartender ordered earlier came back, he whispered something into the bartender's ear as he nodded.

The bartender then looked at Cinder and nodded, "Boss agreed to meet you, his waiting above, this guy here will lead you."

"Very well." Cinder nodded before taking out a lien and left it on the counter as she walked followed behind the guy.

"Damn! I didn't even managed to taste my drink." Mercury complained.

"Shut up. We're not here to drink anyway." Said Emerald as she lightly punched her partner's shoulder. "Besides, we can still drink after this."

Mercury stared at his partner in surprised, "Em...you...did you just comfort me? Aww, I know you cared for me, why can't you be more honest with your feelings? Your like...umm..what does Mistral call people like you again?.....ah right, a Tsundere-GAWH?!"

Right after he finished his words, Emerald elbowed his ribs, it was strong enough that he heard his ribs cracking. He haven't managed to activate his aura as he didn't expect for Emerald to suddenly attack him like that.


"It was supposed to." Said Emerald as she crossed her arms and glared at Mercury.

Cinder turned towards them with a light glare, shutting them up. "That's enough you two, we have arrived."