
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


My head hit straight on the floor of some dirty but hard place, cleaning the dust off from my clothes. I could feel a cold liquid coming down my head.

Blood, red liquid, not just from my head, the red liquid dripped down my lips as well, I must've bit my lips just out of habit when I fell.

Despite the insane pain I should've felt, not even a gasp of pain came from me, I didn't feel severely injured at all.

If all that was from one ring, to even have the skull ring was dangerous, the higher the benefits of a relic meant the higher the risk, my finger grazed the ring, trying to pull it out.

"Curse of binding.."I mumbled to myself, leaving it alone worried that I would trigger some kind of hidden curse. Looking around, I found nothing but this hollow and dark cave hole.

Knocking on each inch of the dirt wall, I didn't find anything hollow or suspicious, "But.. who would make such a huge dark hole in a cave… coincidentally under the same tunnel Summer and I was?"

"That would be me of course!"A smaller girl came out of nowhere, she had chocolate brunette hair tied in two pigtails that reached down to her chest, she wore a strawberry themed dress with white ruffles inside the skirt, and a bow on the rim of her neck, she wore a pair of brown dark school girl shoes, along with long pastel socks that reached up to her knees. A bright and unaffected smile had caught her face.

Keeping my composure I looked at her with a strict gaze, "And you may be?.."I asked in a stern tone, watching and observing her every move carefully.

It's not everyday that you see what looks like a 13 yr old girl in a hollow cave, who claims to have been the reason why it's hollow. Though, at this point I've seen a ton of things, I wouldn't be surprised even if she was one of Aero's guards.

"My name is Rina!- Who are you?"Rina jumps around with an enthusiastic expression, backing up a bit, I could now see a clearer vision of Rina.

"Rina right?.. I'm Ren."I had blatantly lied as I forced myself a smile, Rina looked unsure at first but nodded, "Rena, why are you here?"The brunette asked with a curious gaze.

"Oh, my friend invited me over to check out some creepy tunnel, and somehow i got here.."I said with my voice as if I was nervous, i scratched my neck trying to fix the nervous personality i had put on.

"Oh.. I actually know a way out of here! Follow me Ren!"Rina exclaimed with a bright gaze, the girl had bought my lies, she led me to an elevator.

The elevator was hidden and particularly high tech, modern technology was included in the making of the elevator, it looks like.

I looked around for any cameras, but there seems not to be any, "Are you looking for anything Ren?"The girl asked out of curiosity.

"No.. it seems like my glasses broke on impact, ah.. My clothes are a mess too."I faked pretending to pat away some dust on my clothes.

A worried look appeared on the shorter girl, "I'll have my maids bring new clothes for you, and get a room okay?"Rina responded with a reassuring and bright smile.

"Ah, thank you so much.. Rina."I replied with an even softer smile, Rina wore a nervous and flustered expression, out of curiosity, "What's wrong?.."I asked the shorter female, who didn't respond back, or say anything until the elevator stopped.

But even then she quickly left, not showing her face, and instead screamed out her head maid's name to serve me.


I was resting on top of a comfy bed with a robe on, hands and legs spread out comfortably, new clothes were folded neatly and placed next to the pillow of the bed.

I sighed softly wondering where Summer was right now, while I was in a nice room with clean clothes and food, Summer most likely got caught by Aero.

It's not that i don't have any trust in Summe- Well, i don't have any trust in Summer right now, Sitting up i shuffled through my old clothes, specifically looking for something.

Later finding it, it was a ring, this time with a symbol, it was like a horizontal 8, or you could say 'Infinity', carefully I placed it next to my clothes, being careful not to do anything that could trigger another curse.

Looking down at the skull ring on my finger, it seems like I was right, curse of binding, that was the curse, it was in fact a much milder curse then i had expected.

But the infinity symbol on the other ring, it seemed like it was too risky to even attempt to use, if only there were automatic manuals for these types of relics.

Deeply sighing as I laid my back on the bed, all of my contact tools were broken from the fall, my Utheria, emergency watch, and all of the back ups I planned early on.

I wonder what Eric is doing right now, his golden locks of platinum blonde hair, blue diamond colored eyes, and- i feel like throwing up just realizing what i just thought.

Carefully I examined the clothes given to me, 'a white button up shirt made of silk, long black tuxedo pants, a black tuxedo jacket, and a pair of dark tuxedo shoes rimmed with 0.5 carat diamonds, all imported from china.' Is what the head maid said, and I wouldn't doubt her.

The clothes did look oddly expensive.. No.. insanely expensive in one way or another, i grabbed the clothes and wore it, almost finishing until i heard a knock.

I continued to wear my clothes until I was done, "Yes?.."I eventually answered, there was a bit of a silence, "it's me..Rina!"The feminine voice on the other side of the door said.

"Oh! If it's you then come in, Rina."I said putting back on my pitchy voice and tone, the door slowly creaked open revealing a pretty brunette, her purple eyes shined with the embrace of mascara, her chocolate brown hair was down but now more straight and smooth. Black and thinner dress rimmed her waist, and a pair of dark red heels. Despite her attempt at a more mature tone, she still embraced this childishly cute look, with her bigger eyes and more petite body figure.

I sat on the bed smiling softly, "I was wondering if i could do your hair.."Rina said a bit flustered and hesitant with her choice of words, i nodded as i kept smiling.

"Sure, feel free to."I responded in a friendly and carefree manner as I sat in a chair in front of a mirror. Rina started off brushing my hair, it was an easy and painless process since my hair was naturally untangled.

Once Rina was finished, I looked a whole lot different just from the change of hairstyle, I had a much fancier and different tone. My side of my soft pink hair was pushed back as the other side was straightened, creating this professional atmosphere. At the same time, the same atmosphere looked familiar to me.

"Thank you so much RIna, I love it."I spoke with a bright idealistic smile, a smile creased on the shorter girl, "My brother actually wanted to meet you!.. After how much i spoke about you."Rina said with a certain smile, as a reddish blush appeared on her nervous expression.

Brother?- Now, this might be an unexpected event, "Sure, why not."I replied smiling softly as Rina led me back to the elevator, pressing a few buttons and once the elevator door opened.

A giant ballroom filled with servants appeared, a large chandelier was at the center of the luxurious roof, the wealth just from this room made me feel astonished and overbearing.

But my facade did not falter, Rina turned to me looking a bit nervous and unsure, all my thoughts were gone once she gestured her hand out, as if she wanted me to lead her myself.

Either way, I took her hand and led us to the pathway the servants had made for us. Each servant had looked obedient, I didn't recognize even a speck of dust on any of them, one thing for certain, there was a non-human presence.The closer I got to the final destination, the more anxious I felt from each step. I could recognize a familiar figure.

Fancy blonde hair, slicked back at one side, green emerald eyes, a mole under an eye, and that smirk I had always despised. "Well well, who do we have here?"Aero began to speak as he immediately recognized me.

An immediate glare came from me as I looked at him right in the eyes, with no fear to speak of, Rina is Aero's little sister then?

It made sense from the cave to the large amount of wealth. I had already suspected that Rina was from a wealthy family, but a sibling of Aero?