
Death in Remnant

Jackson Pryde was an ordinary ten-year old boy from an extraordinary world (MCU/Marvel), but during an alien invasion in New York City, he fell into a void and was sent to another world by the One-Above-All, with three of his classmates getting dragged along for the ride. With his system that the One-Above-All gave to him, Jackson retains himself while transforming into Death, while his classmates become War, Fury, and Strife, and are all sent to a world called Remnant. The first step of Death's epic adventure begins. Volume 1 : Death in Remnant Volume 2 : Darksider in Star Wars

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Mid-Term Break

After the final day of classes with end of semester tests in many of their classes, Death invited Velvet over to his room and also spent the night with Team RWBY thanks to his Body Doubles. It was a challenge to perform well in that state, since he was in his true body with Velvet, but he was getting accustomed to it. It wasn't something he'd do every day at this point or anything like that, though.

After that night, the maximum number of body doubles he could make increasing to ten, and the maximum distance his clones could be from him increasing to 10240 miles. Technically he wanted to help his girlfriends relieve their stress from classes and mid-term exams, but leveling up the distance that he could send his body doubles away from him was also useful, since it let him send a body Double to Atlas with Weiss at the end of the year, and with Blake to wherever she ended up going at that time, to give them easy access to return to Vale when the start of the next year arrives, or even just to visit him, each other, since all his body doubles were linked and shared inventory space.

Velvet lived in Vale, and Ruby and Yang lived in Patch, so they wouldn't have any issue's getting back to Beacon. As for Pyrrha, she was the most determined whenever they trained with JNPR, RWBY, FAMS, and DWBS, and challenged Death every chance she got in Professor Goodwitch's combat class. While Pyrrha had certainly improved a lot, she still wasn't able to beat Death.

On one hand she had seemed a bit frustrated, and on another she was spending more time with Death, privately practicing with him more and more often as the term had progressed, so he thought that she was falling in love with him, but hadn't admitted it yet. Death, naturally, was not going to force the matter though, especially when he wasn't absolutely certain about it.

Now that the first semester was over, Death oversaw an extremes training regiment for everyone in Team JNPR, RWBY, FAMS, and DWBS. Rather then going home for two weeks, they all decided to remain at Beacon, which made it an ideal time to train a lot.

His five girlfriends were a bit needy over break, but he did his best to satisfy them all, even forced to use his body doubles twice to keep up with them all Without a school schedule to stress them out, they had spent more time thinking about their desires, but he minimized the difficulty since he had tired them out with training, so they were forced into getting a good night of sleep to continue the harsh training the next day.

He only really gave them the last day off before break was to come to an end, and he got to bare witness to the mother of all food fights at that time, coming out of it untouched. Death did, however, summon Ultear beside him as the fight was starting, and when Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch entered, Death nodded to Ultear, who understood and used her time magic to restore the cafeteria to it's state before the fight began, even returning the food to its previous placement and condition.

This also caused the mess that was made to disappear as though it had never been there before.

Glynda Goodwitch, who had been about to use her semblance to clean up the place, was flabbergasted and the cafeteria became silent for a moment. Death, meanwhile, moved to get into position, and when Yang fell back through the roof, he caught her in a bridal carry.

Ozpin and Glynda spotted Ultear and were about to talk to her, but Death decided this was not the place for that, and had his body double that was watching over Tukson summon Ultear, so that she disappeared from the cafeteria.

As for Tukson, by the end of the day when he closed up his store, he had not been attacked, but Death sill planned to watch over him for a few more weeks at least. He was still a close person to Blake, so Death did not want anything to happen to him, even if it was extremely unlikely.

After the days activities were completed, Death decided to walk back to his room today. He and his siblings had individual rooms, which could only be found in what was typically the 'guests dorm', so in the past couple days the previously fairly vacant building had started filling up with students from other kingdoms. While Death was walking back to his room, he thought that this was a good chance to take a look at some of them.

Death nearly reached his room when he heard someone approaching from behind him. Because of the type of sound the person was making he knew exactly who it was. Suddenly the one approaching him from behind, jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck, not with any intention to strangle him, though, just to prevent him from seeing her.

"Guess who." Death heard a girl ask, while trying to gruffly disguise her voice.

"Oh, I don't know, but I hope it is a sexy little cat faunus named Neon Katt." Death answered and chuckled. He had identified her by the sound of her roller skates as she approached.

Neon let go of him and moved around in front of him, grinning "Ahhh, you remember me." she actually had a very slight blush on her face.

"It's been seven years. As expected, you've grown into a beautiful young woman, Neon." Death commented to her "Do you still hang out with Flynt?"

"He's my team leader, so of course." Neon insisted while posing and trying to look adorable "Team FNKI is the coolest team in Atlas."

Death nodded. He already knew that Flynt and Neon were on the same team, but she didn't know that, so he pretended to be a bit surprised. "You certainly look like funky is an appropriate team name, with emphasis on 'fun' "Death insisted to her.

"Flynt, Kobalt, and Ivori don't want to go out tonight. Since you think I am beautiful, you should come out with me for a night on the town, and show me some places." Neon insisted to Death.

Death nodded, deciding to go along with it. Thanks to his semblance, he did not require sleep, so he'd be fine as long as he made it back to Beacon in time for his classes tomorrow "Sure, I know a pretty nice place." he was naturally talking about Junior's. He hadn't gone there yet, but had looked into it after seeing in in the show, and knew it's location.

"Oh, that's great." Neon was ecstatic, as she hadn't really expected Death to agree, but she was obviously glad that he did. "So, how did you know it was me?" she asked him.

"It's a secret" Death chuckled and lightly poked the tip of Neon's nose.

"Your girlfriend wont be mad about you taking me out tonight, will she?" Neon asked Death while slipping past his hand and wrapping her arms around him.

"Nah, it wont be an issue. My girlfriends are very open-minded." Death insisted to her "As long as I don't sleep with girls randomly, it's fine. For tonight we are just hanging out after all, and I am showing you a nice club."

Neon giggled "Well, I'm not planning to sleep with you yet, so I guess we're fine. Lets go." she insisted.

"I knew you were just being a tease." Death chuckled "That is fine though. Lets go"


After bringing her to the Mirror Dimension, Death created a gate and connected it to on that he'd placed near Junior's club in the Mirror Dimension, then he stepped out of it with Neon.

From Neon's perspective, everyone but them in the hall disappeared, then a gate appeared and Death grabbed her hand and stepped through the gate with her, and they were on a sidewalk near a club. While she was looking around the empty streets, the gate disappeared and suddenly others were around them, and sound returned to the world "Here we are" Death said while leading Neon towards the line entering the club.

Neon looked at Death's hand, which was holding on to hers, but did not try to free herself from it. Once they were inside the club, they started dancing and having a blast, though eventually Flynt called Neon on her scroll around eleven and told her to get back to their dorm for the night.

Neon was a bit reluctant, but still agreed.

Death secretly left a body double behind at the club while the real him escorted Neon back to her teams dormroom.

"That place had a great atmosphere." Neon said once they'd stopped at her door and faced Death "We should definitely hang out another time." Neon said cheerfully "Thanks again!"

"I'm fine with that" Death agreed.

Neon reached for Death's shoulders and pulled him down enough that she was able to kiss his cheek "Seeya tomorrow" she winked at him before opening her door and heading in to meet her teammates.

Death had been surprised that Neon had remembered him, since they had met only once before, seven years prior, and he'd spent a little time with her and Flynt, but it appeared that he was memorable to her.

When it came to visiting students remembering him, Death thought Gwen Darcy would be the most likely possibility. Nine years previous, she had been captured by bandits, and Death and Qrow had rescued her. Those bandits were, for the most part, rather weak, so they'd been easily dealt with, though there was a crocodile faunus there, an old lady, that gave them a bit of a challenge, though in the end she still died.

He hadn't run into Gwen Darcy yet. In fact, she was the one he was most looking for when he decided to walk to his room, expecting her to recognize him, but he was not going to complain about getting a chance to hang out with Neon, as she was a spunky and fun girl. Just because he did not expect her to remember him, doesn't mean that he wasn't happy about it. He was quite flattered, in fact.


Once Death's true body left with Neon, his body double soon returned to the bar and sat next to a beautiful woman who looked to be a bit older then him, with slightly darker skin then most in Vale, brown eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair. He'd decided to stay here after Neon left specifically to approach this young woman, having suspicions about her identity "Hello. My name is Death Rose." he introduced himself to her "Please don't be bothered by my name. It's just a name after all." he smiled at her.

"Hello Mr. Rose. My name is Amber...Amber Quince." the young woman responded to him "Did you need something?"

"Would you be willing to dance with me, Miss Quince?" he offered her his hand.

"Weren't you on a date with another girl before?" Amber recalled.

"Not really. At least not officially." Death insisted "Neon is a girl I met seven years ago, one time, and after so long we met up again today. It's her first time outside Mantle or Atlas, so she wanted me to show her a place like this. I guess you could say that our relationship status is undetermined. It's much too soon to call it a date. Besides, she already had to return to Beacon, and I am only asking you to dance, nothing more."

Amber had an awkward smile as she grasped him hand "Alright then. I'll dance with you." she agreed and allowed Death to lead her out onto the dance floor.

"So, how did you meet that girl before?" Amber asked as they stopped on the dance floor, before they could start to dance.

"Seven years ago, I was sent on a job with my Drunkle Qrow near Mantle. I met her and a boy named Flynt then, and we hung out a couple days after the job was finished." Death explained as a rare slow song started, and he drew in close to Amber to dance with her.

Amber, who hadn't been expecting the sudden slow song, became a bit flustered, but endured through it, and they got to faster songs after that, and danced until nearly two in the morning, when Amber said she had to head out.

They had danced for close to three hours, with the real Death trading places discretely with his body double once he had dropped off Neon at her room, so Death was pretty satisfied. "Would you like for me to escort you home safely?" Death offered to Amber.

"That's not necessary" Amber insisted and smiled at him "I am currently staying in a hotel, it is only a two block walk. I can manage fine."

"Okay, then can we exchange contact information for our scrolls. Maybe we can meet and hang out again that way" Death suggested to her.

Amber nodded and got out her scroll and connected it to Death's to exchange contact data "While meeting you was a bit unexpected, I had fun." Amber insisted to him "Good night, Death."

"Thanks. And good night." Death insisted and smiled at her as Amber turned to walk away.

When Death had come here with Neon, he definitely hadn't expected to run into the Fall Maiden, but he was glad to see her remaining unharmed up until this date, and hoped that she would remain that way.

As he was thinking about returning to Beacon, Death suddenly felt an arm wrap around each of his arms. Death looked to his right and found a beautiful young woman with long black hair, and brilliantly bright greet eyes wearing a fashionable white dress and knee-high boots, then to his left and found the first girls twin sister, though her hair was barely shoulder-length and her dress and knee-high boots were red instead of white, though they were both the same style of dress, and both of the ladies who were wearing them were very sexy.

Death recognized Melanie and Miltia Malachite, but kept a straight face, since he hadn't officially met them yet "Hello. This is an interesting surprise. How can I help you two beauties."

"I'm Melanie." the girl in white introduced herself "My sister Miltia and I are about to head home since the club is about to close for the evening. We want you to come with us." unexpectedly, Death felt some sort of connection between him and the twins, but he was not sure what it meant.

Not really expecting him to resist, the twins led him out of the club and down the block to their apartment, in the opposite direction to the direction that Amber had went into. "this is a bit surprising. May I ask why you are so interested in me?" he had stayed in the club intending to grow closer to Amber, wanting to try and make sure that no one hurt her in the future, and hadn't expected to find himself being led by the horny twins.

"After seeing your performance in the Mistral Regional Tournament about two and a half years ago, we both wanted to lose our virginity to you" Miltia admitted to Death as they walked "It has been hard to wait, but you've finally appeared. Waiting for the club to be about to close was unbearable, but thankfully you were still there."

Death had no way of knowing that in Mistral, their mother had chased away any boy that took an interest in them, never giving them the opportunity to be with a man, and by the time they got to Vale they were waiting to meet him. While they had flirted with many men, and often been tempted to be able to experience what it was like to be with a man, they endured by reminding themselves that each of those men was inferior to Death, so no one else was worthy by comparison.

Death was stunned to realize that these two fell in love with him that long ago. If not for Death's appearance and impressive performance in that tournament, the twins would not have become obsessed with him and would have given in to their desires well before now.

"Well, I am flattered." Death admitted, while letting himself continue to be led "But I'm not the kind for one night stands. If you two really want to have sex with me, you'll have to officially accept being my girlfriends. My other girlfriends wont like it if I were to just go having random one and done flings. They will insist that any girl I am with intimately must be committed to me and must join them as sisters."

"That's even better to me" Melanie insisted while unlocking the door to their apartment building and leading him to the elevator.

Miltia nodded "We both fell in love with you during that tournament, so you'll get no complaint out of me either." she hit the up button on the elevator after verifying his suspicion that they were in love with him. He found himself wondering about the strange connection he was feeling between him and the twins.

Death was quiet a bit as the elevator went up, and only started to speak as the elevator doors opened and the twins led him into it, and Melanie selected the top floor. "I guess there's not a problem then."

Both of the twins leaned against Death until they reached the sixth/top floor, and Melanie had to use her scroll to identify herself and let them in since the whole top floor was their home. Once they stepped off the elevator and it closed behind them, the twins let go of Death's arms finally and started undressing.

Both were seeming quite desperate, and their bodies were without flaws as they were exposed, like a pair of goddesses.


Death ended up using his semblance not just on himself, but also on Melanie and Miltia, their energy levels remained constantly full, allowing the three of them to go at it like rabbits until the twins fell asleep just before 8:30 a.m. He could treat their physical exhaustion, but after an evening at work and then just over 6 hours of intimacy, their mental fatigue had accrued, leading to them falling asleep.

Technically, Death could have treated their mental fatigue as well, but chose not too, since he might be stuck here for several days if he really let them go on as long as they wanted too. He thought that they might want to go on for days and days if he kept using his semblance on them wholly, so he let them accrue mental fatigue until they finally fell asleep


Hidden Quest : Love (Repeatable)

One of the following conditions must be met:

Make Ruby Rose give herself heart, body, and soul to you.

Make Weiss Schnee give herself heart, body, and soul to you.

Make Blake Belladonna give herself heart, body, and soul to you.

Make Yang Xiao Long give herself heart, body, and soul to you.


Make Melanie and Miltiades Malachite give themselves heart, body, and soul to you.


Make Salem give herself heart, body, and soul to you.

Make Ultear Milkovich give herself heart, body, and soul to you.

Reward : Lover's Empathy Semblance (First Completion Only), 10,000 Shop Points


The list of girls that could activate this quest was pretty long, and included all of his girlfriends, and basically every female character from the show, even Salem! At least he didn't have to seduce all of them! At the bottom of the list was also Ultear Milkovich, the only non-RWBY girl, indicating that girls that were summoned by him might be added to this quest as they were summoned.

Death looked at Melanie and Miltia, peacefully sleeping on the bed with nothing on, and wondered why these two were the first to activate this hidden quest. He could only come to assume that it had to do with the words 'give themselves heart, body, and soul', with emphasis being on the soul factor.

He knew that his girlfriends all loved him, but perhaps they hadn't fully given their soul to him, whatever that meant. His other girlfriends were all huntresses in training, but Melanie and Miltia were not. They were trained to fight, and were quite skilled at it, but not as heavily trained. Perhaps without training as much, their aura was weaker, and once they accrued mental fatigue to the point of exhaustion, it was easier for their souls to connect to his?

It was only speculation, but it was what made the most sense, considering that he'd never brought his other girlfriends to this level of mental fatigue.

Death then laid down on the bed between the sleeping twins and decided to check out the new semblance he had received.


Lover's Empathy : Lovers who have connected their souls to your own can communicate with each other. They can communicate with each other telepathically regardless of distance, and aura amount is shared between the owner of this semblance and those who have bound themselves to him.


Melanie and Miltia did not wake up, but did sense Death's presence between them, and instinctively moved to rest each of their heads on Death's shoulder.

While Death did not want to leave them with a body double, he did have to get ready for his nine o'clock class at Beacon, so with reluctance he traded places with the body double that he already had at Beacon in his room, then he assigned three more body doubles to grind experience and shop points in instance dungeons.

Once he started watching over Amber, he'd only be able to have two body doubles to work on gaining experience and shop points from his Instance Dungeons until he gave up on babysitting Tukson.

By the way, Death's guess is right, the more trained one's aura is, the more instinctively on guard ones soul is, preventing the semblance from triggering.

Mental and aura exhaustion make it easier. The connection Death sensed from the twins was the fact that they were less guarded against triggering this semblance awakening by default.

And as he has previouly guessed, and this hidden qest now verifies, the system he was given does indeed encourage him to build a harem.

Note, without sacraficing control and weakening himself, he can control five body doubles simultaneously. One he left with Melanie and Miltia, one is still keeping an eye on Tukson, and now three are entering Instance Dungeons to train. He can create more, but their invividual strength will be diminished.

Five is his minds hard limit until he gains an ability such as parallel thought, to increase his limit further.

Additionally, let me be clear, the 'One-Above-All did not brainwash anyone, as he tends to not mess with peoples free will, and even if he wanted too, he would not have that kind of power in this universe. What he has is omnicience, he is all knowing, and merely dropped Death at a time and place that set him on a certain course. He did not force Death to do anything either, he merely knew what would happen based on the time and the place Death appeared.

As for Melanie and Miltia specifically, they were interested in boys well before they saw Death, but their overprotective mother chased off any boys that actually took am interest in them. After seeing Death and learning he was from Vale, where their mother was planning to send them anyway, they made up thir mind that Death would be their first.

Unfortunately, they did not know where in Vale he lived, and couldn't really search either for fear of their mother learning about him, so they waited for him to appear at the club.

I thought people might misinterpret my words to think that the system is brainwashing people, so just thought I'd say that if one interprets it that way then they are wrong.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts