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Demon King Ifrit chapter 1 Page 8

IFRIT : Hmm I can feel that my speed and all of my senses are being suppressed right now.

[ Guards Of the Cherubim Realm block Ifrits Way]

Guards: Stop Right there! We Have a Order to prevent you from stepping further into this realm.

IFRIT : Do yall really think you can stop me?

Guards: Do not underestimate Us!

IFRIT : Sure Let me see what you got, you can attack me at anytime.

[Guards Attack]

IFRIT: *Whispers* (Infinite Shōheki)

[Guards Freeze on the spot]

Guards: What The?! Why Can't We move!

IFRIT: This is pathetic.

[Guards Break out of the Infinite Shōheki] + [ Rush at Ifrit And land massive amount of Attacks]

IFRIT : Oh My... Perhaps I did underestimate all of you, But this is still not enough to defeat me *chuckles* even IF i was far weaker and slower then all of you...my ability to instantly adapt to your power and speed and mimic them nine hundred million times over your current power and speed and perhaps all of your ability's too, although that ability of mine wasn't necessary in this case.

Guards: What are you implying to? Does that mean If you ever fight someone that has far more power then you, you can adapt to their power, mimic it and perhaps over come it by 900 million times?

IFRIT: Yes, thats exactly what i said.

Guards: Well It doesn't matter, because Our order is to stop you no matter the cost.

IFRIT: Uh...Pathetic beings. *snaps his fingers*

[Teleports The guards into his own dimension.]

Guards: Where are we?!

IFRIT: You are in my own made hell, you are going to be tortures here....Forever....Unless You tell Me everything that i want to know.

Guards: And what is it, that you want to know?

IFRIT: Where is Eirene.

Guards: We don't know.

IFRIT: Then Who Sent Yall To stop me?

Guards: We dont know, some angel from the castle of angles came up to us, and told us to wait for your appearance, then kill you.

IFRIT: Oh? So they knew when i would arrive....okay i have no use for yall now, so begone.

[Guards Vanish]

IFRIT: Now I'll either have to erase all of existence in this realm which includes infinite amount of multiverse's but i do not want to erase so many lives just because of one goddess, so i think that i'll have to find a way to stop the angels from suppressing my speed and my senses, so i can use my speed to find and destroy Eirene.