
Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Alexander's life was ordinary until he saved a mother and child from a drunk driver. Suddenly thrust into a bewildering world, where he discovered the Ultimate Demon King System. With it, he could bring anything to life by exchanging souls. Alexander embarked on a thrilling adventure, crafting fantastical creations and facing both allies and enemies. But as he delved deeper the darkness kept calling to him. Will he succumb to the darkness and become the Ultimate Demon King? Stay Tuned To Find Out. ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Summoned by Another Demon

As the days passed, Leo continued to grow, evolving into a more formidable and curious creature with each successful hunt. Yet, the attribute of curiosity that Alexander had instilled in him during his design often left Alexander feeling somewhat helpless. Once Leo had honed his skills enough to hunt independently, he adopted an unusual tactic. Instead of swiftly dispatching demons and monsters, he took to tormenting them.

Leo would allow his prey to escape, only to pursue them from behind. He'd knock them down with a swooping motion and then release them once more, engaging in a sort of sadistic cat-and-mouse game.

For uniquely-shaped demons, he'd use his claws to immobilize them, utilizing the six eyes of his three heads to study them intently. Only when boredom struck would he finally put an end to his hapless victims.

During explorations with Alexander, Leo's insatiable curiosity led him to roam freely. Though he would return swiftly, he often brought back peculiar items clutched in his maws. These discoveries ranged from demon carcasses scattered across the wilderness to peculiarly-shaped stones and the discarded eggshells of certain monsters. He'd present these findings to Alexander, his master, and eagerly await praise with a hopeful gaze.

Alexander found himself caught between laughter and exasperation at these moments. For all of Leo's ferocity in battle, he was, at heart, just a dog.

The one saving grace was that Alexander had yet to establish a permanent home. Otherwise, Leo's boundless energy might have resulted in the destruction of his dwelling, much like an unruly husky.

Throughout this period, Alexander had been feeding Leo a portion of the souls harvested from their hunts to fuel his growth. The remaining souls were carefully preserved to create Magic Energy Growth Potions, a concept Alexander had recently defined. These potions significantly enhanced the efficiency of soul consumption, offering a superior method of increasing their magic energy.

In a mere two months, Alexander's magic energy had surged to over ninety, edging ever closer to the coveted one hundred mark.

With Leo nearing maturity and the spoils from the Van Helsing world nearly absorbed, Alexander couldn't help but feel the allure of exploring other realms.

After his return from the Van Helsing world, Alexander came to a realization. The Abyssal Gates appeared to connect to parallel worlds. However, the supposed "main characters" of these worlds were far from invulnerable, suggesting that they were not true main characters. Instead, they seemed to be unique individuals born at specific junctures in the evolution of these worlds. Even if these individuals ceased to exist, their worlds would persist and evolve independently.

Alexander speculated that these phenomena were somehow related to humanity. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a connection between the transformation and materialization of the objects he drew and the materialization of all information.

Human imagination was boundless, and their fantasies often gave rise to a wealth of information. These fantasies, when visualized, could give birth to entities such as angels and demons. Over time, these fantastical beings began to populate various fantasy worlds. In turn, these worlds influenced and reinforced human beliefs in these entities. Souls, as the connecting thread between humans, angels, and demons, seemed to play a vital role in this complex interplay.

Alexander pondered these ideas but acknowledged that they were mere hypotheses. To unravel these mysteries, he would need to further explore the Abyss, the human world, and even the Angel world.

A few days later, Alexander stumbled upon a new summoning altar with Leo. This marked the fourth altar they had encountered, nestled between two adjacent mountain valleys.

"Leo, jump up!" Alexander beckoned, stepping onto the altar and signaling for his faithful companion to join him. Alexander seated himself near the edge of the magic formation, with Leo taking his place beside him.

Silently, Alexander awaited the activation of the magic formation, anticipating the summoning of a demon. Uncertainty clouded his thoughts regarding whether he could bring Leo along. While Leo was a hellhound, he was not of the demon race, raising questions about his eligibility through the Abyssal Gates. Even if Leo could be summoned, the effectiveness of the Ouroborus Mark remained an unknown factor.

As an experimental venture, Alexander decided to proceed cautiously. If Leo couldn't accompany him, he would decline the contract and return, waiting patiently for his companion to reach full adulthood before embarking on interdimensional travels. In the interim, he could entrust Leo with guarding the altar and fending off any nearby demons in case of his absence. In this preliminary endeavor, offerings were not a matter of concern.

The stage was set for a new exploration, and Alexander braced himself for whatever awaited beyond the swirling mists of the Abyssal Gates.

As Alexander ventured deeper into his exploration of the realms beyond the Abyss, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending vigilance. These new worlds often harbored the age-old enemies of demons—the angels. While they might not necessarily cross paths, Alexander remained cautious. He couldn't forget that he had previously outwitted Gabriel, taking one of his soul fragments. It was essential for Alexander to remain prepared in case he encountered a stronger incarnation of the archangel.

Alexander was well aware that weaker incarnations of angels, akin to Van Helsing, were a rare sight. Additionally, if a fragment of an angel's soul left its incarnation, Heaven's divine light would immediately retrieve it. Gabriel would sense any threat to the soul fragment and descend to protect it. Thus, the fact that Alexander had successfully brought back the soul fragment was nothing short of miraculous.

Demons had managed to acquire angelic souls before, giving rise to fallen angels. However, obtaining souls at the level of Gabriel was an exceedingly rare occurrence, one in ten thousand. Alexander knew he had luck on his side, but he was undeniably on Heaven's blacklist. If caught, he would undoubtedly face dire consequences, so he couldn't afford to be careless.

The wait was not overly lengthy before the magic formation on the altar flickered to life. Alexander wasted no time, hugging Leo close and positioning himself within the magical array.

On the other side of the Gate of the Abyss, a potent and fiery aura greeted him. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, strangely mixed with another odor, creating an unsettling combination unlike anything he had encountered before.

This trip was merely an experiment for Alexander, so he didn't dwell on the peculiar scent. He promptly responded to the summons, and as the mist from the Gate of the Abyss enveloped him, he realized with delight that Leo was disappearing alongside him. It appeared that he could indeed bring his loyal companion through the Gate of the Abyss.

Leo, though visibly nervous, barked in response to this unfamiliar experience. It was his first encounter with the Gate of the Abyss, and he clung to his master, Alexander.

The dazzling light shifted from brightness to dimness and back to brightness as they traversed the gateway. When the journey concluded, Alexander found himself in an entirely foreign environment.

He stood within another magical formation, surrounded by searing heat that initially led him to believe he was still in the Abyss. Clutching Leo in his arms, Alexander noted that the repulsive force of this new world was less intense than the one they had left behind.

As Alexander contemplated these differences in his surroundings, a voice abruptly pierced the air beside him.

"Ohhhhh! It seems a demon other than a hellhound has been summoned! How peculiar. Does he also have a fondness for the scent of blood mixed with griffon urine?"

Alexander turned his head to locate the source of the voice and was left utterly flabbergasted.

The voice belonged to a demon—an unmistakable humanoid figure with crimson skin. This demon brandished a leather whip, wore a black steel helmet concealing its face, and sported two imposing black horns that protruded from the helmet. Although it lacked wings, the creature exuded the aura of smoldering sulfur, unmistakably marking it as a demon.

What astounded Alexander most was the palpable sense of suppression he felt in the presence of this demon. It left him feeling distinctly uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was his prolonged scrutiny, but the demon grew increasingly uncomfortable and swiftly lashed out with his whip, barking at Alexander, "What are you gawking at? Hurry up and step out of the magical formation!"


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