
Death in Remnant

Jackson Pryde was an ordinary ten-year old boy from an extraordinary world (MCU/Marvel), but during an alien invasion in New York City, he fell into a void and was sent to another world by the One-Above-All, with three of his classmates getting dragged along for the ride. With his system that the One-Above-All gave to him, Jackson retains himself while transforming into Death, while his classmates become War, Fury, and Strife, and are all sent to a world called Remnant. The first step of Death's epic adventure begins. Volume 1 : Death in Remnant Volume 2 : Darksider in Star Wars

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Torchwick Appears

POV Aiden Torchwick

Aiden Torchwick was a forty-nine year old thief with long red hair, with a bit of grey starting to appear, and green eyes. He had haunted various kingdoms stealing whatever he wanted for the first thirty-four years of his life, but in the last fifteen years he had been working for his queen, Salem, and even reconnected with his son, Roman, to use the fool to advance Salem's ambitions.

Since the crocodile faunus, Aly, hadn't stumbled upon Summer Rose's secret all those years ago, Aiden and Aly never went to try to assassinate her together, resulting in neither of them dying on that day, allowing for him to be here today, leading the mission to take down Vale and Beacon!

As underlings he had his son, Roman, and a girl named Ana, and he was also working with the Bloody Fang branch in Vale, at his queen's instructions. Lenore, the faunus in charge of the Vale branch of the Bloody Fangs, had been a tough nut to crack, but in the end he had gotten her on board with his Queen's plan, so things were finally going well.

He was looking over his plans for Sunday's big heist when his son entered his 'office' in the warehouse where they were stashing all the Dust and Lien they had stolen so far.

"Father, why must we work with these insufferable women." Roman complained to Aiden.

"Roman, we need them for our ambitions to become reality. Do make sure you get along with those two." Aiden ordered without turning towards his sun "Are you ready for Sunday?"


POV Anastasia Tremaine

When Roman Torchwick stormed off, 'Ana' snorted derisively "the bosses son sure is annoying". 'Ana' had long red hair and green eyes, but while she was fairly fit, her facial structure looked too masculine to be attractive, and she was almost as straight as a toothpick, lacking in the department of feminine curves. If she chose to dress like a man and got a haircut, she could probably fool most people into thinking she was one.

The woman she was presently with with a white haired beauty in her early twenties, with white rabbit ears. She wore a Bloody Fang mask that covered the top half of her face, but even from just the bottom half it was plane to see that under it was a truly beautiful young woman. As far as her body went, she had curves in all the right places, and her breasts were neither too large nor too small. This rabbit faunus was Lenore Nivens. If not for her deep hatred of humans that kept her tied to the Bloody Fangs, she likely would have had no trouble finding a spouse, but that was just not something she was concerned about.

"If that human keeps running his mouth off I'll kill him myself." Lenore scowled before again looking at Ana "I have limits of what I can put up with, even if our goals do align at this time."

Since Roman's father reappeared in his life, Roman had worked for him ever sense, and had never developed the Charisma that he would have developed had his father never been his life. As a result of this, he openly spoke down to faunus in Lenore's presence and insulted Ana's looks to her face. As a result of this, it was not just Roman Torchwick that hated them. Both of them hated him as well, but only tolerated him so far because of his father.

"he's a moron. Doesn't even realize that if we kill him, his father wont do anything to us" Ana answered smugly "He cares about his precious plan too much."

Lenore nodded in agreement and a wicked smile appeared on her beautiful face.


POV Death

After Penny had to separate from them for the day, Death brought Ruby back to his room, where they spent the night together, which he really enjoyed. The next morning was a Saturday, so they had free time to meet up and all train together. Ruby was drowsy since he'd kept her up much of the night, so Death went a bit easier on her then the others.

In the afternoon, when Ruby went to nap, Death took Blake to town and brought her to various shops, eventually dropping by Tukson's shop. Since Tukson was a member of the White Fang and never joined the Bloody Fangs to begin with, Death thought it was unlikely that anyone would try to kill him in this world, but he still thought it was best that he met the man and then he could start sending one of his body doubles to keep an eye our for danger in the near future, just in case.

So under the cover of a date with Blake, Death met him, so that Tukson wouldn't be suspicious of Death's presence thereafter. Death and Blake ate out before returning to Beacon.

Sunday was another day of training, with Blake getting lighter treatment since she was the one to not sleep much the previous night, and mid-afternoon, when their training was finished, Death invited Ruby to accompany him to town to meet Penny. A shipment of Dust from the Schnee Dust Company had arrived today, and Death strongly suspected that Roman Torchwick would appear to steal it.

Near the docks, Death and Ruby spotted Penny waiting for them.

"Sal-u-tations." Penny greeted them enthusiastically.

"Good afternoon, Penny. Thanks for meeting us." Death greeted her.

"I am happy to meet you again, my friends." Penny insisted cheerfully.

Ruby smiled at Penny, apparently finding her cheerful demeanor comforting.

"Now, the reason we asked you to met us tonight, Penny, is I have a suspicion that a big robbery may happen tonight, and Ruby and I want to stop it. We want to invite you to join us. I'm not positive that it'll happen, it's about fifty-fifty, but if I am right then it'll be a good chance to deal with some very bad people." Death explained to Penny "Do you agree?"

"I am combat ready." Penny answered with no hesitation at all.

Death nodded and seemed glad to hear it "A Shipment of Dust came in from the Schnee Dust Company, a huge freighter. I suspect that Roman Torchwick and the Bloody Fang might appear tonight to rob it. So lets watch the place and step in to stop them if or when they show up tonight."

Penny nodded in understanding.


New Quest : Apprehend Roman Torchwick

Roman Torchwick is planning to rob the Dust from the Schnee Dust Company Freighter, this is a good opportunity to apprehend him.

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin, 1,000 Shop Points

Failure : ?


New Quest : Kill Roman Torchwick

Roman Torchwick is planning to rob the Dust from the Schnee Dust Company Freighter, this is a good opportunity to kill him.

Reward : ?, ?, ?

Failure : ?


"I have already found a good place to watch from." Death told Penny and Ruby while reading the two quest prompts he had received, which appeared to verify what he was suspecting, but he decided not to mention that, and led Ruby and Penny to the rooftop where they could watch the dust containers from.


POV Roman Torchwick

Presently, he was on a Bullhead heading towards his next heist, accompanied by a bunch of 'useless animals' aka faunus. Roman did not like having anything to do with them, but his father insisted on allying with them. He was too scared of his father to openly disobey his orders.

As they landed at the docks, the Bloody Fang started exiting from the Bullhead first, while he tidied up his clothes, his hair, and his hat to look his best, before following them out of the Bullhead "Hey! What's the hold up?! We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"


POV Death

"It looks like you were right." Ruby commented as she readied to go down, but Death caught her wrist "Aren't we going to stop them?"

"Absolutely, but there should be more Bullheads coming. A little patience can help us catch more villains. If we act too soon, more maybe forewarned and escape." Death explained to Ruby and smiled at her "So lets wait for the rest of their forces to arrive."

Ruby nodded in understanding while Death created five body doubles, which was currently the max he could control without a drop in all of their combat potential. He wanted to make swift work of these people.

Unexpectedly, though, someone unexpected appeared and attacked Roman Torchwick. It was a blond monkey-faunus, who used gunchucks. He was surprised to find Sun Wukong here, considering that he hadn't met Blake and as far as Death knew, he had no reason to come here.

"Looks like we have to step in and help that idiot." Death sighed, but at least he saw four more Bullheads arriving "Oh, I'll send my body doubles to deal with the other four Bullheads, lets get Torchwick and the Bloody Fang on the ground." he instructed.

Penny and Ruby jumped off the roof to join Sun Wukong, and Death jumped down after them, while his body doubles teleported onto each of the five bullheads and began dealing with the Bloody Bang members on board, causing the four in the air to crash into the sea while disabling the one on the ground.

Roman had no idea what had happened. It was written clearly on his face. He hadn't expected four bullheads to crash suddenly, and his remaining animal companions to be overwehelmed by these four young individuals.

He tried to get on the last not-crashed bullhead, but one of Death's body doubles appeared behind him, wielding Harvester, and swinging the scythe to viciously slashed Roman's back, the intent being to cause an injury capable of killing him without obviously looking like he intended to kill him.

When it came right down to it, he figured that the three unknown rewards were quite tempting compared to the two known ones with the quest to apprehending him would yield, and two unknown failure results was scarier then one.

After wounding Torchwick, Death, his body doubles, Ruby and Penny finished apprehending the Bloody Fang members and knocking them out, including the ones that were coming ashore from the crashed bullheads.

Death had brought plenty of rope and tied them all up very thoroughly while having Ruby call the Vale Police department


Quest Failed : Apprehend Roman Torchwick

Roman Torchwick is planning to rob the Dust from the Schnee Dust Company Freighter, this is a good opportunity to apprehend him.

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin, 1,000 Shop Points

Failure : Eternal hatred of ? Torchwick


Quest Complete : Kill Roman Torchwick

Roman Torchwick is planning to rob the Dust from the Schnee Dust Company Freighter, this is a good opportunity to kill him.

Reward : Summoning System unlocked, Random Summon Token (Rare) x1, Summon Search x1

Failure : Eternal hatred of ? Torchwick, Summoning System permanently disabled.


Death was surprised when he saw the rewards. Summoning sounded interesting, so he decided to check out what it was all about. He found that he could use a 'summon search' to select up to ten individuals who died in their own worlds that he could thereafter buy with shop points to summon. As for Random Summon Tokens, they came in Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary versions, and let him randomly receive one summon.

Where 'Summon Search' allowed him to select two keywords to narrow down what results he'd get, random summon tokens were completely random. Rare and Legendary summons couldn't persist permanently, requiring energy from their summoners to remain, and only one could be summoned at a time. With his divine regeneration, he could essentially make the summon last for as long as he wanted too, but could still only summon one at a time in this manner.

'Use Rare Random Summon Token.' Death thought and a roulette wheel appeared and started spinning.

"We pulled it off." Ruby said to Death as she finished calling the Vale Police.

"I am glad that we did. Torchwick is very bad news. It's good to get him off the street." Death agreed and saw that the roulette stopped, landing on the name 'Ultear Milkovich'.

Death wondered who this 'Ultear Milkovich' was, but decided that now wasn't the right time to experiment with summoning her.

'Use Summon Search, Keywords Death Game.' Death had recalled watching a subtitles anime before entering this world, which was called 'Sword Art Online', and thought that these keywords might enable him to acquire the Moonlit Black Cats and let them live again!

The results soon appeared before him in a text window, and he read through them while talking to Ruby and Penny and waiting for the police.


Sachi (Common) : 10,000 Shop Points

[Originating from the world of Sword Art Online, Sachi was a 15 year old girl who was trapped in a death game with her friends, Tetsu, Sasamaru, Ducker, and Keita. Her friends came together and formed a guild called the 'Moonlit Black Cats', and worked together to try to survive and clear the death game, though none of them were able to survive the game. Their death's however, made a huge impact on Kirito, who had befriended them, who went on to clear the game and rescued many of the survivors. If summoned/resurrected, she will be a normal 15 year old girl, with no special skills of abilities, and no special potential, though she is likely to worship the one that saved her, and become infatuated with him.]

Tetsu (Common) : 10,000 Shop Points

[Originating from the world of Sword Art Online, Tetsu was a 15 year old boy who was trapped in a death game with his friends, Sachi, Sasamaru, Ducker, and Keita. His friends came together and formed a guild called the 'Moonlit Black Cats', and worked together to try to survive and clear the death game, though none of them were able to survive the game. Their death's however, made a huge impact on Kirito, who had befriended them, who went on to clear the game and rescued many of the survivors. If summoned/resurrected, he will be a normal 15 year old boy, with no special skills of abilities, and no special potential, though he will be naturally loyal to the one that saved him.]

Sasamaru (Common) : 10,000 Shop Points

[Originating from the world of Sword Art Online, Sasamaru was a 15 year old boy who was trapped in a death game with his friends, Sachi, Tetsu, Ducker, and Keita. His friends came together and formed a guild called the 'Moonlit Black Cats', and worked together to try to survive and clear the death game, though none of them were able to survive the game. Their death's however, made a huge impact on Kirito, who had befriended them, who went on to clear the game and rescued many of the survivors. If summoned/resurrected, he will be a normal 15 year old boy, with no special skills of abilities, and no special potential, though he will be naturally loyal to the one that saved him.]

Ducker (Common) : 10,000 Shop Points

[Originating from the world of Sword Art Online, Ducker was a 15 year old boy who was trapped in a death game with his friends, Sachi, Tetsu, Sasumaru, and Keita. His friends came together and formed a guild called the 'Moonlit Black Cats', and worked together to try to survive and clear the death game, though none of them were able to survive the game. Their death's however, made a huge impact on Kirito, who had befriended them, who went on to clear the game and rescued many of the survivors. If summoned/resurrected, he will be a normal 15 year old boy, with no special skills of abilities, and no special potential, though he will be naturally loyal to the one that saved him.]

Keita (Common) : 10,000 Shop Points

[Originating from the world of Sword Art Online, Keita was a 16 year old boy who was trapped in a death game with his friends, Sachi, Tetsu, Sasumaru, and Ducker. His friends came together and formed a guild called the 'Moonlit Black Cats', and worked together to try to survive and clear the death game, though none of them were able to survive the game. Their death's however, made a huge impact on Kirito, who had befriended them, who went on to clear the game and rescued many of the survivors. If summoned/resurrected, he will be a normal 16 year old boy, with no special skills of abilities, and no special potential, though he will be naturally loyal to the one that saved him.]

Mukuro Ikusaba (Common) : 25,000 Shop Points

[She was 19 years old at the time of her death, and the older twin sister of Junko Enoshima, who died in a death game orchestrated by Junko. She had the title 'Ultimate Soldier' due to being able to quickly master any weapon or martial art style, reaching peak human level conditioning. Of resurrected/summoned, she will instinctively retain her martial arts knowledge, as well as her peak human conditioning, though she will have to relearn to wield various kinds of weapons.]

Junko Enoshima (Uncommon) : 500,000 Shop Points

[She was 19 years old at the time of her death, and the younger twin sister of Mukuro Ikusaba, who died in a death game that she herself masterminded. She may not have been the strongest warrior, and may not have mastered the use of various weapons or martial arts like her sister, but she had a genius level intellect, and was capable of learning anything if she had the proper motivation to do so. If resurrected/summoned, she will inevitably fall in love with her summoner, and do anything and everything to make him happy. She will retain her incredible wit, and will always aspire to do things that make him proud of her.]

Konno Yuki (Uncommon) : 500,000 Shop Points

[Konno Yuki died at 15 years old after suffering from AIDS her whole life. She lived in the same world as the death game, Sword Art Online, and spent the last year and change of her life permanently connected to various DMMO games, with the final game, where she eventually passed away, being Alfheim Online. If resurrected/summoned, then her species will be Imp, due to her mental image of herself being warped into that of her in game avatar after being stuck in a virtual space for so long, and she will possess the racial talents of an imp as well as possessing exceptional sword skills, and an eleven-strike sword technique called 'Mother's Rosario' Imps possess the ability to fly, particularly specializing in underground or precise movement flight, along with having the abilities to run on walls, possessing perfect vision in the dark, and possessing excellent potential in darkness magic, and she will likewise possess these abilities.]

Quinella (Rare) : 500,000,000 Shop Points

[Quinella died at 363 years of age. Having the title of Administrator, she was an AI with an artificial soul which was part of Project Alicization, in the same world as the death game Sword Art Online. She led a religion within her virtual world, and eventually tried to escape into the real world, but was foiled and met her end. Of resurrected/summoned, she will be a peerless beauty, immune from the normal hazards that come from aging, as well as having an affinity for all kinds of magic. To make her easier to keep in line, system will insert into her an instinctual love for the summoner. This function is only available for Rare and Legendary summons. This service is available at no charge with this individual, since it is the only method likely to keep her under control. If host chooses to opt-out of the service, then Quinella will still be 'loyal' to her summoner, but there is a 98.3% chance that she will abduct host and hide him in the name of keeping him safe. Increased devotion to summoner will make her more likely to listen to instructions, rather then imprisoning host for his 'protection']

Esdeath (Legendary) : 100,000,000,000 Shop Points

[Esdeath was not someone that should be taken lightly and had no qualms with killing innocents to achieve her goals. Her combat power is immense, as is her mastery over the element of ice, and her mental prowess is also not something to take lightly. If one treats encountering her as some sort of game, then that person is likely to encounter only death at the hands or the ice of Esdeath. She was 22 years old at the time of her death. If resurrected/summoned, then her clingy nature is likely to come into play, causing her to love him and try to possess him. As long as she feels that her feelings are reciprocated, or may be in the future, her loyalty will be unshakable. As with other rare and legendary summons, one can pay double the cost in shop points to gain her unwavering love and devotion, but system advises against this since it is likely host can still achieve this with very little effort if he wishes too.]

Ultear Milkovich is from Fairy Tale, a time magician, which is a pretty useful summon to have. Common and Uncommon summons are permanent and do not require Death's energy to remain in existance, so he wont be buying them any time soon, until he has someplace to provide for them. That being said, once he uses summon search to make them appear, they become permanently available in his shop, and he can buy them whenever he wants.

Ultear Milkovich is a Rare summon, hense not a permanent one.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts