
Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Alexander's life was ordinary until he saved a mother and child from a drunk driver. Suddenly thrust into a bewildering world, where he discovered the Ultimate Demon King System. With it, he could bring anything to life by exchanging souls. Alexander embarked on a thrilling adventure, crafting fantastical creations and facing both allies and enemies. But as he delved deeper the darkness kept calling to him. Will he succumb to the darkness and become the Ultimate Demon King? Stay Tuned To Find Out. ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Reality Is Cruel...

The first soul came to Alexander almost as if it had a sign saying, "Take me, I'm yours!" The opponent put up hardly any resistance, making it a rare and effortless victory. Opportunities like this were few and far between, and Alexander wanted to make the most of it by gathering a few more souls to spare. But as he turned his head around, he stumbled upon something that left him embarrassed and envious.

"No way," he muttered to himself, scratching his head. "The number of demon eggs that couldn't hatch on the beach was relatively small, and yet there are so many little demons running around now. In such a short span of time, all the devil eggs were snatched away!"

The demon egg he had managed to find was still a stroke of luck due to its proximity. But now, as he tried to locate another one, he spotted several demons in the distance engaged in a fierce battle over a single egg.

Witnessing this scene, Alexander's heart skipped a beat. The Demon Clan's reproductive methods gave him an ominous hunch once again. Those powerful little demons who couldn't claim a devil egg would surely turn their attention to the weaker ones that had already hatched, right?

Observing their feeble arms and skinny calves, Alexander couldn't shake off the feeling that his luck was about to take a turn for the worse.

"No, I have to find a way!" he exclaimed, a sense of urgency flooding his thoughts. Without wasting any time, Alexander summoned a private custom interface, determined to equip himself with a weapon.

Although he was born a demon, Alexander's human way of thinking still prevailed. His first instinct was to acquire a firearm. He pondered for a moment and decided to draw a pistol on the blank page of the interface of his system. Since he had no mouse to operate with, he resorted to using the brush tool, engaging in a somewhat clumsy hand-painted operation.

As Alexander sketched his weapon of choice, he couldn't help but acknowledge his limited knowledge when it came to firearms. Aside from the occasional gunplay during his college military training, he knew little about them. That's why he settled on drawing a revolver.

The revolver had its advantages—simple mechanical structure, robustness, and reliable performance. It rarely malfunctioned or jammed, even in the face of faulty ammunition.

Alexander yearned for a more sophisticated, sleek, and modern firearm, but the thought of relying on such a weapon in a life-or-death situation made him uneasy. Thus, the humble revolver seemed more fitting for a rookie like him.

But reality is cruel...

Alexander stood with a mix of frustration and determination etched on his face. His hands gripped the unfinished revolver, its metal surface devoid of any vibrant color. The passage of time had left it dull and lifeless, and it appeared more like a misshapen stick-like graffiti than a masterpiece.

Alexander knew that the creative process often involved multiple revisions and adjustments. Undeterred by the disheartening sight, he reached for his trusty auxiliary line tool, ready to breathe life into the gun with a few strategic strokes and vibrant hues. The paintbrush trembled with anticipation in his hand as he prepared to transform the crooked creation into a work of art.

Just as Alexander was about to begin, a peculiar noise shattered the silence behind him. "Oh!" he exclaimed, his body freezing in place. He swiftly turned around, his eyes widening as he saw the source of the commotion. It was none other than the mischievous four-eyed little demon he had encountered earlier.

This devilish creature had recently indulged in the pleasure of devouring souls. While it had initially sought to continue its feast by hunting the unhatched eggs of other demons, it had been unable to obtain them. However, in its anger-fueled distraction, the four-eyed little demon noticed the intriguing soul light floating beside Alexander.

Amidst the frenzy of other demons greedily scavenging for souls, Alexander stood out like a shimmering firefly in the night. The four-eyed little demon, captivated by the radiant soul light, fixated its four eyes on the captivating spectacle. Its mouth watered with anticipation, its jagged teeth glistening as droplets of saliva dripped to the ground.

Demons possessed a formidable digestive system, requiring sustenance from blood and souls. Yet, if given the choice, most demons would undoubtedly prefer the ethereal essence of a soul over mere blood. And now, with Alexander turning around, the greed in the four-eyed little demon's eyes intensified.

Intuition and instinct guided the demon, whispering to it that the feeble creature before it was an easy target. With a single strike, it could claim not one, but two souls.

Alexander's earlier hunch proved true, as several powerful little demons lurking on the beach had failed to secure their own soul meals. Now, they hungrily eyed the weaker individuals, repeating the same scene unfolding between Alexander and the four-eyed little demon in various pockets of the shoreline.


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