
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

26 finishing the production area

I'll have to start the production area tomorrow because I'll need all the mana in my pendant to make the giant machines I need.

so I went back up my staircase into the cave and started making dinner. Elizabeth and nightshade came home a few hours later.

I got another feast for the eyes again because Elizabeth and nightshade immediately turned back into their human forms when they came back in.

of course I can't tell them they can't do that just because they don't have clothes they worked hard to get their human form and I shouldn't deny them.

even though I really want to every time I see them I nearly lose myself. I know they wouldn't mind if I did anything but I don't have time for that kind of thing.

of course Elizabeth immediately charged at me then tried to give me a hug. of course I couldn't let her do that the second I feel those mounds pressing against me I'd lose it.

so I told her to go feed her babies cuz they were already whining the second they realize she was here. nightshade seems very embarrassed again so I held myself together with as much self-control as I could and went over to her.

I gave her some pats on the top of her head and told her that she doesn't need to be embarrassed or shy. and of course she wanted a whole rant about how she deserves to be punished for being shy.

so I told her to just do what I told her to do yesterday and start making the clothes finally. I had made some thimbles earlier for her and gave them to her.

tried to refuse them saying that it's not a punishment if she doesn't get hurt. I flipped her forehead and told her even if it's a punishment I'm not going to have you sticking needles into your fingers.

after about 5 minutes I realized she wouldn't back down. so I told her that I wouldn't let her make the clothes without thimbles because I cared about her and didn't want to see her get hurt.

she immediately got red in the face and started mumbling nonsense that no one can understand. you could practically see smoke coming out of her head.

I put the symbols on her fingers and told her to get started on the clothes. after that I served everyone dinner.

the pups are getting much bigger even though it's been a week I believe it's because of the lesser beast blood fruits I've been feeding them.

after about a month they'll be old enough to go out and start hunting with their mother. I decided to go to bed but I left the lights on for nightshade and told her to turn them off when she was ready to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and made breakfast as usual. it seems nightshade actually managed to finish the clothes which surprised me seeing if she only had one night.

for some reason she had her and Elizabeth going to the bathroom to change I guess they wanted to surprise me with it.

when they came out of the bathroom I nearly completely lost it. they took every ounce of self control I had not to immediately take them then and there.

it seems nightshade didn't completely understand the information I gave her about clothing. what she made was nothing more than bras and panties. and she seemed to have made them a few sizes too small.

the second that came out of the door all I could see was everything straining to get out of what they put on. all the clothes managed to do was make them look even more beautiful.

so I immediately walked up to nightshade and taught her about clothes again using the skill. she immediately got down again and started apologizing.

I told her to just fix it later and for them to go out and hunt. once they changed back and route the door I could finally relax. it took everything I had to hold back.

will be at least another few weeks before I can indulge in those desires. I went down into the cavern and started work on the production area.

with all the metal I had, I can make all the machines I need. I use creation to make my iron refinery first, it took a large chunk of mana to make.

then I made the conveyor belt that would bring the ores into it, I made the conveyor belt with tungsten. the refinery had three outputs, one for iron, one for manganese, and another that would pump straight into the steel refinery.

the iron and manganese would come out in ingot form. but the output for the steel refinery would be in molten form and it would be both iron and manganese. small amounts of manganese added the steelmaking process could increase the strength of the steel.

half of the iron production would flow into the steel refinery. the next thing I use creation to make was actually the steel refinery it was incredibly complicated to make and without creation I didn't think I could make it right.

of course after making it it gave me lots of insights on what I needed to do. the next thing I did was make the coke refinery using creation. I also decided to make it have two outputs with one going into the steel refinery using half the supply.

once it was created I managed to have a completely automated steel production that only needed someone to add the raw materials and would work on its own.

and of course my iron refinery also had the brick output as well. with that done I made the next few refineries. I made the copper and tin refineries, the copper refinery had to pump into two more refineries while the tin only pumped into the bronze refinery.

my next use of creation was to make the zinc refinery. zinc is extracted from ore in a different way if I made it using creation to get insights on how to better extract certain types of ore.

the zinc also had two outputs and the other of course went into the brass refinery. I had plans for the zinc so I needed to a mass a large amount of it. I plan on using it to galvanize other metals like they did in my world.

I made the other two refineries for brass and bronze and then started on the refinery for tungsten. I decided to complete everything in one day and it took till later that night before I finally finished everything including all the conveyor belts and piping.

of course I needed a better way to to load the intake conveyor belts with ore so I decided to make them work with minecarts and added a mechanism at the beginning of the conveyor belts that could dump the minecart that were filled with ore and weighed hundreds of pounds.

I even made the beginning of the tracks leading from the conveyor belts. but with everything done I could finally go back up and rest. of course I made dinner first and fed everyone and I decided to leave the lights on again for nightshade to keep making clothes, she was already in the process of making them once I got up the stairs.