
Demolished Heart

“CALIMESA! ZEKE! MCKENNA!” Staring at their dead bodies, as I fight the hold of a guard; twists and turns as I continue to struggle, to break free, halting. Just behind their dead bodies is Lexa smirking, staring at her as the smirk never slips off. Her eyes challenging me to say something; feeling my anger grow as I snarl at her, thrashing around in the guard's arm once again, trying to get the conniving bitch.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Dragon Fight & More

Casey's eye widen in fear when she heard me growl. They nod their head; they peak their head out the door before signalling me to go. Slipping passed them, heading towards the area where they were pointing at; as they got in front of me when I sensed a spell coming- throwing my hands up.

"Oh, looky here, it seems there's a magic user.", the same female says.

Sniffing the air- Celia's coming, turning back to Casey but looking everywhere else, spotting a window hidden between the far left wall and the blast chiller. Casey begins shot spells at the female, keeping the shield up as I put my other hand back over the nose and mouth. As Celia's scent comes closer, it's now or never- making a mad dash towards the window, jumping over three tables, then grabbing the bar as I swing myself at the window. Landing on the ground, I take a deep breath when Cheryl speaks.

["Ruth, I need to concentrate."]

["Yeah, sure.", I say.]

["Think about your friend and image them with you."]

Doing as she says, I imagine Casey outside with me. A gust of wind comes next to me; opening my eyes, I see a confused Casy, grabbing their shoulder before looking all over their body as I use my senses, making sure they're okay.

"How did you commutate in my head?", they ask.

"That I don't know myself.", I say while shrugging..

"come on, we need to find Cody.", I say as I grab them.

Jumping up, I let my wings out as I throw Casey up and they land in-between my wings.

["Cody, where are you?", I ask in the link.]

["Heading to the kitchen.", he says.]

["DON'T! There's poison in there.", I state wearily.]

["Then meet us in my room.", he says before cutting the link.]

Heading towards the Eastside of the kingdom when Wyatt and Rebecca's scents coming by so blocking our scents while turning us invisible; once we're far enough away from them that Wyatt won't smell or see us, turning back visible and taking a glance at Casey to see them terrified, which is understandable. Flying through Cody's window, bending down towards the ground, Casey gets off as I lift.


Glancing where the sound came from to see a very shocked male. Tilting my head to the side as I stare at the person, before turning my attention to Cody.

"Why couldn't we go to the kitchen?", Ezra asks.

"There's poison inside.", Cody and I say together.

"Why is there poison?", Yuma asks.

"Someone who knows a thing or two about dragons gave it to Celia.", I answer.

"Do you know who the other person was?", Casey asks.

"Not a clue.", I state.

"There was another person?", Cody and Yuma ask.

"Yeah.", I state, confused.

"What did this person look like?", Yuma asks.

"Above average height, I think?", I say causational.

"you didn't get a good look at them?", Cody snap.

"NO! I was too bloody busy getting the fuck out of a situation that I could've died from.", I snapped back.

He growls as I do the same while he's raising his growl. I was going lower but deeper when he attack.



He rushes towards me as I bite and claw at him. Throwing him off, dashing towards with wings out. Biting and clawing at each other, taking a crunch out of his shoulder as he takes a crunch of my arm; breaking apart and growling at each other.




Throwing ourselves at each, as we continue to take pieces out of each other.

["Ruth, enough!"]

["Tell that to Cody!", I hissed.]

["You're in control?", Cheryl asks.]

["Am I not supposed to?", I asked.]

["Cody's not in control anymore.", she says.]

["Wonderful.", I say sarcasmly.]

Dodging the attack, quickly flipping him over and pinning him down.

"Yuma, talk to him.", I hissed.

"Cody, it's me.", she says.


She flinches back as I struggle to keep him down. Growl as he continues to struggle against me; lifting my head, making sure I make sure I make eye contact with Yuma before saying,

"You need to get close to him and talk to him.", I scream.

Hesitantly nodding her head as she caused moves closer to Cody but flinches when he gets a little too aggregative. Once she's sitting directly in front of Cody, she grabs his face and speaks.

"Hey love, I need you to give Cody back control, please."


Not losing my hold just in case he's faking it; nodding towards Yuma for her to continue.

"It's okay, I just need Cody.", she whispers.

When the scales disappear from his neck and arms, did I loosen the hold. Once all the scales are gone, did I get off him while Yuma helps him up.


"Dude, don't worry about.", I state.

Nodding his head, before leaning against Yuma more. Wanting to help, but something was telling me we would have to do this all over again; looking at Ezra, using my head towards them, he finally understood what I'm getting at as he rushes to Yuma.

"Quick question, but do you know what triggered you?", I ask.

"Huh? Oh... all I know is that... that you were talking to Yuma and then nothing.", he says.

Confused, I link Cheryl to see if she knows anything just before I actually messaged her. I notice something out of the corner of my eye. Heading towards the thing when I stopped as if there was a barrier stopping me. Tilting my head as I bring my hand to the barrier when a strong electric shock as I snatch my hand back.

"Ruth, you good?", Casey asks.

"Yeah, what makes you think otherwise?", I ask as I turn towards them while hiding my hand.

Confused, they shake their head and say,

"I must've seen wrong."

Nodding in understandment, I shove my injured hand into my pocket as I link Cheryl.

["Hey, do you know what would make a dragon go crazy? Also, what creature can shock someone with a barrier?]

["Not on the top of my head.", she says.]

["So research.", I say.]


["Where would I start?"]

["Ask around.", she says before cutting the link.]

Groaning, I make sure that I'm making eye contact with Yuma before asking, since Cheryl didn't actually answer my questions.

"Yuma, do you know anything that could make a dragon lose control?"

She shakes her head no, which makes me sigh and slouch against the wall.


"Ruth... are you still in control?", Casey asks hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'm in control.", I growl.

"So what was-"

"Why are you annoyed?", Ralph asks.

"Dude, when did you get here?", Yuma, Ezra, and Casey all ask.

"He's been in the corner watching.", Cody and I say.

"Also, why the fuck didn't you help me?", I growled.

He laughs nervously as he rubs the back of his neck before answering,

"About that... I'm afraid of Cody's dragon."

I stare at him in utter stupidity as I cross my arms, debating if I should hit him or just throw him out the bloody window. Smirking, I creepily head towards him while making sure that he doesn't see me and swiftly slapping the back of his head and grabbing him; dashing towards the window, I yeet him out.

"Couldn't pick.", Cody says.

Which I nod to; he shakes his head as we hear Ralph yelling his head off. Walking to the window again, I shut it so his voice is muffled.

"Does anyone know where I can find books I don't need to buy?", I ask.

"Can't you go to our library?", Cody asks.

"Have you seen our library?", I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He shakes his head no, making me cross my arms before glaring at him.

"I've seen our library. It's bloody empty. Not a single book in there."

"Jesus, what did they do with all those books?", Ezra asks.

"Are you asking me or just saying out loud?", I ask.

"Out loud."

"Mhm.", I hum before heading to my room.

"Where are you going?", Cody asks.

"To my room.", I state.


Opening the door, Ralph was there glaring at me, but I roll my eyes as I continue to my room; passing Celia, Lexa, and Rebecca, hiding myself.