
Demon King of Remnant

Azazel, the most fearsome Demon Lord, was heavily wounded on his fight against the Hero. The gods, who feared his power, took this chance and attack him, left with no choice, Azazel used a spell that send him on a place where gods cannot reach him. Knowing that he won't be able to return to his world for awhile, he decided to conquer this new place where he was sent. Thus, his path to conquest, begins. A RWBY fanfic

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 8

Azazel glanced at the eyes of the woman below him, it was empty, like she lost the purpose to go on, its as if she already given up the will to live.

Just like Raven once...

"Don't you hate it?"


"That's right, don't you hate how they just keep on using like a tool? Don't you hate how they can just control you like their own toy?"

Winter blankly stared at Azazel's eyes, and a few seconds later, her eyes seems to lit up and her face twisted in anger.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Azazel's face, "That's right, hate them, despise them, you are woman who's fate should only be controlled by yourself and not the others."

Azazel noticed that despite her hatred already reaching a very high level, there seems to be a wall that prevented her to join him.

He sighed, and used a bit of his to influence her mind. He caressed her cheeks with a smile as he used his magic.

"Don't you want to make them pay? Let them think that they are controlling you, but it was actually you, who was controlling them. I'm sure there is nothing more appropriate revenge for them."

Winter, who was harboring great hatred against those who was trying to control her, was very interested, especially now that Azazel used a bit of magic to influence her.

"....You can have it, your revenge. All I ask, is your cooperation." As he stood up and extended his hands.

Winter continue to stare at his eyes, and a few minutes later, she grabbed Azazel's hands as he helped her stand up.

"Good, now take this." Azazel then took her hand and kissed the back of her right palm, as his royal crest appeared.

Winter observed the mark on her hand in amazement.

"You may address me as Azazel, a demon king, now I better get going, see you soon, Winter Schnee." As Azazel disappeared with a purple flash.

As Azazel disappeared, Winter regained her calm and cold look as she took a deep breath, her eyes were burning in hatred yet she managed to hid it well.

'No more...I shall be controlled no longer....' Azazel was right, now that she looked back and thought about it, everything that happened in her life as a soldier was pretty much smooth sailing with a little to no step back.

Why she find it normal before was beyond her, but it doesn't matter now, she already knew that Ironwood whom she idolized was just trying to use her.

Grooming her to be the perfect Winter Maiden, and Azazel was also right, she have no doubt that she will be discarded once they have found a much better 'tool' than her.

She began to think of a plan but ended up shaking her head. 'Weiss first, plan later.'

She went out of her room and started to look for sister.


Azazel appeared back on the dark lands, he did not return to the castle but in a forest of dead trees. He looked around and found hundreds upon hundreds of beowolves.

They were much stronger than normal, perhaps as strong as an Alpha Beowolf, but still weak in his eyes.

He continue to walk and further he go in, the beowolves he saw were getting stronger, and after a few minutes purple beowolves began to appear.

After awhile, he saw a hill, he stared at it before climbing it. It did not took a long time before he finally reached the top.

There, dozens of purple Alpha Beowolves were laying on the ground, at the center was a large black grimm without any mask nor bones.

The moment Azazel appeared, all grimm stood up and bowed their heads, while the black grimm opened its eyes and slowly walked towards him.

"Fenrir, I want you, and your friends to stay in Vale for a bit. Just stay there and don't make any moves before we start our plans."

Fenrir nodded as Azazel smiled as he caressed its fur, causing the grimm to close its eyes and enjoy the feeling.

It did not last long, however, as Azazel once again disappeared with a purple flash.

This time, Azazel reappeared in the throne room, sitting on his throne as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

He spread his senses and searched for his daughters but he couldn't find them anywhere, even Salem was missing.

The only person in the castle was Tyrian who was torturing a poor grimm, Hazel who was in his room looking at the picture of his and his sister.

He frowned, he was just gone for several hours and this happens? He was about to go look for them when the door of the room opens, and a grimm with a crystal ball floated in.

Azazel rose a brow when he saw it, he waved his hands and the 'Seer' immediately appeared in front of him.

He looked at the crystal ball as the image of Salem appeared. 'A message?' Azazel listened to the recording until it finished before waving his hand, causing the Seer to disappear.

He looked at the red sky through the window and revealed a small smile. 'Well, let them enjoy the moment.'

From the message that Salem left him, she told him that she accompanied Raven back to her tribe, she brought Lucy along with her.

He hummed as he leaned back and closed his eyes. Its been awhile since he experienced a quiet moment, back in his old world there are always war, so its quite rare for him to just close his eyes and relax.

He suddenly opened his eyes and opened his palm, as a small black and crimson flame hovered above it.

As the flame appeared, the world seems to blackened and moved in slow motion, while the space around him seems to distort.

Azazel observed the flames on his hands with a small smile. He did not just sit around here all day and play with his kids, he also trained.

In fact, he was absorbing the negativity in the dark lands to cultivate this flame. This flame was quite special as he found it at the chest of a crimson-colored skeleton around three hundred years ago.

He found the skeleton at one of the forbidden lands back in his old world, the Dead Sea, it was buried at the very bottom.

The Dead Sea was very corrosive and poisonous, just a handful of it can drain a small forest its life and turn it into a place where even the dead dared not to stay.

The only reason why he survived diving down at the very bottom of the Dead Sea was because he can somewhat absorb it.

The skeleton where he took this flame from, was huge, its skull was at least the same size as a mountain, he did not even get to see its toes.

Anyway, Azazel spend the last three hundred years trying to figure out the abilities of the flames. He found out that it can absorb anything and used it as a nourishment, even souls were not spared.

So if you get burned by it then you won't even have the chance to reincarnate because it will devour you whole.

He looked up at the sky with a smirk, 'I didn't use this before because I couldn't reach you bastards in Heaven, but now....Just you wait, I will burn you all!'