
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Movies
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Chapter 11 Tony Stark

Chapter 11: Tony Stark

Andrew contemplated, "I possess numerous Hellish runes. I should thoroughly study them. They could also enhance my power."


Trask chuckled and said, "Boss, after I die, Trask Industries should still be operational. In the next few decades, they will surely have made numerous improvements to the Sentinel robots. Could you help me obtain their research data?"

"No problem, I'm also interested in the Sentinel robots," replied Andrew. The Sentinel robots almost wiped out the mutants, so naturally, he was intrigued.

Trask was delighted and thought of something. He asked, "Boss, when will the power plant be built? Volcanic energy is too violent and unsuitable as a power source for robots."

"No rush, a new type of energy is about to emerge," Andrew smiled. "In this era, there are geniuses as well."

Trask, with an unconvinced expression, said, "Is that so? Then I must see it for myself."


In the real world, after Andrew dropped Susan off at home, he called Wind demon and Howard. "I need you to go to Alcatraz Island in San Francisco. There's a laboratory there called Worthington. Steal their research data and the blood of a boy name leech for me."

"Wind demon, you're responsible for infiltration, and Howard, you will handle the technical part. Any issues?" Andrew asked.

Wind demon immediately replied, "No problem, it's a piece of cake."

"Of course, no problem. I used to be a top agent myself," Howard added with a smile. Andrew sneered and said, "Self-proclaimed, I assume? Now go, try not to cause a commotion. After stealing from the Worthington laboratory, visit Trask Industries. Trask wants the latest research findings on the Sentinel robots."

"Alright," Wind demon and Howard nodded. They boarded a private plane and headed to San Francisco.

Why isn't Andrew taking action himself? Are you kidding? As the Demon King, how could he personally handle everything? Wind demon can transform into an intangible wind, and Howard is a top-level scientist. With their combined efforts, they quickly acquired what Andrew wanted.

Andrew sent those items to the Rebirth hell and now, they are waiting for Trask's research.

Once the research is successful, Andrew will gain the souls of tens of thousands of failed mutants— a tremendous profit.


In the blink of an eye, the time came to the sunny month of April. The annual Vertex Awards ceremony was about to take place, and this year's recipient was the playboy Tony Stark.

Andrew sat in a roadside tea house near Stark Industries, sipping tea and reviewing job applicants' resumes on his laptop. Soon, he came across a familiar face.

"Natalie Rushman, hmph," Andrew shook his head, rejected her directly, and typed the reason: "Looks too frivolous, might influence the company's atmosphere."

Taking a sip of his tea, Andrew secretly thought, "I hope S.H.I.E.L.D. sends someone to arrest me soon. That way, my Hell will have a few more free employees."

Howard, looking somewhat absent-minded while staring at Stark Tower not far away, asked Andrew, "Boss, why did we come here to have tea?"

"To meet your son ofcourse. He really likes to eat the cheeseburgers downstairs. He often personally runs down to buy them at noon. He say they taste even better that way."

Andrew chuckled. Before his words could fully settle, Tony Stark, with his chubby bodyguard Happy, headed towards the burger joint. Tony's eyes looked lifeless, his face pale, clearly showing signs of overexertion from the previous night.

Howard Stark glanced at Tony and disdainfully remarked, "What's so great about it? It's embarrassing. Back in the day, I could spend a night with five beautiful women and still be lively the next day."

"Are you saying you're not embarrassing yourself?" Andrew retorted. He continued, "Get to know him more. We might not have the chance to do so in the future."

"What?" Howard was taken aback, then nervously asked, "What's going on? Is Tony in danger?"

"And you claim not to care about your son?" Andrew laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. He will be hit by a missile, kidnapped by terrorists, and will have a hole in his chest, but he won't die."

"And you call that nothing serious?" Howard exclaimed. "Boss, since you know what's going to happen, let's stop it from happening."

"We can't stop it. It's his necessary experience. Rest assured, he won't be harmed. Few big shots have their eyes on him; no one can touch him."

While speaking, Andrew cast a monitoring spell on Tony—it was just a surveillance spell, allowing Andrew to see everything Tony saw.

"Experience? Big shots?" Howard was puzzled. Then he looked at Tony Stark with a complex gaze and asked, "It sounds like my son is going to become someone remarkable?"

Andrew didn't say much, only replied, "Perhaps."

"To be honest, I'd rather see him as an ordinary person. The more dazzling one's life is, the shorter it tends to be, just like Captain Rogers," Howard sighed. At that moment, Tony Stark sensed Howard's gaze filled with 'paternal love,' turned his head, and glanced in their direction. He seemed somewhat displeased and said a few words to Happy.

Happy nodded, walked over to Howard's side, and coldly said, "Mr. Stark asked me to tell you that your gaze is disgusting, and also, he doesn't like men."

"He doesn't like men?" Howard's face turned green. Andrew burst into laughter; this joke would give a chance to laugh at Howard for at least ten years.

Howard snorted, "Tell your boss he's the most worthless Stark I've ever seen. He's truly disgracing the Stark family."

Unhappily, Happy responded, "Sir, I can't ignore that comment."

Andrew stood up and said, "Howard, let's go. There will be other opportunities."

Howard nodded and followed Andrew as they left. Happy didn't stop them; he returned to Tony's side and relayed Howard's words to him.

"The most worthless Stark?" Tony's face darkened. He said, "Get me a personal trainer, um, a beautiful one."

Happy retorted, "Are you sure you won't become even more worthless with more training?"

Tony glared at Happy.


"I don't look serious? Where do I not look serious?"

Natasha, the Black Widow, received a reply from the Rebirth Group and felt a bit frustrated. Coulson glanced at her and secretly commented, "Nowhere, you're never serious."

Natasha called out to Coulson, "Coulson, can't we just capture Andrew William directly!"

Coulson shook his head and said, "No, Andrew William's abilities are dangerous. I've talked to the board members, and as soon as they heard Andrew William's name, they trembled in fear. We can't act recklessly until we figure out his abilities."

After thinking for a moment, Coulson said, "Let's focus on getting close to Susan instead. She has a close relationship with Andrew William and should know a lot of information."

"Fine," Natasha nodded. "Let's handle this quickly. Fury is organizing a major operation, and I don't want to miss it. Hmph, once i catch that mucthfucjer, I'm going to give that guy a good beating."

Coulson smiled and said, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."


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