
Degenerate Daoist

In the eyes of society, Khan was an absolute degenerate, a perfect depiction of the word ‘failure’. Food, wine, women... Robbery, assault, murder... Were these not some of life's finest pleasures? Inevitably, Khan's depraved lifestyle landed him in prison. After being stabbed to death in prison, he found himself reincarnated into a mystical new world. Would this life-altering experience cause him to change his way of thinking? Would he take his new life as a fresh start, leaving his evil ways in the past? Absolutely not. Khan was determined to continue living as an irredeemable piece of degenerate trash. This is the story of a degenerate seeking dao in the world of cultivation.

Degen_Writer · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Divine Scroll of Protection

The only reason Khan didn't challenge Yusef sooner, when he first broke through to the Vital Life Realm, was because wanted to learn a spell. It was a simple spell, but one that was extremely effective. It allowed him to gather his Blood Energy at any extremity of his body, then release a shockwave in one burst. It added a significant force of power to each of his attacks.

Khan couldn't use Profound Qi like the Qi Refiners, but now that he was a Vital Life Realm Body Temperer, Khan's body developed 'Blood Energy', a sort of energy that ran through his blood. Whilst he couldn't use normal Qi Refiner spells, there were also spells developed for Body Temperers that made use of Blood Energy.

"Shock Pulse!" Elder Gon gasped in shock. He was well aware of Khan's recent breakthrough, but he had no idea that he had already learned this spell!

Blood Spells were less common than Profound Qi spells, because almost no cultivators possessed stronger Blood Energy than Profound Qi. For Khan though, Blood Spells were essential to increasing his power.

Shock Pulse was the most basic of all Blood Spells, yet it was also the most useful! It gave the user a proper outlet for their Blood Energy!

To learn this spell in a single week was shocking, but Khan didn't yet realise just how big an achievement this was. Elder Gon's mind was trembling from the shock still, whilst Yusef was feeling absolute disbelief.

The cut across his fist already started to close as Khan steadied himself and jumped forwards to attack again.

Yusef grit his teeth and prepared to engage again. He raised his spirit sword and slashed down, this time using a different spell to attack. A blue light covered the sword, then enlarged around the sword and stretched out for ten feet. Yusef paused and poured more Profound Qi into the spell, enlarging it further and creating an even bigger-


"Puh!" The spell suddenly dissipated as the fatty's fat rolls wobbled about and he shot backwards. He would have probably flown back twice as far, but he was simply too heavy. He hit the ground with a shocking thud that even shook the ground.

Whilst Yusef was preparing that large spell, Khan propelled himself forwards rapidly by using Shock Pulse in his feet. He then slammed his palm into Yusef's chest, causing his spell to fail.

The spell Yusef was attempting to use was strong, Khan could tell that at a glance. However, it was too slow. When fighting against a Body Temperer in close combat, such slow spells were useless!

"Damnit!" Yusef growled, then waved his hand and a scroll appeared, floating above his body.

"It's the divine scroll of protection!" Someone in the audience gasped.

"It is, it's really the divine scroll of protection! Senior Yusef said that this is a divine artefact that he found whilst out adventuring!"

"Wow, a real divine artefact!" Someone looked awestruck.

"What divine artefact, it's just an average spirit treasure!" Fu Bian said loudly in disdain. Multiple people turned towards her and intended to condemn her words, but stopped when they saw her face.

"H-hey, isn't that Fu Bian?" Someone whispered.

"Yeah…Fu Bian entered the inner sect six years ago…she's at the Qi River Realm now!"

The chatter surrounding Fu Bian was even more intense than that around the fatty's fake divine scroll.

Khan realised that the scroll was some sort of defensive treasure, but he didn't care.


He slammed his fist into the scroll and a ripple spread out, but the scroll didn't budge. Part of the shock was reflected back towards Khan's body. He felt his internal organs taking some damage, but he showed nothing on his face.


Time and time again, Khan slammed his fists down into the scroll. Yusef looked cautious at first, but a grin slowly spread across his face.

"AHAHHAAHA!" He laughed out loud. "This divine artefact is this lord's most valuable treasure! You can't hope to breach it! This match is mine now! You-"


A tiny crack appeared on the scroll.


The crack slowly enlarged, spreading across the invisible shield that surrounded him. Yusef's face paled. He intended to recover his injuries whilst Khan wasted his energy on the scroll, but it actually broke so easily?!

"W-wait a moment, we can talk about this!"


The scroll shattered to pieces.

"No, wait, you can't hurt me, I'm the young master of the Dowan Family! My father is a Qi River Realm cultivator! Elder Gon, stop the match, stop the match!"

Elder Gon stared down coldly. He didn't reply, and simply watched as Khan changed his fist into a straight spear of fingers.


Khan's pointed hand pierced through Yusef's throat. His eyes widened in disbelief. Khan stared into his eyes with a cold smile, enjoying the moment that he obtained victory and took this young genius's life.

Before his fat and lifeless body hit the floor, Yusef pissed himself.

Khan bent down, pulled the spatial ring from his dead finger, then searched his body for anything else of value.

The crowd was utterly speechless when Khan stood up, as they found that his cold bloodlust had transformed into a carefree and very happy smile.

"Yahaha! What a useless fatty, I think I did the sect a favour by killing someone like that! Hey, maybe I should get a reward, right old man? Hahaha!"

Elder Gon's eye twitched. In his entire life, he'd never met such a talented, yet hateful disciple. At one point in the past, he even considered just killing Khan, simply because he was worried that this disciple would eventually turn on the sect and destroy them after robbing them for all they were worth.

In the end, he abandoned such thoughts and simply tried to ignore the walking calamity named Khan.

"The winner is Disciple Khan!" He announced as Khan left the stage. His expression was complicated, but it was his duty to remain impartial and to follow the rules. More than anything, Elder Gon honoured the sect rules. Otherwise, he really would have killed Khan by now.

"As is the law of the Samsara Sect, the winner, Disciple Khan, will receive all property of the loser, Disciple Yusef!"

Khan's smile widened after hearing that. He jumped down from the stage and forced himself to keep a straight face despite the crippling pain spreading through his body. He tried to find Hui in the crowd, but a moment later, it seemed there was no need to bother.

"Master, master! Uwah!"

"Woah!" Khan smiled when, out of nowhere, Hui suddenly threw herself straight into his embrace. She was unaware that he was actually quite badly injured right now, but he'd done an excellent job of hiding it after all.

Each time he struck that scroll, part of the force was reflected back onto himself. His organs were currently all bleeding, he was only able to remain standing because of his Vital Life Realm physique.

"Hey." Fu Bian appeared behind Hui with her sister besides her. She sighed, then threw Khan a pill. He didn't even catch it, but leaned to the side and directly caught it in his mouth before swallowing it whole.

"…Everything you do is unlike any normal cultivator." She stated bluntly on seeing this. Fu Rian giggled slightly, but shut up on receiving a doubtful look from her older sister.

"Cheers." Khan nodded. The pill was a Rank 2 recovery pill, a pill intended for Profound Roots Realm cultivators to heal severe injuries. His body was more resilient and therefore needed more than this, but combined with his own recovery ability, the pill helped his condition stabilise and reduced most of the pain. His body would fully recover on its own later.

"Uwah, master, I was so worried!" Hui continued hugging him under the uncertain gazes of the Fu sisters. It was obvious to anyone now that this slave really cared about her master, beyond that of any normal slave.

Khan smiled and gently rubbed her head. Her ears wiggled cutely and her tail swayed from side to side, a reaction that showed her happiness. Demi-humans were worse than terrible at hiding their emotions, their basic biological reactions made it impossible for them to do so.

Hui slowly looked up and quickly rubbed her moist eyes. She suddenly realised that everyone was staring, and that her reaction was completely inappropriate for a slave. She wasn't supposed to show her emotions…and she certainly wasn't supposed to act on those feelings!

"Sorry master, Hui was out of line." She straightened up and lowered her head shamefully.

"Hui, I've said before, you're not allowed to be so formal with me."

"Ah!" She looked up and exclaimed. "Sorry master…so, umm…"

"Pfft!" Khan saw her uncertain face that showed her lack of understanding towards how she should act. He decided to rub her head some more.

Her confusion was understandable, since he didn't really treat her like a slave. Well, she was certainly his subordinate and his property, but she was treated well and he gave her some degree of freedom, more so than she'd ever expected back when she was being raised by the human slave traders.

"Alright!" Khan made everyone jump as he yelled out way too loudly. "Time to move house!"

Hui blushed nonstop along the way. Despite Khan's nonchalant whistling and feigned ignorance to the various glares and stares he was receiving, he continued to hold Hui's hand like it was nothing, as if he'd just forgotten to let go.