

ssanimations · Fantasy
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demon king ifrit chapter 1 page 7

IFRIT: I have an idea, Im going to create a infinite world of void that would prevent the pleasure of my speed's energy from destroying this part of reality

<IFRIT creates an infinite world of void around the multiverse..and starts thinking about some weird feeling hes having towards Elizabeth>

IFRIT: What Is this feeling? I have never felt something like this before...Its like i need her..and everytime i think about her being killed by the anti spirits i have this sort of rage filling in with in me..Is this so called "Love" im experiencing right now? Or is it just that i made a promise that i would protect her? alright i'll think bout this later

IFRIT: Okay Now that the infinite void is set ...I can finally use at least a fraction of my speed.

<IFRIT uses his speed to run around the whole multiverse in under the time of an instant to search for Thanatos>

<Ifrit Finds the castle of Thanatos >

IFRIT: there you are..

[ Teleports to Thanatos]

Thanatos: WHAT!? How did you find me..

IFRIT: i ran around the whole multiverse in under instance, and finally found you hiding in your despicable castle

Thanatos: And What are you going to do now? Kill me?

IFRIT: Yes, I came here to destroy you for breaking the promise you made 92Million years ago.. And you made your situation worst by kidnaping Elizabeth

Thanatos: It Seems like you truly care for that filthy mortal, And if thats the case you should stop hunting down the other god's because they have her hostage-


< IFRIT Uses infinite shōheki to prevent Thanatos from moving>

Thanatos: What is this?!?

IFRIT: This Is my infinite shōheki, That prevent anyone from moving,running,teleporting...et cetera, and it drains all of energy into itself

Thanatos: *is trying to break out*

IFRIT: Dont even try, it wont work, you need to be at least faster then An instant to break out of this Infinite Shōheki, and now its time for you to die.

{ Ifrit Takes Thanatos's Soul and puts it into his dimension }

Thanatos: Where Am I ?!

Ifrit: you're in my own made dimension.. i created my own hell in here to torture creatures like you in here, and there is no possible way to get out of here, this place goes against all concepts and logics.

Thanatos: Let Me guess.. You want me to tell you where the other gods & your beloved Elizabeth is?

Ifrit: you're a clever one aren't you? i ran around the whole multiverse and wasnt able to find Them nor Elizabeth

Thanatos: Well too bad for you! Because im not telling you where they are.

Ifrit: Thats what you think...You are going to be tortured here until you tell me everything

<Ifrit starts torturing Thanatos, And after couple of hours Thanatos's breaks down>


Ifrit: I told you that you're going to tell me everything.

Thanatos: I only Know where 1 of the god's is.. and im not sure if she has Elizabeth or not.

Ifrit: Okay? Tell me where is she.

Thanatos: Eirene and other 7 gods that made a deal with you are in different reality's , thats why you weren't able to locate them in this reality

Ifrit: Oh Eirene... The Goddess Of peace, who originally offered the deal to me...Okay Tell me Where she is..Now

Thanatos: She Is In the Cherubim Realm..And Im just letting you, i wasnt the one Who kidnapped Elizabeth, the anti spirits had an order from Sadou The Strigoi God...Oh and when you get to The Cherubim Realm, Your speed and senses will be canceled out, because That reality is always being controlled by Eirene and her angels.. and The angels have the ability to negate anybody's speed and senses.

Ifrit: Okay, you still broke your promise, and attacked my race with a goal to erase all of them once and for all.. and now you're going to pay for that.

[ Ifrit snaps his fingers ]

Ifrit: you're going to spend eternity here, being tortured every second.

Thanatos: *screams because of the pain*

Ifrit: * Opens An Dimensional Door to the Cherubim Realm and enters*