

Khadijah_Omotoke · Fantasy
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14 Chs


She was really beautiful with a flawless smooth white skin,an oval long face that perfectly fit her slim body with a small curve,a long perfect eyebrows and a beautiful sharp eyes with a soft beautiful pink lips.

" Oh my God,this girl is just too beautiful " I muttered inaudibly and i suddenly hit my head with my hands two times.

"What's wrong with me? why am i suddenly bewitched by this girl's beauty" I asked myself as my eye brows furrowed.

"She's not even beautiful up to my taste and i must not allow this girl get into my head." I muttered trying to convince myself. i've already vowed not to get smitten my any lady's beauty and here i am.

"Taehyung get hold of yourself" I muttered to myself and suddenly the girl stumbled on a stone and she almost found herself on the floor not until something inside me pushed me to hold her waist in order to prevent her from falling.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she seems to be in shock.

"What the hell are you doing taehyung, did you just... i mean did i just prevent her from falling by holding her waist and i even asked her whether she was okay" I asked myself in bewildrement because when last did ieven care for someone talkless of a stranger."what has really gotten over me" i thought inwardly as i heard the footsteps of my body guards coming.

"We are really sorry sir"one of my bodyguard said as he bowed down his head slightly.

" Can you stop resting on me"I asked her with the most coldest voice ever and she freed herself away from me.

" I am so sorry" She apologised and i gave her no response as i looked at her for the last time.

"Let's go"I told my bodyguards as one of them open the car door and i entered and the car zoomed off.