
Chapter 25: Tiffany


Quincy's text comes in shouty capitals, making me roll my eyes at her excitement. My response will probably make her roll her eyes right back at me, only it'll be in exasperation.

Me: I swear to God those guys gossip more than a bunch of old ladies at church!

Quincy: Oh, come on. Did you really expect Rowen to keep it from them for long?

She has a point. He's been way more excited than I ever anticipated. He even cried when my blood tests came back and the doctor told us it's a boy.

I've never seen Rowen get teary-eyed over anything, but the thought of being a father has him a blubbering mess. It's actually really sexy.

Me: Touché. Just keep in under wraps for now. I don't want my job to know yet. You know how sticky it can be.

Quincy: Yep. It wasn't that long ago I was trying to sort it all out with Chance. My lips are sealed. Wait… I'll seal them after this: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!