
Deceitful Reality

After finally completing his nine years of compulsory education plus three years of secondary education, Leo managed to get into one of the decent colleges from his country, sighing in relief thinking that the bad days were behind him he peacefully lay down on his bed and slept like a log after countless sleepless night's. Unfortunately, his happiness only lasted for a single night as when he once again opened his eyes a whole new world appeared before him. Still, that wasn't going to stop him as he once again worked hard in this new, he worked harder than he did in the previous world by severalfold and manage to achieve a level which kids his age could only dream of. And just as he was about to experience his first day at the most reputed college in the new world..... It happened again......... But this time it was a little different....... [You have been chosen as one of the first contestants to enter the 'Sanctuary'.] Why is getting into college so hard............

nkcthereaper · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: MORE(PART-1)

"Hey, where exactly are we going anyway?", Kaira said in frustration as she killed the mosquito on her hand.

"Dammit, I hate this place.", There were mosquito bite marks all over her skin as well as several small scars formed by brushing against sharp edges.

Maybe it was because she knew that Leo couldn't understand her as she ended up dropping all form of formality she had and directly started using curses in her speech.

'Or maybe this is her true personality coming out.....', Leo thought as he slashed a branch blocking their way.

Perhaps a tactical understanding has formed between them as Kaira no longer asked for Leo's clothes and just quietly followed behind him.

At least after killing the goblins, they were able to acquire small pieces of hide from them, unfortunately, the size was too small for Kaira to cover herself with so she wrapped it around her feet somehow making it somewhat bearable to walk in this place.

But sneaking a glance at her pale face Leo wondered for how long she can last.

Also for some reason, his pet wolf started keeping a distance from them since Kaira starting following him, perhaps it was too shy or maybe it didn't like her?

And so a pair of man and woman with a wolf kept making their way through the Evergreen forest.

An hour later.

'I wanted to ask if she could see the screen as well...', Leo frowned slightly as he turned back and stared at Kaira.

Currently, her condition was not looking good at all he could see slight swelling around her legs and shoulder, her face looked paler than before while she kept huffing for air. She has stopped throwing tantrums a while ago as well. Maybe too tired to say anything.

He wondered if he should just drop the facade and tell her that he can understand her.

'This can't go on.'

Their traveling speed has also decreased a lot due to her condition.

So Leo stopped and stood in front of Kaira.

"Are we there?", Kaira muttered in a tired voice as she stared at Leo whose face was covered by the black cloak.

Without waiting for her to say something more, Leo directly picked her up, There was no resistance maybe because Kaira knew her condition wasn't good either.

Leo scrunted his brows as he felt that Kaira was burning hot right now, suffering from fever in this type of climate is just asking for trouble.

Honestly leaving her here and running away will be the most logical answer after all fever is a contagious disease and if he had to carry her through the forest then the chances of him getting sick as well will be quite high.

Plus this wasn't some normal forest, goblins, Wolf's and who knows what else kind of fantasy monster will be waiting for him ahead.

Also not like he owed her anything either, they were strangers at best.


Looking down he could see that she had unknowingly tightened her grip on his jacket and fallen unconscious.

Leo narrowed his eyes as he looked at the scene and decided to keep moving forward for now.



Suddenly a green shadow flashed towards Leo's back with an amazing speed.


But before it could reach its target a pair of sharp claws pulled it down, not giving it a chance to resist the wolf quickly bit down on the snake's head separating it from it's body, killing it on spot.

[Your companion has killed a Normal monster 'Green Snake', you have been awarded 15 shop points.]

It looked like he will now start receiving points on his pet's behalf as well.....

'There is something very wrong with this system.'

Leo wanted to fire a complain saying why he didn't receive any points when his wolf killed monsters before, why the sudden change?

Whatever it looked like system isn't very reliable.

After Kaira fell unconscious his pet suddenly decided to show itself, Leo would have to through a lot more difficulties if the wolf wasn't these.

He has been travelling for hours now, resting in between, the sun was about to set as well, he needed to find a new shelter quickly before the night arrives.

Along the way he decided to cover Kaira with his jacket, although he didn't want to expose his trump cards, looking at her condition he hardly thought that she could do something to harm him.

The amazing thing was, even after carrying a person along and walking for hours , Leo didn't feel tired at all.

Suddenly Leo felt movement coming from the bush to his left.

With quick movement, Leo hid himself behind the tree, the wolf followed right after.

Maybe due to the sudden movement, Kaira was awoken as her eyes quivered.

Before she could say anything Leo sealed her mouth with his hand, making her eyes shot wide open and struggle, but seeing Leo telling her to keep quite she quickly calmed down as well.

Seeing that she understood his gesture, Leo let her down on the ground and carefully pulled out the short sword from his back.

What appeared from the bush was something out of his expectations.

Dark skin with a necklace of bones hanging around his neck, only the lower part of his body was covered by leaves providing the bare minimum protection.


Leo thought as he stared at the dark skinned man who looked to be a member of some kind of backward tribe.

Fist a goblin then wolves and now a tribesmen....Leo wondered what else he would be able to see in this forest.


It looked like the native was badly wounded as he spurted out a mouthful of blood, upon closer inspection, Leo could see various bite marks all over his body, there was even a big piece of flesh missing from his abdomen.

Seems like the man was on his last breaths, but still forced himself to move forward, Leo could see the terror in the nomads eyes, it was definitely running away from some predator, maybe a group of wolves judging from the bite marks


As if confirming his suspicion, a sudden howl rang out startling the man as he staggered forward.

While Leo was contemplating whether to help the man or not a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

Turning around he could see Kaira staring at him with a serious look, she must have seen the situation with the nomad as well.

"Don't save him."

Leo's facial expression didn't change but on the inside he was a bit surprised, he thought that she will ask him to save the nomad.

"Even if you save him the chances of him understanding us are too low plus nomads attacking people who are not from their tribes is a common occurence----Dammit I forgot you can't understand me either."

Kaira suddenly started making cross signs while pointing at the nomad.

Instead of saying something, Leo moved his hand and suddenly touched her forehead.


Startled by his sudden movement she tried to move back but Leo was faster than her.

'The temperature is still high there but it's a lot better than before.'

Leo wondered how she managed to get the fever under control in just a few hours, it would usually take atleast 2-3 days for a normal person to recover and in this kind of forest with no medication available, it should have taken even longer duration of time for the recovery.

Seeing that Leo was only checking her temperature, Kaira stopped moving, she had mixed feeling about the fact that she was currently being taken care of by a kid.

Before she could react, a apear suddenly covered her vision.

She looked confused when she saw Leo holding the handle of the spear towards her.

Understanding his intent she grabbed the spear, unlike how easily Leo was carrying the spear, the weapon was heavy, she almost dropped it on the ground due to it's weight.

This made her look at Leo in a new light, the kid had been carrying multiple weapons like this on his back this whole time without breaking a sweat.

Looking at him she saw Leo getting up from the ground with a short sword in his hand, as a bad premonition hit her.

"Your not going to------"

Before she could continue, Leo suddenly nodded at her and started running towards the familiar direction.

"Wait you blockhead"

Kaira almost started cursing but then she remembered that she was in a forest and who knows what she might end up attracting by shouting out loud like that.

How could he leave her like that?

This isn't how you treat a lady for god's sake!!!!

Feeling a little cold, Kaira tightened the hold of the jacket on her shoulder.


A realisation stuck her as she stared at the familiar jacket she was wearing.

She fell silent for some time, she did not expected the kid to let go of it after continuosly denying to give it to her before.

Moving her hand, she wore the jacket properly instead of just keeping it around her shoulder.

In this nightmarish situation the ordinary piece of cloth felt a bit warm to her.