
Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Alexander's life was ordinary until he saved a mother and child from a drunk driver. Suddenly thrust into a bewildering world, where he discovered the Ultimate Demon King System. With it, he could bring anything to life by exchanging souls. Alexander embarked on a thrilling adventure, crafting fantastical creations and facing both allies and enemies. But as he delved deeper the darkness kept calling to him. Will he succumb to the darkness and become the Ultimate Demon King? Stay Tuned To Find Out. ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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First Kill

As if time had conspired, the eggs of the devil began to crack open simultaneously, giving birth to groups of malevolent creatures. The scene reminded Alexander of his childhood fascination with Jurassic Park, where he would eagerly watch as dinosaurs hatched from their eggs. But this spectacle before him was far more sinister. As the little demons emerged from their shells, the once serene beach transformed into a nightmarish birthing ground for monsters.

These newborn demons displayed a bewildering array of shapes. Some resembled Alexander himself, humanoid creatures with a wicked glint in their eyes. Others resembled wild beasts, crawling on all fours with untamed ferocity. And there were even insect-like demons, their bodies adorned with multifaceted exoskeletons, some equipped with wings that allowed them to take flight right from birth. It seemed that demonkind encompassed a wide range of races and forms.

Not only did they differ in shape, but their skin colors also varied. Most of them bore black and red skin, exuding an aura of malevolence. Yet there were those with dark gray or cyan hues, while some possessed a tough, calloused outer layer, resembling an armored carapace.

Alexander noticed a stark contrast between his own birth and the current state of these little demons. When he had emerged from his egg, his body had been moist and covered in ample mucus, while these newborn demons appeared relatively dry, with minimal traces of the protective substance. Furthermore, upon comparing himself to demons of similar skin color, he realized that he was smaller and physically weaker than them. Could this be a consequence of his premature delivery?

As Alexander observed the environment, the actions of the little demons filled him with horror. Without delay, they began devouring their own eggshells, creating a cacophony of rustling and crunching sounds that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest individuals afflicted with trypophobia.

But their savagery didn't stop there. Alexander witnessed a particularly disturbing act committed by a black-skinned demon with a greasy face, sporting four eyes on its forehead and a short tail behind it. This little demon, after feasting on its eggshell and patting its belly, picked up a cooled lava stone with its hands and leaped toward the beach near the sea.

Among the untouched eggs lying on the beach, the little demon targeted one, raised the stone high above its head, and mercilessly smashed it upon the eggshell. The shell cracked instantly, and with a few more strikes, the eggshell shattered, exposing a helpless little demon within. Yet, to the dismay of the trapped demon, its assailant showed no mercy. The four-eyed little demon continued to rain down blows upon the defenseless creature, obliterating any chance of survival.

Alexander couldn't help but realize the grim reality unfolding before him. It seemed to be the law of survival in the demon world — a ruthless existence where even fellow demons showed no kinship. He turned his gaze and noticed many demons completing their own acts of barbarism.

They too sought out stones from the ground, weaponizing them to destroy the unhatched eggs of their brethren, ensuring none survived. Their grotesque actions were accompanied by slapping palms and gleeful, mocking laughter, as if they were partaking in a macabre game.

Even in their larval state, these demons exhibited cruelty and a propensity for murder. It became evident to Alexander that this was a common trait among their kind. The tales of demons being linked to the consumption of souls suddenly made sense.

As Alexander witnessed the demonic slaughter, he spotted an opportunity to secure his first soul. It lay in those trapped within the eggshells, unable to escape. As a frail and premature demon himself, Alexander sensed the urgency toincrease his chances of survival. He knew that in this demon world, only the strong would prevail. Alexander couldn't be certain if the nearby little demons saw him as an easy target, so he had to seize every opportunity to bolster his own power.

With determination in his eyes, Alexander swiftly grabbed a rock and sprinted toward an untouched demon egg. His heart raced as he lifted the stone and struck the eggshell with all his might, causing the first crack to appear. Undeterred, he continued to deliver precise blows, clicking twice more until the eggshell finally shattered. The viscous egg liquid spilled out, revealing a black, worm-like demon with sharp mandibles. Instinctively, the creature writhed in an attempt to escape its impending doom.

Alexander's grip tightened on the rock as he confronted the grotesque creature. Determined to end its suffering, he aimed for the position closest to the sharp mandibles, imagining it as the creature's head. With gritted teeth and a conflicted mind, Alexander struck the blow, reducing the worm demon to a mixture of white slurry and purple demon blood. The sight was nauseating, but Alexander knew he had achieved his goal.

Having completed his first kill, Alexander collected a faint and diminutive soul light group from the deceased worm demon. Its quality seemed lacking, but it fulfilled the requirements for painting and preservation. It appeared that he could finally undergo the process of soul strengthening.

As Alexander held the soul in his hands, a mix of emotions washed over him. Disgust, awe, and a sense of accomplishment mingled together. He couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the possibilities that lay ahead. With his newfound strength, he hoped to survive and thrive in this brutal realm of demons.

However, amidst the chaos and the grotesque acts of his fellow demons, Alexander couldn't help but question the nature of their existence. Was their relentless violence simply a manifestation of the devil's instinctual survival mechanism? Or was there something more sinister at play?

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Alexander steeled himself for the challenges ahead. He had taken the first step on his path to power, and he knew that in this unforgiving demon world, his survival depended on his ability to adapt, grow, and ultimately harness the souls of his fallen brethren.


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