
Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Alexander's life was ordinary until he saved a mother and child from a drunk driver. Suddenly thrust into a bewildering world, where he discovered the Ultimate Demon King System. With it, he could bring anything to life by exchanging souls. Alexander embarked on a thrilling adventure, crafting fantastical creations and facing both allies and enemies. But as he delved deeper the darkness kept calling to him. Will he succumb to the darkness and become the Ultimate Demon King? Stay Tuned To Find Out. ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Noble Soul

Demon blood? So that's it!

Alexander finally heard the crucial piece of information from Dracula. This was his underlying motive for coming to look for Dracula.

Although Dracula became a vampire and could wreak havoc in this small town, his power was only sufficient to deal with ordinary humans. He himself understood that his so-called power was actually nothing much. Otherwise, how could he have spent more than four hundred years in a remote town on the edge of Eastern Europe without expanding his territory?

Garlic, holy water, silver stakes, and fear of sunlight were just some of the things that could harm a vampire. He was merely a vampire transformed by a low-rank demon and had innate weaknesses in his bloodline.

Alexander did not expect that a low-rank demon who could not use magic power could actually use demon blood to give to humans extraordinary powers.

But after hearing Dracula say this, Alexander suddenly felt that this was natural. You could just look at the low-rank demons living in the upper Abyss, and you would understand. Demon blood seemed to have very strong compatibility and could combine with any type of bloodline, to the extent of ignoring reproductive isolation. Even bug-type and bird-type demons had appeared. Compared to this, was it not simpler to combine with human bloodlines?

Maybe even the bloodline of angels was compatible with it. Alexander had heard many legends about angel and demon hybrids.

Demons were strong by nature. When demon blood flowed in human blood vessels, the demon blood would cause changes to the human body. However, there were differences in what kind of monsters they would become. This was perhaps due to the complicated bloodlines of demons giving the blood, so the final characteristics of the humans were different.

This was a very good method for Alexander because he did not want to consume his souls to fulfill the wishes of the contractors. To him, souls had more important uses. Not only could he use them in the system interface to transform himself, but he could also devour the souls to increase his magic energy. Having to eat and use the souls made him feel that there was never enough, so he felt that using them to fulfill contracts would be a waste.

Things would be easier now that he knew that demon blood had such a wonderful use.

There were only a few things that summoners wanted: power, life, and maybe a handful who summoned a demon to help them fight. To these people who wished for power and life, Alexander only needed to give them a little of his demon blood to fulfill the contract in the future. This way, he would not need to waste his souls on them.

After finding out what he had wanted to know the most, Dracula was useless to Alexander. He was not interested in killing someone soulless, so he just said, "Relax. The one who summoned me wasn't someone from the Villelis family, nor am I here to deal with you!"

With that, Alexander jumped straight onto the second floor of the hall and climbed toward the dome-shaped window to leave.

Seeing that Alexander was trying to leave, Dracula was dumbfounded and shouted, "Wait! Wait! Are you leaving just like that?!"

"If not, what am I going to stay here for?" Alexander did not even look back.

"Wait, Your Excellency!" Dracula hurriedly said, "Please wait! Regardless of who summoned you, can you sign a contract with me since you're here?"

Alexander stopped and looked back at Dracula. "Contract? What contract do you want to sign? It's not to restore your human body, is it?"

"No, no!" Dracula helplessly said, "I was just ranting earlier. I understand that even though I have no heartbeat and have lost most of my senses, this represents that I still have my strength. I'd really die if I were to restore my human body."

"Oh? Looks like you're not too stupid!" Alexander mocked.

"The contract I want to sign with you isn't about me!" Dracula said. "It's about my children! Perhaps it's because we're living dead that my brides can't give birth to an alive baby. I've tried countless methods for the last few hundred years but to no avail. Since you come from the Abyss of Hell, can you please help me? If demon blood can resurrect me, then it should also let my children live!"

Alexander's tail shook unconsciously, and he mused a little before asking, "So, what is the price? Dracula, what can you pay?"

"All of this!"Dracula became excited upon recognizing Alexander's willingness. "Soul, blood, whatever I have, I am willing to use to pay the price!"

"Soul? Do you even still have a soul?" Alexander sneered. "Your soul has long been offered to the demon you signed a contract with."

"Then use someone else's!" Dracula said. "If you want, I can even slaughter the entire town and offer their souls to you!"

"Ha, hahaha!" Alexander could not help laughing when he heard this. "That's impossible! Dracula, haven't you realized in the past four hundred years that the people killed by you vampires don't have souls!"

Yes, Alexander had long discovered that not only Dracula but also all the vampires present were nothing but black and white tones in his demon eyes. They had all lost the radiance of their souls. It made sense if it was only Dracula because he had made a contract with a demon, but it was worth pondering over why the other vampires were also like this.

Alexander speculated that Dracula had been tricked when he signed the contract with that demon. Apart from transforming him into an undead, the souls of those whom vampires killed would automatically be offered to the demon.

In other words, that unknown demon had struck a huge deal with Dracula. It was as though Dracula was a stock, and as long as it held this stock, it would continuously receive soul dividends. It looked like that demon, although low-rank, definitely had higher intelligence.

Under these circumstances, how could Dracula still offer souls to Alexander? Even if he were to sign a new contract, he would have to give priority to the previous demon contract.

As for the idea of letting his human servants kill on his behalf, that was even more ludicrous. Those human servants had not entered into a contract with Alexander, so Alexander would be unable to obtain any of the souls from the people they killed.

Therefore, in Alexander's opinion, Dracula was unable to carry out a second demon contract. Otherwise, he could have summoned a demon to fulfill his wish instead of waiting until Alexander appeared before asking.

It was hard to tell whether Dracula wanted to trick a demon into giving him what he wanted. Had Alexander not known better and entered into a contract with him, Alexander would have given his demon blood for nothing because he would not have received a single soul in return…

Now, Alexander no longer minded using the greatest evil intentions to guess the minds of these demon summoners…

Just as Alexander thought that Dracula understood his predicament and would exercise restraint, Dracula was full of confidence as he unexpectedly suggested, "No! Your Excellency, I have a way to offer a soul to you. Furthermore, it's a noble soul!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Alexander expressed interest and suddenly jumped down to stand in front of Dracula. "A noble soul? You really have the means?"

Noble soul? This refers to a high-quality soul… or another type???

The fallen soul, noble soul, these two names sound like they're at the same standard. Alexander had previously smelled the aroma of a fallen soul in Lucius. What would a noble soul smell like?

Having malicious intentions and committing evil deeds will cause a soul to fall. Then how does a noble soul form?

Seeing Alexander's interest, Dracula spiritedly explained, "It's the soul of a descendant of the Villelis family. There are only two remaining descendants of the Villelis family. One is Anna, and the other is her brother, Viken. But now, Viken is in my hands. He was bitten by a werewolf and has turned into a one. I can threaten Anna using Viken. Tell her that as long as she sacrifices herself, I will let her brother go. Based on my understanding of Anna, she will very likely do so. The moment she sacrifices herself, a noble soul will be born!"

"What do you think, Your Excellency?" Dracula asked exuberantly. "Noble souls like this will only be born in pure, kind, and self-sacrificing people. Without me laying a finger on her, her soul won't be offered to the other demon. And most importantly, because the Villelis family ancestor swore that before they killed me, the Villelis family descendants won't be allowed to enter Heaven. Heaven won't accept even the most noble souls, and the soul will stay in the mortal world. At that point, you only need to appear and take this noble soul!"

Dracula thought that after his explanation, Alexander would feel assured and agree to it, but unexpectedly, Alexander reflected upon it instead.

"No!" Alexander shook his head. "If the oath of the Villelis family is true, then not to mention the noble soul, once you die one day, Heaven will welcome all of the Villelis family souls, including those that you had offered to that demon. I may have to spit back out the soul at that time!"

"That isn't possible. Once Anna dies, I will kill Viken. The Villelis family will then be left without descendants and unable to fulfill the oath. It won't affect you taking the soul!" Dracula smiled. "Furthermore, not all Villelis family members can go to Heaven. At least, I and the other one who summoned a demon and became a werewolf to kill me won't be able to. God does not tolerate the use of the power of demons. The Villelis family ancestor's oath has a loophole!"

"Really?" Alexander said lazily, "Let's wait until you get it done first! It's useless to say any more now!"

With that, Alexander climbed to the second floor again, preparing to leave.

"Your Excellency, how can I find you if I do it?" Dracula asked quickly.

"Go to the mayor of Transylvania. He's the one who summoned me!" Alexander did not hesitate to give Lucius away!

Dracula looked at Alexander's departing shadow and shouted to show his determination, "I will definitely do it. I swear!"


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