
Chapter 24: Rowen

Losing in San Jose is not something any of us anticipated. They're a strong team, but we're stronger. Or at least we thought we were. That is, until Santos didn't show up for our trip.

No one knows where he went. Last I saw him, we were talking in the locker room about nausea and hormones. Then suddenly, he disappeared.

When someone finally asked Coach about it during warm-ups, all he said was, "He's not here but you are. Do your job and focus on the task at hand!"

We all shut up and went through the motions of warm-ups. And then it all fell apart.

Logan has proven himself to be a great back-up goalie, but he wasn't prepared to jump in at the last second because of an injury to our second stringer. That was his own damn fault. It's not like we don't train enough. But the last minute change got into Logan's head, and he couldn't keep the ball out of the net.