

Khadijah_Omotoke · Fantasy
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14 Chs


" Good afternoon sir" One of my employees greeted me as i stepped into my company.I keep recieving greetings from my employees most especially from the girls as i moved closer towards the elevator but i spared them no glance not to talk of responding to their greetings.

I finally got to the elevator and i entered it .i pressed some buttons and the elevator moved taking me to the 10th floor.The elevator stopped at the 10th floor and i came outside of it.

My office is located at the 10 th floor and i am the only one who have access to the 10th floor .No employee dare come to the 10th floor except my personal assistant because i insisted that his office must also be at the 10th floor and he is the only one that knows the password to my office.

I moved closer to my office and i percieve a perfume.

"This is not the perfume my assistant normally use.The scent of the perfume is just like the one my sister uses ,could it be that she is at my office" I thought inwardly as i shrugged the thought off."She cant be at my office,she dont even know the password to my office,maybe my assistant changed his perfume.

My office door was flunged open and that's weird,even though my assistant was there he would have at least closed it.

"But why didn't he closed the door" i thought as i moved angrily to the door and i entered it

"Why the hell did you flung my office door open Gu joon pyo?" I shouted angrily and suprisingly i saw my sister sitting down calmly on the sofa in my office instead of my personal assistant.

"Why are you here and how did you enter my office" I asked her as my eye brows furrowed with a cold aura emanating all around the office.

"Cant i just decide to come and greet my brother at his office" She asked calmly as she stared at me.

"How did you get in " I asked her but this time around i was calm and the cold aura emanating around the room already reduced.Seems she is the only one that knows how to calm my nerves down.She never get tired of teasing me when i am angry even though i dont give her any response.

"Through the door" she replied as she point towards the door.

"How do you get the password to my office"

"Well,through the help of Gu joon pyo " she answered reffering to my personal assistant.

"And he really told you the password"

"Yes cant he or are you not my brother.Are you saying you dont want me in your office?" she asked me

"You know i dont welcome unexpected and univited visitor." I told her coldly as my eye brows furrowed.

" I am not a visitor and i can come to your company and office if i wish"She replied back but i dont feel like answering her because i know it will generate into a very long conversation which i hate.

The door flunged open and Gu joon pyo came in."Good afternoon " he greeted.

"Where have you been " I asked him coldly without sparing him a glance.

"song hye kyo send me on an errand" He replied and i turned to face my sister.

"How dare you send my personal assistant on an errand"

"He volunteered to get me ice cream when i told him that i am thirsty." "Well where is the ice cream " She said as she turned to face him.

I am sorry i wasnt able to buy it " he answered her.Gu joon pyo is just like a family to us .He lost his father at a very tender age and his father happened to be my dads business partner and because his father and my father were closed my father volunteered to raise him up and since then he has been living with us,even though his father left him with some companies which my dad managed well for him he stiil loves the way he is working as my personal assistant. There is nothing i ever keep from him and he seems to know me well more than anyone else but i dont know the reason why he loves running an errand for my sister.

"Can you please excuse us" I told my sister as i turned to face her."

"okay no problem bye" she said as she went outside leaving me with Gu joon pyo.

" Gu joon pyo,please there is a problem i want you to solve for me"

"What's that " he asked as he moved closer to me.