
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

End of a day.

The demigod sat next to me, on the beach towel covering the surface of the sand, the sunset was beautiful and everything, but when were the other two coming back?

I fidgeted with my fingers, semi bored, I was always used to doing something, just sitting on the beach and doing nothing, felt off to me.

"Hey.."Urei said in a timid manner, Urei was always this way, she was a shy person with a petite stature.

I guess I could see why Eric would like such a girl from a different point of view, but it still makes me feel kind of questioning though.

"Do you need anything?"I asked a question but in a blunt manner, Urei looked a bit taken aback with my bluntness but continued to carry on.

"Uhm- do you think the other two will come back soon?.."Urei responded by trying to scramble for conversation ideas, I'm guessing it was because she found our atmosphere awkward.

I mean, I couldn't deny it.

"They better come back, I'm craving ice cream right now."I simply replied, ice cream is just good.

The demigod was a little flustered and surprised that I even replied, I couldn't blame her, I did always ignore her or any interactions I had with her back in middle school…. Well because Eric distracted me everytime.

And i took that as a hint that Eric liked Urei, still to this day, i never understood why she liked me of all people.

Eric in terms of personality traits, I would say a better person than me.

Either way, I have a feeling that I wouldn't like Urei so much if they dated though.

A soft giggle lightly ringed in my ear, it was Urei laughing softly, an unfamiliar but wide smile began to appear on her face.

I didn't tell her to shut up or anything of course, it was uncommon for me to see her laughing so freely like that around me.

Staying quiet, I could hear her giggle start to fade slowly, but her expression didn't change, that same happy grin stayed on her.

Well, until she realized what she was doing of course, her flustered face looked away from me, as if she was embarrassed of doing something.

A few seconds passed, and right on time the two of them came back, Eric with a distressed and a bit of a distasteful expression, holding ice cream, and Maria with a grinning smile holding ice cream in her hand.

"Vanilla?"I said, staring at the white creamy surface of the ice cream, Eric's distressed expression quickly faded with his simple smile.

"Yep."Eric said as he handed me a cup of vanilla ice cream, along with a plastic white spoon of course.

I went straight in, a bit excited to try the sweet cold treat, it's been a while since i had ice cream anyways.

The soft and cold sensation of the sweet ice cream filled my mouth in delight, it was really good.

"Where did you get it Eric?"I asked the blonde haired demigod as he was eating a cup of cookies & cream ice cream.

Eric continued to think for a second, "Oh, it's Ray's mother's bakery, we got it for free for being Ray's friends."The blonde demigod answered.

What's with all of these demigod mothers' amazing cooking skills?...

I nodded simply, maybe I should visit there sometime.

Sitting next to Eric I watched as Maria scrambled over to Urei about what we did when they were gone.

I could take a guess on what they were on about, but Eric was clearly not pleased with whatever it was.

I would say this was the first time I've seen him mad like this, did he like Urei that much?

It didn't feel off to me that a son of Zeus was upset about a loved one especially since Zeus was a notorious womanizer, but Eric? I never really see him as that type of person.

I always saw Eric as unbothering, confident, warm, accepting and a- dang it.. this is the second time i described him like this isnt it?

I could feel an obvious warm touch on my hand, I knew right away who it was, but I didn't stop him, instead i interlooped our fingers together, it was clear that he did it on purpose.

Who knows, maybe this will be a successful beach day, a warm smile grew on my face.

Also, I have a hunch that Eric doesn't quite like Urei, at least not in a romantic sense.

Just a simple hunch.

My eyelids failed to keep open, as I leaned my head onto a warm shoulder, my eyes closed and I slept peacefully hearing the soft rhythm of Eric's humming.