
Death & Glory

Shadowolf0323 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

First Fight

I went to what was left of the house and gathered the items necessary for travel. I  knew that the distance between cities are huge so I have a long way to go. I have a tent kit, first aid, clothes, food, soap, towel, a hand held water purifier, and a flashlight with extra batteries. It was a bit much but I needed it. As I was leaving Mindy came and hugged me. "She is bigger" I thought as I pat her blond hair. "I'm coming with you!" Mindy yelled. "No, it's to dangerous. Plus your family needs you" I said as I pushed her away. "I already told them and they let me go. I'm coming with you no matter what!" Mindy said as she got a pink bag from the house.

I lifted my mask to release some of my death Aura to make her stay away but she stayed with me like nothing happened. "Mindy is connected to you via blood so she is immune to your aura" the system said. We left right then and there.

I took off my robe as well when we were about a mile away from the city. "System, what level is my death Aura?" I asked. "Your MAX currently is Lvl 20, it will go higher when you upgrade the system" it said. That's interesting as a starter power but that means I can resist at least a level 10 attack with the cloak. That is what's interesting about items called "Growth Items". They have a fixed percentage output so it gets stronger with the user. But those items only come from bosses while chests have a small chance of having it.

Outside of city's are baren because of the first wave. Sure not all monsters were strong but there were dragons and such that appeared and destroyed entire areas. We found a abandoned house that was still together and got in. The house was a wreck so we cleared out the living room completely for a place to sleep. Luckily with my death Aura nothing comes to us within 200 meters. I used Fireball and this time it was a white flame. I made it small and lessen the magic power then threw it in the fire place with scraps of wood we found. "System, what is happening to my spells?" I asked. There is no way people can get this strong that fast.


Analyze of unknown Bloodline complete to best of system ability.

1. Have unlimited magic power

2. Gain abilities by seeing or killing

3. Level up abilities extremely fast

4. Gain the strength of the strongest thing killed (Boss Litch can lift and throw a car)


Interesting, I guess there are some abilities I can see to use while others I need to kill for it. It's been a year so why has it not activated before? Well I haven't seen, let alone kill, a monster with a skill before the boss litch.

I don't have enhancement magic witch is the most common ability people can get with a number. I have seen Mindy use it before so it must be a skill I have to kill to get. I also don't have system store or system points so I have no missions. I have been blessed by a void God but have no clue who since the system only worked by....oh shit. The system is not normal as it took what it needed from a dead system user.

"System, you weren't created by a God, weren't you?" I asked as I have an idea what happened. "Correct, I was made by you when you first got your number. Since you had no idea how to make an A.I. or other parts of a normal system you were required to steal it from others. The reason you don't have a store or points, even though the other guy had one, was that you had no knowledge of how things are created to put in a store. I could have analyzed the staff, cloak, and mask but there is no real point since you have a use for only one of those. If you request it, I can analyze an item in your hand to add to the store but it will require another system" the system said.

Something was poking me. I turned and saw Mindy poking at my shoulder. "You have been the least talkative person since we left. I literally talked non stop on the way here and you said nothing! You have a cute girl who left her comfy life for you and you can't spare her a glance" she said with a pouting face. She did this a lot when things don't go the way she wanted. "Sorry sorry, I'm just trying to find out what I can do. I'll listen now".

"Good, I was asking I'd you had any plans besides walking aimlessly" She said.

"I am just going to explore and see if there are abilities that can cancel or reduce my death Aura. Apparently I can get skills by seeing and some by killing" I told her as I have nothing to hide.

"Well well, you can grow and grow" a voice said in a dark corner of the room. The figure stepped out and he had white hair with red eyes and was wearing black clothing. "Sorry, I'm Fin the choosen one by Hades the God of death. I senced a powerful Aura of death and was given a mission to kill you for a hefty reward! Time to die!" He said as he pulled a sythe from the shadows and swung it. Me and Kindy got on the floor quickly and we are glad we did. The entire house was cut in a slant and  now slid off itself. That blade is very sharp. I looked up and saw his number on his left hand. It was 34,000! He is a seasoned system user!

We quickly got up and Mindy was using fox fire and kept throwing them at Fin but he simply blocked it with his sythe. "Sorry girl but fire is possibly the worst thing to use against me as my scythe lowers the temperature of anything it comes close to. I had to work to raise my cold resistance up to level 6 to hold it" Fin said as he launched of the ground and swung his sythe to the ground. The moment it hit the ground a huge crack opened up and I jumped out of the way just in time. That weapon must be at least an epic weapon to do this kind of damage and have these effects.

"Stop running a die already!" Fin yelled as he swung his sythe and arcs of darkness came off in my direction. I used a Fireball and launched it at the arc of darkness and it blew up, causing a huge smoldering hole the size of a house between us. "Man Hades is right to have me kill you. He was so mad when you killed his Litch King" Fin said as he released a dozen balls of darkness at me. Mindy used fox fire to destroy a few of them but 7 of them kept flying at me. I nullified them with fire balls of similar power because I still need a place to fight in. I created a fire ball and focused it to the point that it was no bigger than a baseball and launched it at Fin. Thanks to the fireball being focused it had the power of a level 20 Fireball but traveled faster and it went straight to Fin. Fin raised his sythe to block it but it couldn't lower the temperature enough in time and all that heat traveled to the sythe instead of exploding due to the massive temperature difference and Fin dropped the sythe as it started to glow red but didn't melt. Mindy snuck behind him and grabbed him as I stabbed him with a broken pipe. "I will see you soon" Fin said with blood in his mouth as he died. Mindy let the body drop as I checked it.


New system found, dissecting

Gained ability to give missions and rewards.

Host found Common and uncommon healing and Mana potions. Making store, adding items for unlimited purchase.


4 bottles, 2 red and 2 blue, disappeared but left us with 3 uncommon healing potions, 7 common healing potions, 2 uncommon Mana potions, and 5 common Mana potions. I gave Mindy the Mana potions since I don't need them and looked into these potions more since I was too poor when I was powerless in the city to but one from a system user.


Healing Potion (Uncommon)- Heals medium cuts and bruises over the course of 20 minutes. Disinfects larger cuts and can help fight common poisons.

Healing Potion (Common)- Heals small cuts and bruises over the course of 40 minutes.

Mana Potion (Uncommon)- Gives a decent boost of automatic Mana absorption and increases Mana efficiency for 20 minutes.

Mana Potion (Common)- Gives small boost of automatic Mana absorption for 5 minutes.


This shows how big of a gap there is between grades. It's insane!

"Warning, the person known as Fin used a epic item called "death's favor". It let's him get another body with his system again for 70% of his power. He is alive somewhere but shouldn't bother you. I advise you to check your stats" the system said and I did.


User- Alex

Bloodline: Void, Unknown

Power number: -0


Fire Ball: MAX (20)

Ball of darkness: 8

Ball of death: 10

Death touch: 3

Darkness slash: 5

Dark Step: 4

Cold resistance: MAX (20)

Death resistance: MAX (20)

Dark resistance: MAX (20)

Death Aura: MAX (20)


Hm. I guess since resistance and Aura are passive abilities they automatically get Maxed out. "Alex! It's getting dark!" Mindy yelled.