
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Calm Before The Storm.

I woke up at a familiar dimmed place, I remembered that I was somewhere at the beach with Eric and the others.

But here I was, in my bed, my train of thoughts began to break as I could feel the soft mutters of dark spirits.

It was this kind of soft rambling, one of the dark spirits caught my attention, it wore that familiar dark robe and had that especially off putting aura.

"Erebus." I commanded with a stern voice, the God looked back at me, if it wasn't for his dark robe covering everything, I could've sworn I saw a smirk on him.

"Master, you will be pleased to hear pleasant news." Erebus responded with a confident tone, the way he said that made me feel more uneasy.

News from Erebus wasn't always great, "And that is?" I questioned the God who looked awfully happy.

"We managed to overrun the school overnight with monsters." Erebus answered with a chirpy tone, expecting as if I was going to give him a good head pat, which I highly doubt.

"What?!.."I exclaimed as I looked straight at Erebus, if I wasn't fully awake at first, I was now.

The plans weren't supposed to start until I was in my last year of Meria high, did Erebus perhaps find my hidden folder of papers?

"You touched your master's belongings?" I glared at him with a clearly unhappy tone.

Erebus wasn't even bothered, he knew me well.

"Yes, Master if you'd like, I can-"Erebus tried to continue on, but I scrambled to change my clothes and leave for school.

I quickly closed the entrance door, not even locking it properly, being too busy running to the school.

My breathing quickened, my heart beat was faster every step of the way, I didn't have that much memory of school of course.

But, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate some of the people there.

I saw the first signal, a signal to show that something was being dominated, fire and gas spread quickly out of the school.

Despite me not even being close to the school, I could obviously see this. I looked at it like I'm not surprised, but I was also highly disappointed.

Quickly running to the entrance, I broke the lock immediately just by a few seconds of summoning my magic.

The school was right in front of me, burning, monsters roaming around of any kind, it was surprising that no one was here right now with all of this chaos.

Is what I thought before I heard a whisper, "Psst!.. Kylar!.." Ray exclaimed quietly to me as he motioned me to come to his direction.

I agreed as I carefully walked into his direction being precise on not making any noise.

Ray was hiding behind the school's entrance, next to Ray stood a taller blue haired demigod, "This.. Did you do it Kylar?" Ray asked with a bit of a concerned expression, the demigod next to him showed the same.

I didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes." I responded, well, I didn't technically do it, it was all Erebus work, but I can't just tell them that the God of darkness did it.

"Really?! Sweet!.." Ray kind of whisper-yelled, I looked over to see the expression of Ace, he didn't seem concerned anymore that I was the one who caused this disaster to the school.

"And why is Ace here?" I asked, expressing a sense of doubt for Ray, "Ace? Oh right, he's on our side.." Ray said with a simple smile. I never could imagine a demigod smiling when their school is getting burned down.

But Ace isn't just any demigod, it was also useful for us to have a card like cyclops trainer, now I examined Ace carefully, it seemed that he had changed.

His positive and very Eric-like personality became this quieter but still positive person. I wondered what happened but I didn't dig any deeper than just a personality change.

"Fine then.." I sighed, accepting what was inevitable, I pulled the two demigods in my direction.

"Now you two listen, be my alibi for tonight.. I'll go destroy these monsters." I said looking at the two with a motherly-like manner.

Ace nodded, but Ray didn't back down, "What?… you'll get hurt!.." Ray exclaimed softly, still aware of the monster's presence.

"I heal quite fast, don't worry about me. You two get going, I left my door unlocked so just do your job." I commanded them as they reluctantly left me.

It was a quiet breeze, the heat from the fire didn't make it feel any better, "Guess I needed to use you so soon.." I muttered to myself as I summoned a sword out of my hand. It was purely made out of darkness.

It was shaped like a sword, but made out of pure darkness, it was a gift given by of course Erebus. Not the best birthday gift you're supposed to give to a six year old, who didn't even know the difference between left and right.

Charging the monsters head on, I went in, my sword easily passed the old and dry flesh of the harpy's.

At the pace I was going, it seemed like these monsters won't come back for another hundred years.

The heat of the fires became a distraction, it did burn my skin quite a bit but it also healed quickly to even notice.

The fires weren't created normally, it made me even more annoyed, wondering why anyone would create fires that would be almost impossible to extinguish.

Piercing each monster that gets in my way, I saw so many varieties of them, Sphinx's, Chimera's, minotaur's, harpy's and many more.

How the heck did Erebus get so many monsters in this school?

I made my way to the rooftop of the school, clearing most of the monsters all of the way, then there stood a sleeping cyclop.

A giant one, its hair were pulled back in a small ponytail, it gave me this extreme aura of danger, to run away.

To not even come close to it.

Despite my instincts telling me what to do, I chose to fight it, it's not like I had much to lose anyways.

My two separate feet walked closer to the sleeping cyclop, I had my sword and stance ready for a fight from each and every step I took.

Being careful and precise with my sound management, but then, something happened.

The cyclops opened its eyes, to find me ready to kill him, I watched it as it quickly rose up from its slumber, the voice sounded through the city, highly likely that it alerted many people.

"Kylar!" A familiar voice exclaimed to my direction. I looked over to the source of the voice and immediately recognized them, huh.. So you were here without me being aware?