
Defiance Against the World

A nameless human brought into a weird world where the rules are not what they seem. His adventures leads him to a terrifying revelation that will put him in to a path of the world's destruction. Multiple powers collide in order to transform the world in to their own desire. Amongst these powers, the nameless human will have to compete against them. My first book, a first person perspective story currently being refined and released alongside Fate be Damned.

GenTap · Fantasy
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Conversation with a Goddess


"Hear me, foreign soul!"

"Awaken!" A voice echoed at the surrounding, seemingly coming from all directions.

My body didn't respond and lay still in the open space.

"Awaken or else I shall wipe your existence!" The voice commanded louder.

I can hear someone trying to wake me up. Trying my best to ignore the voice, however, it eventually woke me up.

"Ugh..." Slowly shaking my head awake as I try to silence the annoying voice. "shut it... can't you see that I'm sleeping....."

"Hooohhh... a feisty one, good! you will need that attitude if you wish to survive" The voice seems satisfied after hearing my response.

"ugh wait.... am I in a hospital?"

Forcing my eyes open I can't see anything but pure white, and no ceiling can be seen.

"Pffft! hospital? GAHAHAHAHA! no, you're already dead." It responded with a booming laugh.

"Wha? oh.... so I'm dead?" My confusion slowly faded as I tried to move my body.

"A calm and adaptive personality, excellent!" It cried with joy as the voice slowly came closer.

"Do you remember your death? I am curious," it asked in anticipation.

I remembered it a tiny bit, it involved a truck and saving a friend.

"I do, something about getting hit by a truck while pushing a friend away from danger," I responded gruffly.

"Courageous, a good trait!" She approved. "However, self-sacrifice? ..." The voice seemed disappointed as its voice trailed off.

"I don't just jump around to save any random damsel in distress or unfortunate shmucks that I see." I immediately corrected her assumptions.

"Hmmm, very well." The voice responded.

"So, who are you anyway?" I questioned her while looking around the blank surroundings.

"I am a Goddess" A proud and smug attitude leaked out of her voice as she pronounced her title.

"Oh, so you're a what?" Disbelief obviously came out of my voice.

" A high and mighty Goddess!" She repeated, with her pride still radiating from the surroundings.



"So, you're a Goddess?" I finally came around to humoring the unknown voice.

"Correct I am a Goddess" Her voice agreed.

"If this is the afterlife, it kinda seems disappointing" I trailed off.

"What!? of course not! this is not the afterlife I have simply stolen errrr... saved you from your world's evil God." She said trying to hide something, which I never bothered to ask.

"So, you intend to make me your plaything?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Exactly!" She concurred, only to quickly take her words back. "I-I mean no! no!"

"I the most Generous and Magnanimous Goddess has decided to save you from your world's God as I said before" The voice stuttered.


I gave an expression of skepticism, which made the Goddess talk.

"No no no, let me explain, the God in your world tends to place hardships and extreme challenges on the mortals of your worlds." She began.

"He then decides who could go to a higher realm based on how the mortals react to said challenges. If the mortals decided to walk on the path of evil in order to pass said hardships and challenges, the God would impose more challenges and hardships until said person has a change of heart and walks in the path of the greater good."

"However, if the person still persists to walk in the path of evil until his death, the God would then punish a said person and send him to a lower realm called Hell. If, however, a person walks in the path of goodness then they will be rewarded by said God after death by sending them to a higher realm called heaven. " She concluded her explanation.

" So, in short you saved me from the terrifying place called heaven? I mean I've been walking the path of the greater good and righteousness my entire life y'know?" I said as I narrowed my eyes.

" Well let's just say the God in your world has a little twisted personality" She responded.

"What do you mean?"

"In his eyes, you caused the death of both of your parents"

"I did what?!" I burst out in surprise and anger.

"Your mother died in order for you to have a better life, while your father died because he despised you, then after killing you he killed himself"

The mere mention of my parents infuriated me to no end, however, I had to control myself as new information presented itself to me. "What do you mean my by, my father killed me? does that mean that he was the driver of that truck?" I questioned her with impatience.

The Goddess paused for a moment, seemingly debating with herself whether to disclose any information before speaking. "Correct."

"I see." I responded.

"Your reaction after finding out the identity of your killer, it's much less mundane than I thought."

"I'm dead anyways," I responded calmly.

"so, what's gonna happen to me?"

"After I The Generous and Magnanimo-" I interrupted her after finally getting fed up with her self-praise.

"yeah yeah I know Generous and Magnanimous, just cut to the chase"

"ugh" The Goddess let out an exasperated sigh before speaking.

"I am starting to wonder if my choices were correct, err-herm, I will simply resurrect you in a new world in order for you to live the rest of your life however you want to." Her voice became cheerful when she mentioned the word resurrect.

"Let me guess, there's magic in this world?" I asked with a hint of expectation in my voice.

"Well yes, how did yo-"

"And it's somehow technologically inferior compared to my previous world?" I interrupted her once more before starting a barrage of questions.


"there are dragons?"







"yes- Wait a minute! how do you possess such knowledge?!" She finally broke through my barrages.

"uhmm, I don't know, but anyways won't I just die there the moment I get there? I mean I have no means of protecting myself." I proceeded to present a variable that will certainly bring me an early demise.

"Obviously this Generou-, ehem. I would of course give you some abilities that will prevent such events, or at the very least delay them. Try saying status."

I sighed before saying the word. "Status..." I looked around, above and below, and saw that nothing had changed. "uhhh... nothing happened"

"Ahh silly me" Her voice leaked of embarrassment as she spoke.

The area around me ruptured as a powerful source of light appeared, slowly it morphed into a crystal that slowly grew larger.

I can't decide whether to go for first person perspective or the usual third person with a narrator. Ima just stick to the original frame of the story. Weee~

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