
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


"Big brother, this is Ren!"Rina smiled softly, tightening the grip of my hand. She was absolutely oblivious to what was happening right now.

"..I see, do you mind if Ren and I have a little bit of a moment to talk to Rina?"Aero said with his obviously pretentious smile.

"but-"Rina pouted, unable to say no to her older brother, one of the servants accompanied her to keep her safe, or that's how Aero reassured me with.

"Long time no see!"Aero smiled with a smile that had seemed to tick me off, I didn't respond, instead my glare had become clearer, The blonde demigod noticing this, he pulled out a necklace, a sunflower necklace.

"Does this look familiar to you?"Aero had mocked my absence of words, my eyes narrowed and directed it to the necklace, snapping my fingers, the necklace was now in my hands, it had barely any mana left in it.

Aero didn't expect me to be here either, the teleporting border was only on the outside of the labyrinth, not in Aero's estate.

"Touche, I had to admit that we didn't catch her on my part, but the necklace is a relic right?.."Aero smirked knowingly, he must've known Summer was a human, with no abilities or even a twinge of mana to spare without my help.

Despite how dark Aero was right now, I always respected that part of him, though it did act as my demise in this situation.

"Where is she?.."I spoke with a calm composure, careful to not let my emotions get the best of me, Aero crossed his legs and drank a sip of purplish liquid before answering me.

"She's in the middle of the labyrinth, I'm afraid she's a goner, my guards are already looking for her as well, might as well give up."The blonde demigod said with no pity or emotions in his eyes.

If this was the journey I got myself into, I intend to finish it. Turning around I immediately snapped my fingers not wanting to look at even a second more of Aero.

And teleported.


Right again, I was in front of the labyrinth, which was still heavily guarded and still had a border of some sort of de-teleportation spell.

It agitated me just from the urgency of the situation, shuffling through my pockets, I finally found the ring that had some kind of infinity symbol on it.

Whatever curse it had, it didn't matter much to me right now, I pulled my fingers to touch the cold silver metal. I pulled it down on my second finger right to my pinkie.

I felt no different, until I tried to snap my fingers again, the teleportation had worked, and I was well- in a bathroom stall, assuming that there's no visitors and it's a staff bathroom, so I quickly left, carefully hiding every trace that I was ever even there.

Right now Rina is probably confused about where i went, it entertained me to see how Aero would be able to deal with Rina's whining. I looked over at the ring, it seems like one of its abilities must be to cancel magic, if that was its only ability it was already a phenomenal relic itself.

How in the world did a mortal like Summer get a hold of something like this? The necklace which was still in my hand, I wore it carefully to not break the relic.

I hovered my hand over it as the mana came from my body to the necklace, I was taking precautions. I knew I wouldn't have time if I needed to put mana in the necklace during battle. If Summer is still alive by then, maybe I will have some trust in the mortal.

Though it's not likely, I passed by multiple corridors, each looking familiar and very similar, the same water cooler and the same farm field painting, with the same plain white walls.

It didn't take me too long to realize that I was already at the labyrinth itself, they really made it look modern to fit into the world now. Must've taken a while with the constructors, well you can't ever underestimate Pilac's wealth im guessing.

Again and again I went to the same loop of the same places, it had become easily tiring, but also expected, until I heard a familiar scream.

I quickly ran to the source, it could've been Summer and also maybe a way to get out of this loop, sure it at least wasn't fatal, but it did become sickening for me to watch every single time.

I turned to the white wall, at the source of the voice, from a crack of a door. I looked through it, finding the familiar blonde mortal, in a chair, but what shocked me most.

Was the chair she was sitting on, hearing a man groan he flicked some type of switch, sending electricity currents through the body of .

I couldn't handle it, leaning away from the room, i covered my mouth as sweat dripped down my neckline, i took time trying to breath slowly as the screaming continued.

I stood up again, feeling more relaxed to the situation, laying my hand down to the bottom of the crack of the door. I filled an invisible mana to the floor. While doing this, i heard the whole conversation.

"Are you going to speak or not?!"The taller masculine voice exclaimed frustratingly, there were no words but the screams Summer had revealed.

Fastening my pace, the invisible man had eventually made its way to Summer's chair, the male stood silent.

It made its way to my direction, as Summer stopped screaming in agony, a piercing gaze of the male stood right in front of me, red rigid hair, and aggressive blue eyes stared at me.

It was as if I had no time to react nor had the ability to move, I just freezed.

This was nowhere near Kora, this was the power of something more than a minor God.