
Defiance Against the World

A nameless human brought into a weird world where the rules are not what they seem. His adventures leads him to a terrifying revelation that will put him in to a path of the world's destruction. Multiple powers collide in order to transform the world in to their own desire. Amongst these powers, the nameless human will have to compete against them. My first book, a first person perspective story currently being refined and released alongside Fate be Damned.

GenTap · Fantasy
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Acknowledge your Achievements

Imagine this, you are a researcher. You have dedicated your entire life in the field of research, slowly but surely, reaching your ultimate grand design. The field that you work in is ridiculed, the path that you chose is difficult, you shed blood, tears and sweat from each step that you made.

Alone, you persevered and found answers, you made great strides and was at the cusp of reaching the peak of your work.

But the closer you got, the more you are hindered. Not by your lack of abilities but by your fellow researchers who looked down upon your work. Those who shook their heads and denied your work and, in the end, threw you away.

The Diary was filled with frustrations, anger, regret and sadness.

The author never received validations or acknowledgement of their work, their lives work was never given any credit.

I can only imagine how frustrated he was, having accomplished a great feat, only to be buried away.

Its because of the single reason that the earth element is viewed as an inferior element. Earth element is always paired to the peasants, the serfs, the slaves or laborers. Earth element is viewed as dirty, it didn't help that dwarves, a creature that vaguely resembled a human but with shorter stature uses earth element. Being almost a mirror image of a human but shorter, caused the earth element associated with them to be looked down upon.

This led for the development of earth magic to be halted, no one wanted to research or even use earth magic due to the public misconception and stereotype that it was inferior, dirty and weak.

As a researcher of Earth magic, he was shunned and casted away.

I don't know what came over me when I saw the research papers. Maybe I saw the latent potential of learning this new form of magic, maybe it was because I was curious. Having the same element specialty might have given me a closer kinship to this old man, maybe it was because he was related to my summoning to this world.

What matters is that I want to learn more of his research, I want to understand his views and thoughts about this element.

I might not know his past, however he died pursuing his dreams, passions and his beliefs, that alone impressed me. In my past life, I never followed my dreams, I lived just for the sake of living. I might have had regrets in my previous life, but I'm sure as hell that I don't wanna to continue living in regret in this life.

The man who rests under the earth has lived a life of unending struggles for his dream. He lived for a cause that no one cared or even tried to understand. And yet he still strived.

His death was unfair, I know someone intervened in his ascension. His death caused me to live freely, and now I carry the burden of his past dedications, and I'm not about to abandon it.

"Listen up old Falroy! I acknowledge you! I learned and understood your works! And I am willing to take up your mantle and show the world your grand design!" I shouted whole heartedly.

Never in my previous life have I felt this way, the future path is gonna be filled with hardships, but I am willing to follow this path in order to redeem my past self.

The ground shook with a heave as soon as I spoke. It was only for brief a moment, however an exclamation mark confirmed my suspicion.

Inheritor, a title given to those who inherit the works of legendary figures. You and your predecessor are connected through unknown means. The grand design created by you and your predecessor shall change the world, for better or worse.



Name: Silver

Level: 15

Race: Foreign Spirit (Possessed Earth Golem)

Class: None

Age: 06:32:54

Sex: None

Title: Inheritor

HP: 150

MP: 646


Active: None

Passive: Mana mastery II, Strong Body I, Artificial Brain,

Talents: Mana User, Golem Maker

Attributes: Earth


"A new title, sometimes I wonder how this works." I told myself before exploring the entire man-made cave.

The underground cave was surprisingly large, the construction reminded me of a certain game where you craft and mine. Soon, I came across rooms stored with various items collected over the years. Swords, armors, foods, medicines, magic tomes, and other stuffs neatly separated in each rooms.

A surprise greeted me when I came across the largest room in the cave, it was filled with a an army of over 500 or so figures made out of clay. Have you ever heard of the terracotta army? It looked similar to this but on a smaller scale, the figures were carved based on the body of the old man, but younger and more fit.

There was a cavity on their heads where the brain would be located, and on their chests where the heart resides.

"That old fart's research has already reached its final stages. All I have to do is finish it." I said as a passed each statue and reviewed a piece of paper and confirmed some of the words written within it.

I continued on to the next door frame which led me to a long winding corridor. A metal cage separating the passage way with a locked door made of the same metal cage greeted me.

The lock was secured using magic, inspecting it closer, there was no key hole. I soon realized that I was somehow familiar with its inner workings. The word inheritor came to mind as I unlocked it by passing my mana laced with the earth element.

I came across more of these metal cage and decided to lock them again as I passed them. I did not have to wonder long as to why these cages exists, coming across what looks to be large prison cell holding about 20 or more goblins each.

The goblins started shouting and making noises as soon as I entered the large hallway that housed these prison cell.

The diary mentioned the existence of monster core farms, I never expected it to be something like this. It detailed how to collect them and when to collect them, it told me that goblins are fast to reproduce and grow. They were also easy to feed as they will eat just about anything, they are not fragile and can survive in any deplorable conditions.

They were the perfect monsters to use as a monster core farm.

I would have gulped if I had a normal body, as I observed the goblins clamoring and shouting curses on their own language.

Sorry for the weeks of delay, exams took up my time.

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