
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The Beginning

I was a normal person struggling to live day by day. yet it got me nowhere, no matter how hard I tried I was broken. there was no incident in my life to explain the way I am, I was just born that way.

I tried so hard to be normal, but I couldn't do it. I was like shattered glass, I tried so hard to keep myself together. but the more I tried to be something I was not the more I broke.

I couldn't work I lived on government entitlement programs. barely surviving month to month, and yet I still couldn't bring myself to go work even when I ran out of money.

I had to live with my family and have them support me because of my mental conditions, at least that's what they called them. I never considered them a mental condition I always just felt normal.

I couldn't even find love because I was scared of my love. because it was more of an obsession, it was poisonous and dangerous and I didn't want to risk being with someone.

I had a family that loved and supported me but they didn't understand the way that I felt. my grandmother who I lived with didn't understand mental conditions.

she would always make my depression worse but I couldn't tell her that, because I loved her too much. I didn't want to put too much pressure on her.

my mother had seven children in total, six were her own and one was my father's from before they got together. I know my mother, father, and brothers love me but they had their own lives to live and had too much going on.

I didn't want to burden them with my problems and my insanity. my father was arrested when I was still a child. my mother remarried when I was a teenager.

me and my step dad didn't see eye dye at first but over the years I slowly grew to respect him. it takes a real man to marry a woman who has six children and then have another child with her.

I tried my best to live a normal life, and keep my family as far from possible from my conditions. I could barely function as a person, I couldn't make my own appointments, I kept forgetting to pick up my medicine.

it was getting harder and harder to fall asleep, and it was getting harder and harder to wake up. I can feel myself spiraling, I could feel my mind shattering and breaking the pieces. I knew what the problem was, the problem was society and its laws.

I didn't fit in, all I could think about was the very things that they said were wrong. I wanted to hurt people, I wanted the world to end, I wanted so much for the world to be more interesting than it was.

but that would never come to be, so I escaped into the only thing that made me feel alive and normal. I began to read, I escaped into wonderful worlds, and fantasies that would never be able to appear in the real world.

I dreamed and hoped that I could be like them one day, transported or transmigrated into another world. I would spend most of my day dreaming of what I would do, I even thought of the abilities that I would ask for if I could.

but I knew they were only dreams and that they would never come to pass, or so I believed. until the day my dreams finally came true.