
Demon Dragon system

(I will be using this synopsis for the mean time, till I think of something more captivating, but I assure that this is a promising novel so give it a try). *** "Hunt or be hunted," is the only way for humans to survive in this world. Monsters are evading the city, the world has merged, and portals sprout everywhere. To prevent the invasion of monsters, humanity must clear these portals on a regular basis. If humanity is successful in killing a creature in the portals, they will be granted special abilities and can use their core to upgrade their levels. Christopher's first portal adventure turned into a nightmare as he was tortured by monsters. He miraculously wound up in a hospital. [Ding...You have gained a system.] Christopher used the system to strengthen himself, only to discover that the world is gearing up for something far more massive. Will humanity perish if Christopher fails to defeat this unknown threat?

AOT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Christopher slowly opens his eyes.

"Where am I?" He asked, feeling so lightheaded.

"Goblins!" He screamed, immediately sitting upright.

"Huh?" He felt confused when he looked around but found himself in a hospital.

"Wait... how did I get here? Wasn't I being tortured?" He thought, feeling perplexed about how he is now in the hospital, everything felt like a dream to him.

[Ding, welcome to the Demon Dragon system ]

"What's this?" Christopher was shocked to find a blue, transparent screen floating in front of him.

On the screen, he saw a picture of himself, and underneath was some kind of digits he did not understand.

A man in a white lab coat and two huge men in black suits walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Christopher, "I am glad that you are finally awake."

"What do you mean, doctor?" Christopher asked.

"You have been unconscious for two weeks now," the doctor replied.

"Two weeks!" Christopher yelled in a surprised tone.

(Cough) The men in black coughed so that the doctor could allow them to talk.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. Christopher, these young men are here to see you," the doctor said, pointing at the guys in his back, and he stepped aside.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Christopher," one of the men in black said.

"Good afternoon," he responded.

"First of all, we are here to congratulate you for making it alive on the red portal," the man said.

The other guy walked forward towards Christopher, holding a briefcase.

He opened the briefcase.

The other guy then continued, "According to the government promise, here is the sum of $1 million."

Christopher was overjoyed when he saw the huge sum of cash, right in front of him, but he was confused about what they meant by red portal, "Didn't I enter the blue color portal".

The men in black noticed Christopher's expression.

"When you and the rest enter, the blue portal changes to the color red, and we have discovered that each grade of color depends on the danger that lies in such portals," the man who spoke first earlier said.

"At first, we didn't know the difference between each portal, but thanks to those that went to explore the portal and do research, we discovered that those that went to the white and yellow portal came out unharmed; the same also goes for those that went into the green and blue portal, although they came out late and some were injured but not severely; sadly, those that went to the red portal, only a few or none came out at all," the man holding the briefcase said.

" Mr. Christopher, you are the only one that survived in the red portal among others that also went to different red portals," the other man said.

Christopher heard this news and was stunned—no wonder why the difficulty of the portal was higher.

"Pardon us, Mr. Christopher, but we noticed that everyone that went in each portal gained some kind of class or ability; we are wondering if you also manage to gain any superpowers," the men in black asked.

"No, I don't think I gain any kind of power or class." Christopher lied, not wanting to expose the blue floating screen in front of him, which seems invisible to others.

"Are you sure, sir?" One of them asked again.

"Yes, I am sure," Christopher said.

"If you don't mind, can you kindly place your hand on this crystal" one of the men said.

"What's that?" Christopher questioned.

"It's one of the discoveries made in the expedition, this is a magic crystal that detect a human magic power" They explained.

"Alright then" Christopher said, placing is hand on the transparent white crystal.

The Crystal orb didn't react when Christopher touched it, If a human gain an ability and depending on what rank the Crystal will shine brilliantly according to the power level.

'I guess I was expecting too much from him anyways, If he had powers, he would immediately be payed to work for the government' the man holding the Crystal thought.

"Is there anything wrong?" Christopher asked.

"No, sorry for suspecting" the man said.

"Alright then, should we hand you your money now or send it to your bank account?" the man in black holding the briefcase asked.

"Please transfer the money to my bank account," Christopher said. He doesn't want to hold a briefcase when returning home; who knows what might happen.

"Alright then, thank you for your time, Mr. Christopher," the two men in black both said and left.

It was just the doctor and Christopher in the room.

The doctor examined Christopher's body while jotting something down.

"You will be discharged tomorrow," the doctor said after the checkup and left also.

Now Christopher can finally check what the "blue screen" is all about.

[Ding! Welcome to the Demon Dragon system,] a beautiful robotic female voice rang in his ear one more time.

Underneath his profile, he saw a list of information.

[Name: Christopher]

[Class: None]

[Ability: None]

[Level: F]

[Exp: 0]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 5]

[Stamina: 15]

[Mission: Daily push-ups]

[Note: Failure to complete any of the missions given to the host will result in punishment.]

Christopher was stunned not only by the fact that he gained a system but also by the punishment, but he was happy at the same time. He had read many web novels on how systems help their hosts grow stronger and reach the top of the world.

"Do you want to unlock the beginner reward?" the system asked.

"Open," he said.

A wheel appeared in front of him, and immediately the wheel started rolling fast. After a while, the wheel stopped spinning, and the arrow landed on Dragon.

[Congratulations, host! You have unlocked the first bloodline. Do you want to merge with the bloodline?]


Wow! Christopher was really surprised and happy that his luck chose the dragon bloodline.

"Yes," Christopher said, pressing the yes option without wasting much time.

[Integrating the bloodline with the host]


[Merging successful]

Christopher didn't feel anything special after that happened; he only felt stronger a bit.

The system then displayed it right in front of him again, and he was surprised by the new information.

[Name: Christopher]

[Class: ???]

[Dragon Ability: Fire; lesser dragon transformation]

[Level: E]

[Exp: 4]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 25]

[Fire: ability to control flame and heat]

[Lesser dragon transformation: ability to transform into a lesser dragon creature]

Wow! Christopher was impressed with the abilities that he gained and couldn't wait to test them out. He felt like he had been dragged into a fantasy world.

After knowing more about the system and having an understanding of how it works, he immediately got up from his bed and started doing push ups. He is not willing to find out what kind of punishment the system means.

After a while, he couldn't continue anymore; he was sweating profusely from the push-up.

[Ding...Reward 5 Exp]