
Death & Glory

Shadowolf0323 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Open system interface" I said in a hurry.


User: Alex

Bloodline: Void, Unknown

Power number: -0


Fireball: Lvl: 8

Death Aura: Lvl: MAX

Raise undead: Lvl 1

Death resistance: lvl  MAX

Mana ball: Lvl 1

Identify: Lvl MAX


I have many questions but for now let's see if I can save Mindy. I run over to her and quickly use identify.


Name: Mindy

Bloodline: human/zombie

Status: Turning 67%

Power number: 1,274


Strength enhancement: lvl 2

Speed enhancement: lvl 1

Defence enhancement: Lvl 0


"System, is there any way to save Mindy?" I ask desperately. "Yes, drinking void blood can cure a zombie virus of this variation but with the unknown type of other blood you have ,the success rate is 30%. Chopping off the arm has a 70% mortality rate with a 20% success rate. Normal cures from the gods are Ineffective because your death Aura is boosting the virus but is slowing it down a bit as even zombies have a bit of life energy in them" the system said in its robotic voice. I have time so I use identify on the items.


Robe of the Reaper (Epic): the robe has two properties. The first is to increase the power of death Aura. The second is to absorb a portion of death Aura (Max 55%) and increase the wearers resistances and mana power in proportion. Only one property can be active at a time.

Mask of the Litch (Rare): gives the ability to see spirits and increase active powers related to death. But in return it absorbs 30% of death Aura.

Black staff (Uncommon): increase magic output from every element (besides holy and light) by 15%


I put on the robe and mask so it can hide at least 85% of my death Aura. I grab a sharp knife from. A nearby gang body and cut a small bit on my finger. As soon as a drop of my blood went into her mouth she began to heal at a visible pace. I put her on the only couch that is still together. Her skin was getting lively after only a drop of blood. "I wonder what would happen if I gave more blood" I said. "Not recommended as if that would happen, void blood alone would change her to a monster if she had any more blood. Check on her with identify" the system said.



Bloodline: nine tailed fox (23%),human (77%)

Power number: 4,678


Physical enhance: Lvl 4

Fox fire: Lvl 1

Mental resistance: Lvl 6

Spirit Resistance: Lvl 6

Fox form: Lvl 4


What a huge boost in power. More than 3,000 at once was unheard of. I guess my unknown Bloodline gave her the nine tailed Fox Bloodline. I can see little Fox ears on her head. Having a Bloodline means you will be insanely strong if you imbrace it. Some would rather be normal and hid it.

A day has went by and Mindy has not woken up. The sirens have stopped just recently because of the other but safer breaches. An hour later a group came to the house but they were afraid. The saw me and pointed guns at me. "Who are you!" One of them yelled. "I'm Alex, the girl on the couch in Mindy from the Cisty family. I just killed the Litch. Please, I mean no harm" I said as I put down the staff and raise my hands. I could somehow sence that all of the group were normal humans and that was bad. The system told me the effects of death Aura when they got here.


Death Aura: slowly Drains life energy from all those around the weilder. At level 5 and up it will have a fear effect added.


One of them fired out of fear but the robe created a barrier that stopped the bullets. "There is no way you are Alex, show me your number and face!" The leader said as he looked at the bodies of the Brandon family. I couldn't do the face as I would most likely kill then all. I raised my hand and a white ball of fire, bigger than a car, appeared. "I have no time for this. Mindy needs to go to a doctor now!" I yelled. "OK ok, how about this sir, you surrender and go to court and she will get to the hospital ok?" The leader said in fear. I canceled the Fireball and was arrested but with warning to not remove anything.

A few days later I was put on stage with the judges. The judges have most of the power I'm the city so the old law system was out. "Alex Hampshire, you are charged with treason and murder of Odds family. How do you plead?" A judge said. "Not guilty. I just had a system awakening and have a lot of power" I replied as I don't really know what happened. "Impossible, your power number is -0, what proof do you have of this power?" A judge said. "My system said have have Death Aura at the highest level. The drops the Litch had is taking 85% of it. I would rather you not take it off." I said earning a gasp from. The crowd. Truth be told I have no idea what my MAX level is since it's different between systems. "You are in a level 12 holy barrier yet even we can feel it. What is your patreon god?" The other judge said. "I don't know, it never said". I have no idea what God chose me. The judges talked for a bit. "Alex, since it is dangerous for you to stay in the city. your punishment is exile from this city. You have a single day to leave" the judge said.