
Roland 2

"Would you still protect Tilly even if you're hated by her?"

Roland couldn't help but get confused hearing his teacher question.

'Would I still protect Tilly even if she hated me?'

"Of course!"

With great determination, Roland let out his voices. Nieve that stands by his side nod his head and then took out a map and put it on top of a table while opening it for Roland to see.

"Good, then we need to start to plan our future moves."

"Teacher…? "

Seeing his teacher suddenly opened a map suddenly make him confused, yet before he can express it, his teacher has already explained it to him.

"Roland, I expect that In the near future, King Wimbledon III will give Royal Decree on the Selection of Crown Prince."

"Teacher, selection of the crown prince…do you mean?"

Hearing his teacher talk about the selection of crown prince makes him a little nervous for the answer he didn't want to hear might appear, alas his teacher didn't care about his thought now and continue to explain.

"Yes, it's the selection of the next king of Kingdom of Graycastle.

Without waiting for his student to answer, Roland has already continued his explanation.

"As you know from our studies, Kingdom of Graycastle is divided by Northern Region, Southern Region, Eastern Region, Central Region, and Western Region."

"1st prince Gerald Wimbledon, 2nd prince Timothy Wimbledon, 1st Princess Garcia Wimbledon, 3rd Prince Roland Wimbledon, and 2nd Princess Tilly Wimbledon will each be given a region to govern and the best region out of all will win!."

"But, there's one region which is so secluded even the church influence is pretty weak there, Roland Wimbledon, do you know the answer?"

"The Western Region…"

With a nod, Nieve continues to explain.

"Yes, Western Region… It can be said prince or princess that's given Western region will lose for sure"

"But!, that's the best location you can to develop your powers silently in the future"


"And to protect your little sister…, remember that she's a witch now."

"She will flee to out of the Kingdom when she had a chance while you will make a safe haven for her in Western Region."

Hearing about Tilly condition, even make Roland more concerned, but he also becomes more determined than before.

"Then…teacher, how do I make sure that I get the Western Region in the future? is it by begging father?"

"No, people should see you're unwilling to go to the Western Region later in the future or it would be suspicious, and the best way to do it is…"

"By becoming a scum! 2nd generation rich young master!"

"Roland Wimbledon, from today onward we will go and taint your reputation and make people remember you…"

"As the scum of Kingdom of Graycastle!"

Hearing the word scum makes Roland uncomfortable, yet to protect his sister, he'll do anything! Which makes him show his determined eyes in front of his teacher.

Seeing his student act like this, Nieve can't help but sigh at fate. Even though Nieve knows that selection is a sham done by the church, he decides to use that to pressure his student, yes, to pressure him to make a choice that's important in his life.

"Then, how do I start to become a scum?"

"Hahaha, you didn't need to really become a scum because…"

With a wave of his hands, A glow like portal was created and soon out of nowhere, another Roland Wimbledon gets out of the portal while bowing at Nieve.

"Do you need anything, master?"

Seeing that another him has appeared, even Roland can't help but feel surprised, yet after seeing the things his teacher do on daily basis, this little shock is truly too little that he calm himself down after a while.

"Teacher…he looks almost the same as me…"

"Hahaha!, he's great right? he'll cause trouble for you, while I teach you something in secret"

"Oh, yeah. Roland 2 go and bully princess Tilly right now and make her fear you."

"And don't forget to act like the scum Roland in my mind."

"What..! Teacher, that's!"

Hearing his teacher words, Roland can't help himself getting panicked, yet his teacher was still calm as ever in front of him while Roland 2 has gone out the room after he bows to his teacher while his expression changes into an expression of 2nd generation kids.

"I know what I do, Tilly needs to at least fear you now for her to obey you to steal the crown which is an illogical action for her cause she's smart for a kid her age, she needs to fear you, at least until both of you get the crown."

"The crown? That old crown on top of father head?"

"Nah, not that stinky crown."

"the crown I mean was the crown that the archbishop give your father just now."

"Given by archbishop, just now!?"

Reaching that point, Roland can't help but frown because he has already hated the church because of his teacher teaching, and he knows that anything the Archbishop gives wouldn't be anything good.

"Yes, it's the crown of corruption that will corrupt the mind of those who's near the crown."

"Crown of corruption…then!? Isn't it bad!?"

"Yep, most people in the castle will get influenced, including you and Tilly which was why you need to go and force Tilly to steal it with you"

"What…!?, then teacher, why don't you get rid of the crown now?"

"I can get rid of the crown immediately, but it'll be suspicious."

"Hence, I make a plan for you and Tilly to go and steal the crown, while saying the secret words to make the crown didn't affect both of you."

"That's why…"

Seeing his teacher act mysteriously while looking at him, Roland can't help but feel something bad will happen to him and as expected.

"You'll follow me for some special training before you can steal the crown while Roland 2 will go and make a bad reputation for you!."

"Now my student…"

Roland who look up, saw his teacher expression change into that of a smile again, which makes him looks happy.

"Let the heist, begin…!"

Be honest with yourself, cause western region is the best place for Roland and without it Roland might lose against the church before he can develop anything.

Roland can only get it by acting as a scum, hence even here he'll become a scum.


I mean Roland 2 will become a scum.

YuKosakacreators' thoughts