

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Action
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8 Chs


A pair of tiring months passed and Hiroshi was tired up from his ' dream job '. He, now, always wish to quit the job but was stopped by the thought of his wage which covers his and his brother's expenses. One day, the author asked Hiroshi to deliver some cabbages, carrot, Wagyu beef and spring onions to his home. Hiroshi was surprised and thought that he think him as his servant as he always do this to him. 

All this time, he never stopped thinking about that locked room infront of the author's office. He always wonders what's so special that the door is locked and is under high surveillance. One day when he was wrapping up his work, he found that the suspicious room is left unlocked! He was so surprised to see this. At first he thought to ignore it and go back to his home as his boss ordered him not to interfere but his curiosity won't let him waste this lucky moment and as there was no guards over there so he, finally decided to peep inside the room. 

He tiptoed inside the room and was shaken up by what he saw there. For a moment, he thought that he came in some kind of science laboratory. He saw many sort of chemicals, some people were tied up from a stretcher, it was very clear that they were the people on which someone was doing experiments. As he move further, he saw some kind of strange blackish red chemical in a test tube. Next, he saw a secret door inside that room and when he was about to open the door, someone knocks him out by hitting a glass bottle on his head. 

Next, he tied Hiroshi with ropes and take him through the secret door present in that illegal laboratory which leads them to the cabin of no one but Arata Watanabe! 

" Now, tell me, was it a clever plan to trap him there? "

" Yes master! It was very clever of you. But I don't understand one thing, how did you get to know that he would go there? "

" Hmm, I knew it for a long time that he always wanted to go there, so this time I trapped him to go there and notice the secret all by himself. Well, leave this, tell me how many people did you gathered? "

" Master, I've gathered 57 people including 27 girls and 30 boys after including him. By the way, what will you do with them? And what about that ' Blackish Red chemical ' ? "

" Hmm, you want answer? Let me give you a satisfactory answer."

He took out the gun which he had loaded before and several bullet shots were observed. After few minutes, the whole cabin was quiet and the walls were painted by the blood. Arata walked out of the cabin with a devilish smile and ordered his men to cleaned up the mess. 

After cleaning up the blood and disposing the body, he ordered his men to ready a car for him with Hiroshi, who had no knowledge of what's going on the earth. Both of them left in the car.

Next day, when Hiroshi wake up, he found himself lying on his bed in his bedroom. He couldn't regain his memory of yesterday and his head was also feeling heavy but somehow he gathered himself to get up from bed and get ready for office. When he came out of his apartment, he was surprised to see his neighbor's sucking the blood of his father and the face of that boy was also very scary and the texture of his skin was just like the rotten meat. When he came forward to help the man, he found that he sucked all the blood of his father and now was about to come near him. He pushed him back and run as fast as he could and hide somewhere. Then, he opened his phone and see the news which tells that the whole city of Osaka is destroyed and people are turning into creepy monsters and turning others like them too by sucking their blood. As he listened this news, he started jumping out of joy. He was really happy that he don't have to worry about going to office or seeing his stupid boss now.

He started roaming here and there, hiding from those creatures, just like they were playing hide and seek. He was enjoying the atmosphere until a creature attack him from behind. Hiroshi was trying his best to stop that creature from sucking his blood but when he was about to be bitten by that creature, suddenly someone fired a bullet from some distance which directly hit the creature and he dies at the spot. As Hiroshi gets up, he see a beautiful, tall, smart girl holding a gun.

" Who are you, miss? "

" A human! Can't you see? "

" I am trying to be humble with you and you getting rude with me. Don't you have any kindness? "

" Sorry but I ain't in mood to waste my time with you. I have already astray my way. "

" Oh, I know this place well. But don't you know when you go to an unknown place, it is necessary to have map or some kind of guide with yourself. "

" I know everything and you really have no need to teach it to me! I somehow came here but I don't know how?"

When they both were fighting, two other people including, a middle-aged man and a young girl, came towards them.

" You guys better stop fighting as we all are together in this. " said the middle-aged man

" Now who the hell are you both ? " 

" Did you both found yourself here when you opened your eyes? " said the girl

" Yes! "  Both of them nodded

" It is better to introduce yourself to each others then doing some stupid fights. I'll take the start. My name is Saburō Sasaki, what about you guys? " 

" So, my name is Hiroshi Matsumoto, what about you hot-head? "

" Shut up! I ain't your friend whom you are giving nicknames, I am Hatsuko Hirai. Better address me with my name! "

" Guys, my name is Sakura Yoshida, but you can call Saku. "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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