
Demon Dragon system

(I will be using this synopsis for the mean time, till I think of something more captivating, but I assure that this is a promising novel so give it a try). *** "Hunt or be hunted," is the only way for humans to survive in this world. Monsters are evading the city, the world has merged, and portals sprout everywhere. To prevent the invasion of monsters, humanity must clear these portals on a regular basis. If humanity is successful in killing a creature in the portals, they will be granted special abilities and can use their core to upgrade their levels. Christopher's first portal adventure turned into a nightmare as he was tortured by monsters. He miraculously wound up in a hospital. [Ding...You have gained a system.] Christopher used the system to strengthen himself, only to discover that the world is gearing up for something far more massive. Will humanity perish if Christopher fails to defeat this unknown threat?

AOT · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Red Samaara Dune

(Shameless Author: Hi guys, I just wanna check up on my favorite readers and ask if you are enjoying the book so far, if so then don't forget to vote my book with power stones like seriously I am tired of not receiving no power stones from you guys and voting myself each time and drop a review this will encourage others to read it also, gat's questions then let me know in the comments section.Don't forget to recommend this book to other readers if you find it worthy. Thank you for your time and happy reading).


Fortunately, the team was able to safely exit the portal before it closed; others who didn't know were forced out, and the portal then vanished completely, as if it had never existed.

Outside, the team noticed some activity.

"Wait, who finally cleared the portal?"

"More Portals!"

"We're all still low-level hunters, so how the hell will someone defeat the final boss?"

"Yes, the boss is always one level higher than the portal rank."

"A rank E portal will always have a rank D boss in it."

"Why was I thrown out of the portal?"

"The portal is no longer there."

"Thank God."

"So defeating the portal can make the portal disappear," the crowd began to speculate.

"What's going on?" Peter was taken aback by how loud everything was.

Everyone noticed Peter and Zack, who were holding a large canine tooth.

"Everyone look, I think they're the ones who defeated the portal's final boss," a random guy exclaimed, pointing to Peter and Zack.

Everyone gathered around them and began to praise and question them.

No one noticed Christopher, who was at the back of the team, which was exactly what he wanted, so he quietly left the place.

The news reporter on the scene quickly arrived and began questioning Peter's team.

"So, how did you do it?"

"How was it fighting the final boss?"

"Is that the boss's canine tooth?"

Cameras and video recorders were everywhere; they felt like celebrities, which they did not like, especially since they did not kill the boss.

"Please calm down, everyone," Lizzy said.

"Yeah, the person who killed the boss isn't us; it's actually," Ana said, turning around to look for Christopher.

"Where did he go?" Ana inquired, drawing the attention of others as well.

"I suppose he doesn't want the whole world to know about him," Peter speculated.

"Everyone, we aren't the ones who truly killed the boss, but we did assist and partake in the battle," Zack said with his chest raised, surprising Peter and the others with his shameless attitude.

"Who murdered the boss, and where is he now?" People were interested to learn more.

While everyone else was debating who would kill the boss and guessing the person's rank, Peter and his team took advantage of the opportunity to flee the crowd and head to the hunter's hall.


Christopher got home, went to the kitchen, got a glass of water, and sat on his couch in the living room.

He was a little tired from the fight with the three-headed wolf not long ago because he expended a lot of energy defeating it.

After some rest, he decided to check the system.

"System," he said, unsure how to activate the system.

"Okay, Demon Dragon System, let's try again." Still nothing; the system did not respond.

"Eh...Activate" "Just f**king work."

He kept trying different ways to get the system to respond.

"Calm down, Chris; getting angry won't help," he advised.

"My beautiful system, I just want to check something," he said, trying to persuade it, but nothing happened.

"Status," he tried one more time before giving up.

[Ding... Demon Dragon system activated]


[Name: Christopher]

[Class: ???]

[Rank: D]

[Strength: 60]

[Agility: 50]

[Stamina: 70]

[Dragon ability: Fire; lesser dragon transformation]

[Subskills: Blazing Emperor Sword, Raging Fire Wall, Blazing Speed, Dragon Breath]

"Well, that was simple; why hadn't I thought of it first?" 

"Cool, I really got those skills," he exclaimed, pleased.

Christopher yawned and covered his mouth, feeling sleepy.

He entered his bedroom and quickly dozed off in his single-size bed.

[Ding…. Remainder for the daily quest]

[Time remaining: 3 hours]

[Failure to complete mission: Punishment]

Christopher had fallen into a deep slumber while the system displayed all of this, oblivious to the system's prompt for a quest reminder.

After three hours, Christopher, who was still asleep, was included in the list of objects that started to float and spin. Then, the scene was altered.

[Ding!…Times up]

[Warning: Failed to complete today's quest]

[Punishment: Survive in the Red Samaara Dune]

[Abilities locked]

[Time frame: six hours]

Why does the room suddenly get warm? The heated weather woke Christopher awake from his beauty slumber.

"Hold on, "Where am I?" He yelled, "When he opened his eyes, he was in an unusual setting that clearly wasn't his bedroom.

Red sand was present throughout. A number of system notifications were hovering in front of him when he looked up.

[Daily mission for today failed].

"Sh8t!" Christopher sat up as the system instructed because he had forgotten to perform his daily pushups.

(Roarggh!!!) Christopher looked back to see what had created that noise right away.

He observed a huge worm with a sucker mouth full of many, razor-sharp teeth.

[Ding! A B-rank sandworm has appeared]

Survive for the next six hours. All abilities locked]

"Crap! "I'm toast," he said as he got to his feet and started running as quickly as he could. As he did so, the sandworm dove into the ground and started chasing after him, sending the ground rumbling.

The enormous sandworm pursued him despite his continuous running for over two hours.

The two hours seemed to last forever.

The adrenaline surging through his body started to fail him as he was out of breath.

(Kreeeek!) He took a chance by heading in that direction after spotting two sizable centipedes off in the distance.

"System storage!"

The system interface appeared, displaying the location of his item storage.

When he approached the centipedes, he instantly pulled out the wolf meat.

(Kreeeek!!) When they caught sight of him, the big centipedes scurried in his direction.

Dave flung the wolf's meat up as the enormous worm emerged from the sand, and then he dove below.

The worm and the centipedes were both drawn to the meat, and they each made an effort to take it first.

The two monster species engaged in combat as a result of the event, with the centipedes banding together to attack the worm.

Christopher was happy that his strategy had succeeded; the monsters had not noticed him go, so he had ample time.

As soon as possible, Christopher left to look for a safer place to spend the next four hours.

In the middle of the Red Desert, he came across a cave. At first, he was suspicious, but by this point, he was too exhausted to care and needed to find refuge before another monster showed up.

When he entered the cave, he questioned why it was so dim and soggy. also soft, but it's also rather warm. He sat down, feeling sleepy from exhaustion but forced himself to stay awake in case a monster appeared, saying, "I will stay here for now."

If only he had known that he was lodged in the gaping maw of a sleeping monster, but on the plus side, no other monsters dared venture there.

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