
Blazed strike

Lizbeth was running, her crimson flames blazing towards Oliver head on. Only her left side was covered in flames, a new phenomenon for Oliver's eyes to watch.

But as beautiful as I look, as dangerous it was.

But before Lizbeth could reach Oliver a big, strong hand grabbed him from behind and threw him back.

"Get down" Clara shouted as she thew him. David came rushing in within the same moment. He held a rope in his hands. He threw it around Liz who was charging for another attack.

"I can't hold her for long!" He shouted, in hope of Clara to help him somehow.

And that's what Clara did. She ran towards Lizbeth, who was still held down by David's rope and grabbed her neck from the right side, lifted her up with the same arm as if there was no weight behind it. And then slammed her down on her stomach.

"Calm down!" She said as she was getting closer to her right ear.

"Get him here!" She screeched.

Oliver still sat there and watched the situation.

Lara also joined the situation as she walked forward and placed her hands on her blazing face.

Then suddenly some light illuminated from the midst of her palms.

"There, there. Calm down Lizbeth"

And as she said those words Liz's flames started to vanish.

After all those dark red flames disappeared a little girl was left on the ground with burnt clothes. The mat had melted parts in it.

"I am so sorry Lara!" Liz cried out after calmed herself down. Looking at the burnt hands of Lara.

"It is fine" She answered with her voice still being calm. She seemed like a mother taking care of her child.

Clara walked up to them.

"Can you get up?" She asked and reached her hand out for Liz.

Liz grabbed with an embarrassed smile and stood up.

"Sheesh" David gave out sarcastically as he saw the naked demon standing there.

Clara rushed towards him with a furious face and grabbed him.

David gave out a dying scream as he flew towards the wall.

"You guys are funny" Oliver said, as he stood up.

"Who wins?" Lizbeth asked as she hid her body behind the tall giant.

"I would call it a tie" Lara said softly.

Oliver nodded.

"Am I good enough now, Liz?" He asked, letting everything that happened to him be a funny joke.

"Yeah, sure. Dumbass"

Oliver didn't know what to do, until Lara showed him out of the sparing room with David following.

"She is still a lady" the white elf said, as she closed the door to the room.

"Uhhg" David breathed out: "You good Oliver? That's been intense"

"I should be the one asking you that" Oliver laughed it off.

"I hope you don't take it personally. She doesn't trust people easily, last guy that came got his ass kicked"

Oliver listened carefully.

"No, I am good. It was a new experience"

"But what about that?" David asked him, pointing towards his chest, where are small scar was left behind"

"Don't worry, this isn't the only scar I got"

David laughed to that: "Though, I like it"

They both went to the couch and sat down. Oliver didn't look earlier, but there was so much empty space.

David saw his glances: "Haha, I know. We don't have money right now, so when I found your application, I was a bit relieved. I mean you were in the third Hunts team, right?"

"Yeah, but that was a year ago"

"But look at you, you are still fit. Those muscles speak for themselves" He said, as he was observing Oliver's naked chest.

"Can I take a shower"

"Ah, yeah! They are in the sparring room, on the right side"

Oliver got up; his skin was wet from the fierce fight. Either it was because of the heat, or the intense battle. He grabbed one of his bags and got himself a new pair of clothes plus a towel and headed down again.

The door opened in front of he with Clara, Liz and Lara leaving the room. Liz was standing with a fresh new pair of cloth. It seemed as if she had washed up already.

He passed the three of them and headed down.

"Eyo, wait up" David came joining him: "I've gotta show you your lockers"

"Lara, has showed me before"

David brushed it off with a smirk: "Then I will show you what lockers you can't take"

And they both went to the showers.

It was a big room, no separate baths. Hot steam was leaking out from the earlier use.

It had a nice feeling.

"Boys! Meet me up after you guys are done" Clara shouted from above: "We will be discussing the mission"