
Future plans

"Ahh, here they are" Clara said, as Oliver and David came up the stairs. She was standing in the middle of the room. Liz and Lara were already sitting on the couch.

"We started without you guys" Liz said tilting her head back.

The both of them joined them on the couch.

"So where was I?" Clara asked.

"You were at replacing teams at the tower, honey" Lara said with the same soft voice.

It seemed like Clara blushed for a second because of Lara's answer.

"Anyways," She coughed: "So we will replace another team for the mission. We get the pay, and they don't. The previous guilds team was called Nightfall, why they abandoned that mission, we don't know"

"What is the mission" Oliver asked, raising his hand.

"You know what mana towers are?"

Oliver nodded: "They are the tower who provide the air with mana right?"

"Well, basically yes, but there is more. Like temperature control and mana output" Lara answered him.

"Well, they are heavily guarded and the one we have to guards this time is the one in the north, it's going to be a twelve-hour trip. So, you have to be ready tomorrow. Since this tower is guild property only trusted guild members can enter within a radius of one-kilometer other guards behind the fence can't. And since more than fifteen persons inside that one-kilometer radius will leave a weird decrease in output"

"It's a weird phenome which only occurs to some towers"

"Yeah" Clara nodded to Lara's short explanation.

"We will be stationed for two days. So just keep an eye out"

"And what about the team? How do we act?" David asked her.

"Since we are five now and have a scout too, we can split teams in two. Lara, David and I are going to be team one" She turned her head to Lit: "You are going to be with Oliver in a team"

Liz sighted tiredly to that.

"Since you are the fastest one, and Oliver is our scout you match good" She continued.

"Hey newbie"

"My names Oliver" Oliver answered Liz's call.

She brushed it off with a hand movement, as If she already knew: "Hope you can keep up?"

Oliver nodded

"We will be leaving tomorrow in the morning, be ready"

Everybody got up and went to their lockers, to start packing their bags.

Oliver moved back to the entrance where his bags were lying until Clara snuck up from behind.

"You got your equipment, right?"

"Yeah" Oliver said as he continued unpacking his belongings.

"Anything you need? You can ask me, just don't ask for too much"

"Yeah sure, but I am good for now"

Clara gave him a little pause between the questions.

"I haven't asked you this before, but are you okay Oliver?"

It was a weird question, that shocked him.


"What do you mean Clara?" He asked trying to sound as unaffected as possible.

"I mean the spar between you and Liz. She left you a mark, didn't she?"

"Oh that?" Oliver was relieved, his build up stress vanished in an instant: "I am good, no worries"

"If you say so" Clara said with a questioned voice and left him to continue.

Oliver grabbed his little black box. In there was a long revolver, its hilt made out of wood, looking elegant and the rest was iron. Inside the box was another imprint forming a gun. But the gun inside was missing.

He kept looking at the empty space and sighted.

"Doesn't matter"

He inspected the revolver in his hand, and after checking it he put it into box again.

Oliver went to the other bag wich looked like a big military bag. Opened it and grabbed a black leather jacket. It was a big jacket, with two pockets on its chest and two on the lower half. On his shoulders were little brown shoulder plates imprinted into the jacked.

He put it on checking if it fit and it did.

David looked behind as he saw Oliver coming down with his equipment.

"David where do I put these?" He asked.

"Just choose any that isn't locked" David answered.

Oliver passed David and was about to take the best looking one.

"Oh, that's Liz's. Just take another"

He nodded and took a look at the others. That's when he realized.

"Let me guess. These are the only ones left?" Oliver asked pointing at the far right were four old lockers were placed in a line.

David snickered and nodded as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Don't worry Oliver. We don't have any problems with rats or something, just need to clean em up a bit"

"Haaa" He sighted and left his equipment on the ground.

"Wait, let me at least help you" David said with seriousness in his voice: "You are the new one, at least let me get you going"

"Hmm sure, thanks?"

"Cleaning utensils are upstairs on the right" He started laughing again.

"Aha, funny" And Oliver left.