
Death Game Dating System

"Congratulations, you have been chosen as host of the Doki Doki Dating System!" He was someone who could barely talk to a woman, but then he suddenly received a dating system. Did that mean his life would change? But why don't these girls seem like they're from a dating system? Will he be able to escape with his life? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 Power Stones per extra chapter each week, capped at 5 extra chapters per week! Please also check out my other books: Cultivation Pet Shop and With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods!

DXHaseoXD · Urban
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99 Chs

Chapter 17: Penthouse

When the elevator doors opened, what Lin Fan saw was what he had expected.

There was a hallway in front of him and there were several doors, it looked just like a normal hallway in an apartment building.

But at the end of the hall, there was a very special looking door. It wasn't special as in it was fancy, rather it was a very high tech door that was completely made of steel. If anything, it made it look more like the door to a vault rather than the door to a house.

At the side of the door, there was another keycard scanner which Lin Fan immediately knew what it was for.

However, before he even came out of the elevator, Lin Fan said, "Save."

"Save request has been confirmed. The host had created a save file."

Lin Fan was now used to this save and load system and he was slowly making a habit out of saving as much as possible. Especially since he now had the choice of where to load, that is unless he died and then he was sent to his last save point.

Once he had made his save, Lin Fan came out of the elevator and moved through the hall to the end where the metal door was. He took out the keycard from earlier and swiped it and then with a beep, there was a crack that had opened with the door.

Lin Fan didn't really expect this to work, but since it did, there was no reason for him to not go in. Especially since he still had two more loads to work with.

When he went through the door, what he saw was a very normal entrance to an apartment. By the side of the door, there was a shoe rack with several pairs of shoes there, but the strange thing was that there wasn't a single pair of female shoes here at all.

Could it be that they were all out?

If they were, that was a good thing for Lin Fan since it would allow him to freely sneak around this penthouse.

What Lin Fan was looking for now was a way to destroy Liu Yan, Liu Yue's father. That way, he would be locked up and she would be free of his abuse.

It made it easier since he was a gangster, but so far Lin Fan hadn't been able to find anything that he could use even though he was able to use the save and load powers of the system.

Lin Fan carefully made his way into the penthouse, but there was nothing there at all. This place was completely silent, rather it was too silent.

Even if they were out, there should be the passive sounds of appliances in this place, but there wasn't even the hum of the refrigerator.

This eerie silence made Lin Fan a bit nervous, but he still pushed his way forward since there was nothing else that he had right now. This was his only lead and if he didn't pursue it, there was nothing else he could do.

Lin Fan eventually made it out of the entrance of this apartment and reached the living room, but just like he had thought, every appliance in this room was unplugged. There wasn't a single glow from any of the appliances that were in this room.

Even if they were out, normal people wouldn't just unplug everything, so why was it all unplugged?

Lin Fan didn't have time to think about this though since this was still technically enemy territory and they could come back at any moment.

So Lin Fan quickly made his way through the rest of the rooms. Based on what he had seen, there didn't seem to be anyone here and since that was the case, caution would actually hurt him.

Lin Fan made his way through the various rooms, but there was nothing that he found. There was a room that was clearly for a young girl, which should be Liu Yue's room, the master bedroom, two bathrooms, a closet, and a traditional japanese room which didn't fit the motif of the apartment.

None of them had any information for Lin Fan at all, so he didn't linger for a moment.

Finally, when he came to the last room, he found what he was looking for. The last room he entered and the final room in this apartment was a home office.

Lin Fan quickly moved towards the desk in that home office, but when he opened the drawers, there was nothing in there at all. Every single drawer that he opened was completely empty.

Lin Fan's eyes were attracted to the trash bin that was beside the desk and he saw that it was filled with scraps of paper that had been shredded.

What did this all mean?

Did they just abandon this building?

But why would they do that?

While Lin Fan was confused by what he had found, there was a noise that came from the door. Lin Fan had been too focused on searching the room that he completely forgot to pay attention to outside and he only realized his mistake when the door suddenly opened.

There was a girl in a maid outfit that suddenly came in.

Both of them looked at each other in shock since neither of them expected the other to be there.

But the one that spoke first was the girl in the maid outfit who said, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the karaoke shop?"

Lin Fan didn't understand what this meant as he asked, "What do you mean by that? Who are you?"

The girl in the maid outfit said, "Don't mind that right now, just answer my question."Lin Fan said in a calm voice, "I don't think there is a reason for me to answer those questions, unless you can give me one."

The girl in the maid outfit was surprised by Lin Fan's calm attitude, but then she said, "You're right, but now isn't the time. Just know that I want to help the young miss too, so it's best if you answer my questions now if you want to escape this place alive."

Lin Fan was taken aback by the way she answered, what did she mean by escape this place alive?

But Lin Fan also didn't have a single clue right now and this at least seemed like it would give him some information, so he decided to play along.

Lin Fan said, "I was in the karaoke place, but then I got this keycard and came up here."

The girl in the maid outfit suddenly fell into deep thought at this before saying, "You managed to convince Yan Luo to help you? That explains how you escaped the cameras…"

Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "Cameras, what do you mean by cameras?"

The girl in the maid outfit looked at Lin Fan like he was an idiot as she said, "Do you really think that you would be able to come here and we wouldn't know about it? This entire building is covered in cameras, it's impossible for you to freely walk through it without being discovered. The boss gave everyone your picture and made us find out who you were the moment he came back with the young miss."

Lin Fan was completely shocked by this.

He realized that he had made a mistake.

He thought that with the system, he would be able to use it to find what he needed and get out, but now it seemed like there were many things that he hadn't considered.

Was that why that person had been able to find him twice?

Perhaps it would have been a third time if it wasn't for his bad luck…

Lin Fan quickly asked, "Then where's your young miss now?"

The girl in the maid outfit replied, "As soon as the boss came back, he immediately told everyone to abandon this place and took the young miss away. If you're here looking for her, you're already too late."

Then her tone immediately changed and she looked like she had suddenly thought of something as she asked, "Did you use a keycard to come up here?"

Lin Fan didn't expect her to suddenly ask this, so he said honestly, "Yes."

Her face fell as soon as she heard this and she swore, "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, you idiot, why would you think that this was a good idea? There's a ping back with each card, so they know that you're here!"

Lin Fan fell into a daze when he heard this and he was still a bit confused as to what this all meant, so he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

The girl in the maid outfit really looked like she wanted to hit him as she said, "It means that they know that you're here and they're on their way to get you now. We have to get out of here right now."

But before they could even move, there was a loud sound that came from the entrance.

Both of them suddenly froze when they heard this.

It was at this moment that Lin Fan realized just how much he had underestimated this quest. He had thought that it would be the same as his first quest, but it was on a completely different scale.

After all, this time an entire building had been abandoned and used just as a trap for him…

It seemed like he was still too naive...

It'd probably be quite annoying being a germaphobe.

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