
Demon Dragon system

(I will be using this synopsis for the mean time, till I think of something more captivating, but I assure that this is a promising novel so give it a try). *** "Hunt or be hunted," is the only way for humans to survive in this world. Monsters are evading the city, the world has merged, and portals sprout everywhere. To prevent the invasion of monsters, humanity must clear these portals on a regular basis. If humanity is successful in killing a creature in the portals, they will be granted special abilities and can use their core to upgrade their levels. Christopher's first portal adventure turned into a nightmare as he was tortured by monsters. He miraculously wound up in a hospital. [Ding...You have gained a system.] Christopher used the system to strengthen himself, only to discover that the world is gearing up for something far more massive. Will humanity perish if Christopher fails to defeat this unknown threat?

AOT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Final boss

As they got closer, the gate opened.

(Roarggh!) A massive three-headed wolf was seen fighting a swarm of humans.

|This boss is insanely powerful!|

| |Damn, I think we should give up and try everything we can to escape|. While fighting the boss, the other team's hunters were having a difficult time.

|Run for your life; we might die if we stay here any longer|. The other team attempted to flee, but the three-headed wolf wouldn't let them go as they pleased; the team was eliminated in the blink of an eye.

"Damn! " Is that a boss of rank E Portal? "It appears to be terrifying," Ana said.

"Portal boss usually have higher level than the portal Rank" Peter said.

"Let's go back before we end up like the previous team," Zack said.

The three heads noticed them and turned to face them.

"It's too late," Christopher said.

"I guess we'll have to fight it; it's been nice getting to know you guys," Peter said as he unsheathed his sword.

[Ding!...Kill the dungeon boss]

"Please step back; I don't want you guys holding me back," Christopher said.

"Huh?" They were all perplexed.

'I need to be more creative with my use of fire,' he thought, before feeling a wave of information in his mind.

"Raging flame wall!" he yelled as he stormed to his feet. Fires erupted from the ground, creating a barrier between Christopher and Peter's team, leaving him alone with the boss.

"Hey, don't be reckless!" Lizzy yelled from the other end, attempting to stop him, but the flame rose high, obstructing her vision.

Christopher yelled, raising his hand, "Blazing emperor sword!"

Flames erupted everywhere in the air, joining to form a sword.

Christopher dashed toward the three-headed wolf, clutching the flaming sword tightly.

(Roarggh!!) The dungeon boss roared as well, erupting in a burst of flames from its second head mouth.

Christopher jumped high to avoid the flames while attempting to cut the wolf in half with his sword.

The three-headed wolf quickly recognized the threat and used his tail to whip Christopher from the side.

(Bang!) Christopher collided with the ground.

"As expected from the final boss, my battle experience is nothing compared to yours," he said, standing on his knee and wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Blazing Speed" A continuous stream of fire erupted from his leg.

(Boom!) Christopher flew very fast toward the Wolf before the three-headed wolf could react in time.

Christopher slashed its left head off.

Christopher collapsed to the ground after using the skill.

He takes deep breaths, as the skill has depleted the majority of his energy.

(Roar!!!) In pain and rage, the boss roared.

When the boss stepped on the ground, it shook and cracked, splitting in two.

Christopher quickly left the area.

Christopher had nowhere to go because the boss was a spitfire everywhere.

Christopher shielded himself from the incoming flames with his sword.

"It sounds like he is up against it," Zack said.

"Do you think he can defeat the boss?" Lizzy asked. "No one has ever defeated the final boss of any portal before."

"All we have to do is believe in him, right?"

" Ana said, turning to face Peter, who remained silent, staring at the wall of fire.

[Ding... the boss is enraged]

[Rank: C]

With a red eye and a body covered in flames, the Wolf grew taller.

'Shit, this boss has finally gone insane; with its current rank, I am toast,' Christopher reasoned.

'It's time to put the second skill to the test.'

"Dragon transformation!" Christopher immediately activated his second power.

Scales grew all over his body, stopping at the neck, a tail emerged from his body, and his nails transformed into dragon claws.

Except for his lack of scales on his head, he resembles a massive humanoid lizard.

"It's time to end this," he said.

"Dragon breath!" Christopher expelled a massive flame in the shape of a dragon.

"Roar!!!" roared the flame dragon as it charged toward the dungeon boss.

The dungeon boss was already in rage mode and couldn't reason properly, so he countered the attack with his own.

(Roargh!!) The dungeon boss retaliated violently against the flame dragon.

(Boom!) The two collided violently, sending dust and critters flying everywhere.

When the dust settled, the three-headed wolf was discovered dead on the ground.

(Phew!) Christopher exhaled a sigh of relief and returned to his human form.

[Ding…. You triumphed over the final boss]


[All learned temporary skills have become permanent]

[10000 Exp]

[Raise in rank: D]

"Sweet, now I can use those skills freely and I have become a rank D hunter," Christopher said, feeling a powerful energy force flowing inside him that was more pure than when he killed the one or two headed wolves.

[Would you like to be the dungeon master?]


"What is a dungeon master?" Christopher inquired, surprised.

[The portal's ruler, also known as the final boss, is a dungeon master. The creatures will all respect and fear you once you become the master, and the portal can be upgraded with Exp points]

Following the explanation of the system, Christopher deliberated and chose option no. He doesn't want to waste time upgrading a dungeon right now; getting stronger is more important.

[The portal will collapse in sixty seconds, forcing everyone inside to leave]

The dungeon boss vanished, leaving a slew of items on the ground including wolf meat, a massive tooth, a fire attribute cloth, and booths.

Christopher examined the items "Hmm... I'm not sure if these monsters drop items or if it only applies to the boss. Anyway, these items appear to be useless to me, but I will take the fire attribute cloth and booths along side the meat "He said this while picking up the dropped items, leaving only the massive canine tooth.

[Would you like to keep the items in the system space? ]

"Wow, another cool function, this will save me a lot of stress, yes please," Christopher said.

The items in his hand vanished, and the system interface appeared, displaying the items.

The fire wall vanished when Christopher snapped his finger.

The others rushed over to see if he was okay.

"Christopher!" they all exclaimed as they dashed towards him.

"Are you all right, do you need any healing?" Ana inquired.

"No, I'm fine; I defeated the boss," Christopher explained.

"Wait, you really did?" Peter was stunned and thought, "Monster, what others can do, but he did it with ease." I must be friend with him.'

"Yup, anyway, it appears that after defeating a boss, they vanish and drop items," Christopher explained, pointing to the massive tooth.

"Wow," exclaimed the team.

"You can take it if you want, sell it, or turn it into a weapon if you want." said Christopher

Thanks. "I believe it would be better if we sold it and divided the proceeds equally," Peter suggested.

"In any case, the portal will close in thirty seconds." So we should leave right now," Christopher said.

Because the massive tooth was too heavy for one man alone, Peter and Zack carried it together as the team exited the boss room and headed for the portal's exit.


Outside the portal, unknown to Christopher when he cleared it. A massive word of letters appeared in the sky, above the yellow Portal.

{Congratulations on defeating your first portal boss, humans; you have proven your worth, and more portal grades will appear in the near future. Prepare!}