
Defiance Against the World

A nameless human brought into a weird world where the rules are not what they seem. His adventures leads him to a terrifying revelation that will put him in to a path of the world's destruction. Multiple powers collide in order to transform the world in to their own desire. Amongst these powers, the nameless human will have to compete against them. My first book, a first person perspective story currently being refined and released alongside Fate be Damned.

GenTap · Fantasy
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The infamous truck takes another soul.

I am what society calls a parasite, I never finished university and dropped out at my first year.

I stay at my apartment and work a minimum-wage online job as my primary source of income. The money I earn is only enough to pay rent, water, and electricity. I have several other side jobs, I learned how to be a graphics designer and a novice programmer in my spare time, so I get some commissions from time to time.

I also make videos as a gaming content creator from an entertainment company giant called TheirTube or TT for short. Another form of income is from a game that I always play, World Conqueror.

A Massive Multiplayer Online World Building Game, it is similar to a role-playing game but there are no main storylines as the players are the ones who make their own stories.

This game is currently the Top 1 most popular game worldwide, and I am among the top players. By the top I meant the top 100 thousand players, I know it's not that impressive but once you realize that there are at least 1.5 billion active players and an additional 1 billion semi-active players. 100 thousand starts to look pretty impressive.

I rarely go outside, I have my food delivered. The only time I go outside is to have my laundry. However, today is a special day as I actually went out without having to do my laundry.

I made a friend online, we've been good friends for a year and decided to meet up. The meeting place was just around the corner, being the first to spot the other. I decided to play a small prank by blending in the crowd and began to describe him while laughing as he tries to look around and find me.

After a few minutes or so, he actually managed to single my laughing ass out and gave me a firm handshake as we formally met.

We had to cross a busy intersection so that we can finally find a place to eat, i actually owed him a debt when he managed to solve one of my programming commissions that was in due for a few minutes.

Unlike me, he was a full-fledged programmer, we were classmates and met online when I dropped out of school while he actually attended it. We could have been classmates if I didn't leave.

As soon as the lights went green, we crossed the road, amongst many other people. He seemed engrossed in his phone while crossing, unable to notice the oncoming truck. The others ran while I decided to be the hero and push my friend away from danger.

As a result, I am now in the air. From above I can see my friend lying on the ground, but thankfully he was moving.

As for me? I can see my ass... no literally, my body is bent in an unnatural position where my spine is twisted and bent, allowing my ass to be in my field of vision.

I can feel my flying body start to fall, my vision slowly fading and a weird squishy thud was heard from a distance.

The next thing I know, I was floating next to my mangled body.

It felt surreal, it's like what the ghosts might have felt like in the movies. I watched as paramedics picked up my unconscious friend and took him to the hospital.

Thankfully the hospital was close enough, the tall building can be seen from where the accident occurred.

I watched my weirdly positioned body be placed in a body bag before being hauled away, I had the pleasure of knowing that I was the only one who died in that accident.

It took me a while, almost a day, in fact, to finally learn how to float. I had to get used to not breathing, I can't feel my lungs, my heartbeat, or anything. I can still hold and feel my body, and it felt cold and hard to the touch.

As for my feelings? emotions? They came from my body and left with my body. It felt dull, my mind, if it even existed, felt numb. My perspective changed but still, I continued to strive forward.

I decided to visit my friend in the hospital, my floating speed is constant. I could not speed up or slow down. I kept on moving through stuff, walls, cars, and others. Strangely enough, I have this weird aversion toward people.

Something is making me distance myself, I can feel their presence whenever I'm near them and somehow I unconsciously move away.

It took me one night to find my friend in the hospital bed. He's still unconscious, sleeping peacefully.

Once I confirmed his safety, a loud and deafening snap disoriented me. Followed by a bright light that blinded me.

Then, the surrounding presence of my fellow humans vanished, and I felt alone. It felt like I was in darkness for days, I couldn't see or feel my body. I would have gone insane if I actually had emotions and feelings.

After probably a week, I started to regain my emotions. It was slow at first, and then it slowly picked up speed.

When I finally started to get bored to tears, a loud thunderous clap jolted me awake. Then, I felt my now existing body fall. The familiar hold of gravity was so unmistakable that I actually rejoiced when I felt its grip once more.

Then, light followed, my eyes burned when the light intruded my now-dead eyes. The light burned my eyes as I couldn't close them and somehow could not block the light with my hands.

My physical perception came next, wind pressed against my skin as the pressure of going through it while falling was enough to push my skin.

I imagined my face might be similar to those who are sky diving or are facing a powerful fan. Once my vision returned, details began to fill my teary eyes.

I was falling, clouds restricted my vision, but was an indication in itself that I was up in the sky. Soon the ground came into view, a forest of trees, a distant river, then towards the ground.

I barely made a sound before falling straight into something.

"Ahahahaha! It's a success! a success!" An old, and loud voice came from above. My body felt weirdly soft yet stiff, and once again I was robbed of my vision.

Once the annoying laughter of the old man came to an end, his voice called out to me.

"Stand, my creation!" He commanded, and somehow my body slowly stood.

Each of my limbs felt foreign. I could not feel my organs, for a lack of a better word.

As he began to exercise his ability to command people, I slowly realized that my body may not be human.

"Dear f*ck." Was the last words I said before lightning struck the babbling old man and instantly killed him.

Then my body went limp.