
Degenerate Daoist

In the eyes of society, Khan was an absolute degenerate, a perfect depiction of the word ‘failure’. Food, wine, women... Robbery, assault, murder... Were these not some of life's finest pleasures? Inevitably, Khan's depraved lifestyle landed him in prison. After being stabbed to death in prison, he found himself reincarnated into a mystical new world. Would this life-altering experience cause him to change his way of thinking? Would he take his new life as a fresh start, leaving his evil ways in the past? Absolutely not. Khan was determined to continue living as an irredeemable piece of degenerate trash. This is the story of a degenerate seeking dao in the world of cultivation.

Degen_Writer · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Discovering Treasure

"Wow!" Hui exclaimed in awe as the group walked into the mansion. By now, Elder Gon had departed, wanting to get away from Khan as quickly as possible. The old man's ongoing irritation made Khan chuckle a bit, especially now that he didn't even try to hide it.

Now it was just Khan, Hui and the Fu sisters present in the group as they all walked into the mansion. Fu Bian was wondering why she was going along with Khan's carefree attitude, whilst Fu Rian was staring at Hui and kept narrowing her eyes, then showing a look of confusion.

"Kahahaha, now that this place is mine, I don't need to hurry to leave like last time I was here! I'm going to tear the place apart searching for that fatty's hidden treasure!" Khan laughed evilly and ran off, leaving Hui and the Fu sisters in a daze.

"I suppose I should have expected that pervert to have a female slave." Fu Rian glanced at Hui as she spoke. She turned away as if she just said that casually, but she was clearly trying to start a conversation with her.

"I, I don't do those sorts of perverted things with master…" Hui blushed again.

"What?" Fu Rian turned towards her in disbelief. "That guy actually hasn't touched you? There's no way that's true! From what I've heard, he's slept with almost 100 girls and women within the sect!"

"Huh, is that even possible?!" Fu Bian's eyes bulged out. Fu Rian ignored her sister's response and stared at Hui.

"M-master said that he didn't want to force me to do anything that I don't want to." Hui hurriedly explained. "He doesn't treat me like a slave, he just says that I should cultivate when I have nothing else to do. He even gives me cultivation resources…"

Fu Bian's jaw dropped. This guy made no sense…he treated his fellow sect members like gutter trash, yet he was actually so kind to a mere slave? What was wrong with his brain?

Well, in Khan's opinion, it was everyone else who suffered from brain damage. Why would he care about some damn 'sect members'? They were just strangers to each other in the end. Hui on the other hand, was his cute little attendant who was always on his side and never wronged him or spoke ill of him. Why would he ever treat her badly?

People who mistreated their personal slaves were dumb. They spent so much time around that individual, yet treated them like crap, making their slave come to despise them. Why would you want to spend all of your time around someone who hated you? Why not just choose a slave that you actually liked, then treat them well?

"What, isn't that just another way of saying that he wants you to ask for it?" Fu Rian rebutted Hui sharply.

"Ah, my little sister's innocent mind really has been tainted by that bastard…" Fu Bian wept.

Hui paled.

"Is that true?!" She cried out. Had she actually been misunderstanding her master all this time?! Was he just waiting for her to say 'master, please…' or something like that?!

"W-well, maybe…" Fu Rian didn't expect Hui to take her seriously. She also didn't expect the girl to look like she was seriously considering her point…

"Perhaps he just isn't attracted to demi-humans." She quickly said this, but wasn't sure why she did so.

"Oh." Hui's expression dropped. She nodded glumly. "I thought it might be like that…since master hasn't shown any interest, it's probably because I'm unattractive…"


As if summoned by Hui's misunderstanding, Khan suddenly exploded through the wall, smashing the brick to pieces as his body was forcefully thrown by a powerful force across the reception hall. Fu Rian was about to reply to Hui, but she was stopped in her tracks as she stared at Khan's pitiful twitching figure.

"Motherfucker actually left traps around his hidden stash…what sort of prick puts explosive traps in their own house…"

Khan coughed and painfully picked himself out from the rubble. He had been here for less than five minutes, and already this gorgeous entrance hall, adorned with a crystal chandelier and red velvet carpet, was in ruins.

The wall on the left of the hall was caved in after Khan went poking around and accidentally activated a trap in the hall. Since he was actually thrown straight through the wall, it was obviously a pretty extreme trap. A Profound Roots Realm cultivator would have died.

"You should be glad that you have a Vital Life Realm body. If you were a normal Qi Refiner, you would have died three times already in the past hour." Fu Bian was dumbfounded that one person could bring themselves so much trouble.

Her attacking him, followed by him challenging Yusef, and finally getting himself blown up after winning a new house. This literally all happened within one hour. She was right, he would definitely have died long ago were it not for his resilient physique.

Khan ignored her and coughed some more as he stood up and dusted himself off. He spat out some blood and grimaced slightly, but quickly hid the pain.

"Master, are you ok?!" Hui forgot about her earlier depression and rushed to his side anxiously. She took out some medicinal pills and put them into his mouth, then took out some ointments and started treating his wounds.

"Ah, Hui really is the best. Don't look down on yourself so much, Hui is very cute." Khan patted her head once again as she treated with him. She paused for a moment, then continued treating him.

"Thank you master…" She muttered quietly. Khan just smiled and knew that she had understood him.

'Good job I heard her earlier, she seemed to have developed a misunderstanding somehow. Well, that little girl likely didn't help.' Khan glanced towards Fu Rian indifferently, making her feel angry for some reason.

"What a weird guy, I've never met someone who treats slaves like actual people." Fu Bian blinked and said out loud. She didn't see anything wrong with her words, but Khan rolled his eyes and snorted.

Slaves, free humans, what was the difference? People were people, and he cared about almost none of them. Someone like Hui was a rarity, that's why he chose her and that's why he treated her well.

Khan's wounds weren't too serious. After receiving treatment from Hui, he wanted to jump right back into that corridor to retrieve the treasure.

"Tch, why waste so much time?" Khan frowned. All three girls had tried to stop him at the same time. With their combined efforts, he was forced to 'go slowly' and 'be careful'. Such tedious things.

Ignoring the trio's glares, Khan still pushed ahead and made his way towards the previously exploded hallway. Fu Bian quickly used a spell that allowed her to search for hidden traps - as a Qi River Realm cultivator, she knew many useful supplementary spells like this. After finding nothing, she relieved Hui and Fu Rian's tension, whilst Khan continued on eagerly.

After stumbling across the decimated hallway and pulling the rubble out from the exploded wall, he actually found a small box.

"Hmm, what's this?" He looked at the box and frowned. This seemed a bit small…unless there was a spatial ring inside?

Spatial rings were expensive, he now possessed two of his own after taking Yusef's. Even Yusef never bought a second one to store his extra treasures, that would be considered a waste of funds by most outer sect disciples.

Inside the sleek black box, there was no ring, but a pill. Khan stared at the pill…and didn't know what to think.

"The hell is this?" He glared at the pill hatefully. Wasn't this just a pebble? No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't feel a trace of spiritual energy emitting from the pill. All medicinal pills would contain such spiritual energy, but from this pill, there was simply nothing.

Fu Bian and Hui also thought that Khan was just too unlucky, to get blown up for this trash, but Fu Bian gasped audibly. The three of them turned to her in their confusion.

"What, is this some super amazing secret hidden treasure or something?" Khan asked sarcastically.

"It is!" She exclaimed in shock.

Khan blinked. Really? He was only joking though…was his luck really so good?

"You little bastard, your luck is way too amazing…this is actually a blood pill!"

"A what?" Khan stared blankly.

Fu Bian calmed herself down. Even though this pill had no use to her, it was valuable enough that she was tempted to steal it from him anyway. However…

The moment she mentioned its value, Khan jumped backwards and glared at her whilst holding the pill right next to his mouth. She coughed dryly…his lack of trust was justified, she supposed.

"Blood pills are medicinal pills that are both created and activated using Blood Energy…I don't know anything about this specific pill though, only that it will be activated by injecting Blood Energy, which means it must be a blood pill! It can be activated inside or outside of the body- hey, don't eat it yet! These pills are difficult to handle, if it's a powerful pill it might kill you on the spot! Maybe Yusef has some sort of instructions explaining what the pill does somewhere."

Khan sighed, reluctantly forcing himself to hold back for now. If it wasn't for the part about possibly dying, he would have just used it already. But, he had to concede that it was indeed possible that the fatty had hidden something describing this pill elsewhere. For a person who would booby trap their own inside hallway, anything was possible.

They turned the palace upside down during their search, everyone was now curious to find out the identity of this pill. The Fu sisters found themselves wondering why they were assisting Khan, but they were too curious about the pill, and in the end, they continued to search.

They didn't find anything. However, Hui had a genius idea.

"Master, have you checked Yusef's spatial ring?"

"Of course, but there's no jades or scrolls relating to this pill."

"But, did he keep a diary, or maybe he wrote something about the pill himself?"

Khan's eyes brighten. He hadn't completely read through every book in Yusef's spatial ring, he assumed that anything relating to the ring would be its own separate item…but if he kept a diary, then perhaps there would be something hidden in there!

As luck would have it, Yusef did indeed keep an 'adventure journal'. This journal detailed every trip that he took into the surrounding wilderness.

The wilderness was the land bordering part of the outer sect, it was a place that outer sect disciples went to train, search for resources and fight against beasts.

"…and so, young adventurer Yusef Galahey bravely strode towards the treacherous and glistening waterfall, as the waters cascaded and glistened, he bravely ventured into the pouring and cascading water that reflected his charming posture that would make girls swoon and wives leave their husbands." Hui read allowed.

"No more, please I can't take it…" Khan became pale faced. Hui had been reading for fifteen minutes now. The chapter was titled 'Yusef Galahey's Epic Adventure Where he Found the Void Blood Pill'.

All of his 'adventures' were titled based on whatever he found. On top of that, they were all written about himself in the third person. On top of that, they were written in the most disgusting and long winded, vocabulary-deprived style Khan had ever had the misfortune of hearing.

"…The glistening water drenched Yusef Galahey's toned and muscular body with lots of glistening water. The water helped to define his toned muscles, muscles that would make girls pregnant just by looking at him. It was no wonder that his luck was so good on adventures, with such a dashing and handsome-"

"Peuh!" Khan dropped to the floor and vomitted out a mouthful of blood. Listening to that trash sent his Blood Energy into disarray and reopened his earlier injuries. The pain in his body was severe, but the pain in his heart and soul was something that could never be erased.

"Just hold on a bit longer master, I'll skim through the rest until it gets to the bit about the pill!" Hui encouraged him.

"Is it actually worth it, for one high level pill? I wish I had just died in that battle…" Khan moaned.

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