
Death Game Dating System

"Congratulations, you have been chosen as host of the Doki Doki Dating System!" He was someone who could barely talk to a woman, but then he suddenly received a dating system. Did that mean his life would change? But why don't these girls seem like they're from a dating system? Will he be able to escape with his life? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 Power Stones per extra chapter each week, capped at 5 extra chapters per week! Please also check out my other books: Cultivation Pet Shop and With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods!

DXHaseoXD · Urban
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99 Chs

Chapter 18: Reality

Both Lin Fan and the girl in the maid outfit were silent as they listened to the sounds of the footsteps that were approaching them.

The only good thing was that there only seemed to be a single pair of footsteps that was approaching them, so that should be that there was only one person coming.

But of course, the bad thing was that they were dealing with gangsters, so they would definitely be armed with a gun…

Lin Fan and the girl in the maid outfit both moved at the same time, moving to the sides of the door. Since it was only a single person, their only way out was to deal with that person before getting out of here.

Eventually that person would come in here and knocking them out would be the best way to do this, which meant that they should hide by the doors and wait for that person to come in before sneaking up on them.

Of course, Lin Fan made sure that he would be able to see the girl in the maid dress as well since he still didn't fully trust her. How could he? After all, they had just met a few minutes ago.

But for now, he needed to deal with one problem at a time and it didn't seem like she wanted to hurt him yet.

Both of them held their breaths as they listened to the approaching footsteps, which eventually came right to the door of the room they were in. After the footsteps sounded right outside the door, they stopped. There was a pause of several seconds before the door was slowly pushed open, revealing the face of the person who came in.

When Lin Fan saw this face, his eyes immediately narrowed since it was a face that he recognized.

This was the face that he had already seen twice today and in situations where he was forced to load his save, so he couldn't be more familiar with this face.

It was the same person who had held him at gunpoint twice now.

The funny thing was that even though he had caused Lin Fan to use two loads, he still didn't know this person's name…

That person didn't look to the sides when he came in, rather the first thing he looked at was the desk. Seeing that nothing was off, that person slowly came in, but he still didn't check his sides. If he were to even look slightly to the right or left, perhaps he would have seen Lin Fan or the girl in the maid outfit there…

That person continued forward until he was right in front of the desk, looking down at it as if he was looking for something.

This was the chance that Lin Fan had been waiting for.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan charged forward while bringing his hands up before bringing them down on the back of that person's head, trying to knock them out.

However, Lin Fan had greatly underestimated his own strength.

Even if he was a bit stronger because he added a few points in his strength stat, he was still far from being able to knock someone out that easily.

"Ow!" That man shouted before putting his hand on the back of his head to rub it.

Lin Fan was shocked to see this and was about to bring his hands up again for another hit, but that person had already turned around to point the gun at him.

With the gun straight in his face, Lin Fan naturally couldn't do anything to him.

That man narrowed his eyes as he looked at Lin Fan since it was a bit dark here, but after a few seconds, he said, "Ah, it's you! How did you get up here…"

But before he could even finish, there was a fist that had hit his chin and his eyes dimmed before he fell down right in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan just stood there in a daze, not understanding what had happened. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses and saw the girl in the maid outfit standing over that man with a fist in the air.

Lin Fan looked at her in shock, she really was much stronger than her physique.

While he was looking, Lin Fan's eyes couldn't help moving down a bit. Although she was a bit flat, she did fill out that maid dress…

It was a good thing that the girl in the maid dress was too busy to notice this. She looked down at the man and seeing that he was completely knocked out, she bent over to push him facing up, revealing the gun underneath which she picked up.

Then she stood up and looked at Lin Fan. Seeing that he was in a daze, she raised a brow and said, "What are you still standing around for? Do you not want to get out of here?"

Lin Fan immediately snapped out of his daze and realized that she was right.

This was the faint window that they had to escape this place and if they stayed any longer, they would be trapped again once they sent more people up.

It was a good thing that this place was the only place without cameras since the boss would want his privacy, so there was some time before they would send anyone.

That is what they had thought since that was what logic would dictate, but they were wrong.

The two of them came out of the room and quickly headed to the exit to the apartment.

When they reached the exit of the apartment, they suddenly heard a ding come from the hallway. It was a ding that was very easy to recognize, it was the ding of the elevator.

Both of them stopped before they went out and peeked out to see who it was.

What they saw was two men come out of the elevator, both holding guns in their hands. Judging by the careful way they came out, it was clear that they weren't planning on waiting to shoot…

This was the worst case scenario for them, they were completely trapped in this room.

While Lin Fan was debating whether to reset again, the girl in the maid outfit raised the pistol in her hand and checked the ammunition before moving to the door.

Lin Fan saw this and asked, "What are you…"

But before he could even finish, there were two shots that were fired along with two grunts that came from the hallway, followed by two thuds on the ground.

Lin Fan wasn't able to react at first, but then he realized what had just happened. As soon as he did, he asked in a loud voice, "What did you just do?!"

This was something that he had never encountered before, actually killing people.

While it might have come up in his mind before, when it actually happened, it really hit him hard. After all, just the day before, he had been a normal person, but now he was dealing with death on a daily basis…

The girl in the maid outfit turned to look at Lin Fan with a gaze that didn't hide her disdain at all as she said, "What do you mean? They were trying to kill us, are you really telling me to let them just kill us?"

Her words were a slap to Lin Fan's face.

No matter how one looked at it, it was him being naive.

In this situation, she was the one who stepped up and took control of this situation by dealing with those two while Lin Fan still had the naive thought of solving this without any bloodshed.

It really was like a bucket of cold water that was poured over him.

After being in a daze for a bit, Lin Fan suddenly raised his hands and slapped his face with both of them.

The girl in the maid outfit was surprised to see this, but she didn't have a chance to ask anything before Lin Fan said, "You're right, let's go."

The girl in the maid outfit was even more surprised by the sudden change with Lin Fan, but there was no time to deal with this now, so she just gave a nod.

When the two came out of the apartment, Lin Fan saw the two corpses on the ground and the scent of blood that filled the air. It wasn't his first time smelling this scent since he had smelled it before when he had died, but this time it wasn't his own blood, it was the blood of someone else.

In the end, he was still unsettled by this and had the urge to puke, but he forced down that urge and continued moving forward.

Everything seemed like it was going smoothly, that was until there was another ding that came from the elevator.

Before either of them could even react, there were another two men that came out.

This time, Lin Fan recognized these two as well. They were the two who had been torturing the tied up person on the fifth floor.

This time, it was Lin Fan and the girl in the maid outfit who had been caught off guard.

Before the girl in the maid outfit could raise the gun in her hand, both of them already had their guns pointed at them.

The one with the slicked back hair said, "Drop it and hands up."

Both Lin Fan and the girl in the maid outfit had no choice since they were being held at gunpoint, so they followed these orders.

Based on the way they talked, it seemed like they were about to negotiate, but before anything else was said, one of them fired their gun.

It was a gun that was pointed right at Lin Fan.

I love a four day week!

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