
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Just for fun. 2 (Not Canon)

Death Of A Hero

The demigod fell to the ground, covered in blood, it was clear that he was too far from saving.

Eric looked unrecognizable, his once golden locks of hair, was now painted over with blood.

"Get up you idiot."I exclaimed to him as my eyes swelled up. I didn't know what I was doing at that moment, maybe I was just in denial.

He was dead.

I couldn't accept it, holding his bloodied torso over my arms, I looked at him.

He was still alive, just barely, "I'm sorry."I responded having nothing else to say.

"Don't worry.. I forgive you."Eric replied as a small but weak smile grew on his face, I couldn't understand him.

I know I'll never will, him sacrificing his own life for this wretched humanity.


"Don't go..Not you too."I cried, as I tightened my grip on his clothes.

I felt his hands touch my cheek as he chuckled softly, "If you hold onto me like that.. I might die even faster, Kylar… there's many people who love and care for you.. so don't think about your stupid best friend, focus on your future."Eric's voice became worryingly more quiet.

"I will…you won't die, don't think like that you idiot.."Tears dripped down my eyes, I felt Eric's hand wiping every tear away.

"Kylar… do you trust me?"


"That's all I need. I love you."

Eric's eyes slowly went to a close, I couldn't hear his heartbeats anymore, all of this was happening.

Was this my punishment for daring to defy Olympus?

Eric, you weren't the idiot, I was.

It felt ironic, I took something important from Olympus and they took something important back.