

The tale of an unfortunate omega who got rejected by his mate but at the brink of death he was reclaimed and the love, attention , and affection he was getting after being claimed by his mate seemed like the calm before the storm Did things finally change for the better or would his alpha go back to how everything was and treated him like scum beneath his shoes again? An Omega who held onto hope. Hope. Tsk. Such a small word with huge consequences. On her deathbed his mother told him to never let go of hope and so he kept hoping, kept waiting and watching for things to change. Finding his Alpha tangles in bed again with the same person who had caused him so much pain and misery he couldn't bear the pain any longer and left. For two years, two long torturous years, it seemed like he never existed and truth be told his Alpha was almost going crazy until that fateful morning he returned to the pack, armed to the tooth and not alone. Now fully trained in the brutal Alpha facility. His omega is full of surprises and forgiveness is NOT one of them! Don’t forget to vote or leave a comment. All similarities to people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading!

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Nagging Unease{86}

Adrian spent a relaxing weekend with his parents, enjoying quality time together before they embarked on their world tour. As they left for the airport on Monday morning, Adrian couldn't help but wonder why they didn't utilize the private plane owned by his uncle. Nevertheless, he dropped them off and returned to his mansion.

Adrian decided to start his day with a refreshing shower. The warm water cascaded over his body, easing away any lingering tension from the weekend. Despite feeling a pang of solitude, he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on getting ready quickly. Skipping breakfast, he settled for a cup of coffee and a small box of cookies to fuel his morning.

Arriving at the office, Adrian was greeted by his employees, but he chose to ignore their friendly gestures. He bypassed them, heading straight for his private elevator that whisked him up to the top floor. As he stepped out, his new secretary and personal assistant welcomed him, but as usual, he walked past them without acknowledging their presence.

His PA, aware of Adrian's routine, read out his schedule for the week and promptly left the room. Adrian attended several meetings throughout the day, demonstrating his dedication and commitment to his work. By 5 pm, he was ready to call it a day and head home. However, just as he was about to leave, a phone call came in, presenting a business proposal that he simply couldn't decline.

Sighing tiredly, Adrian picked up the phone and engaged in a conversation that lasted longer than expected. Realizing the importance of the opportunity, he called his PA and instructed him to arrive early the next day to assist with the necessary preparations. With the call concluded, he hung up and contemplated the long day ahead.

Leaving the office, Adrian made his way back home to his spacious and lonely mansion. The grandeur of the house seemed to magnify his solitude, leaving him longing for the warmth and company of his Omega. As he entered his empty abode, he couldn't help but yearn for a change in his routine, hoping that one day it would bring the joy and fulfillment he sought.




Adrian woke up early in the morning, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. Today was the day he would leave Singapore for an important business meeting. As the new CEO of Cora Pharmaceuticals and Scientific Research Co., he didn't want to disappoint his mother, but this trip felt different. It was a significant opportunity that could potentially shape the future of the company in his hands.

He glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 6 am. It was time to get ready. Adrian quickly got dressed in a crisp suit and made sure he had all the necessary documents and his passport. He had everything meticulously prepared the night before, as he didn't want to leave anything to chance.

His personal assistant, David, arrived promptly at his door, carrying a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "Good morning, Mr. Cora," he greeted him with a warm smile. "I hope you're ready for a productive day."

Adrian nodded and took a sip of the coffee, savoring the rich flavor. "Thank you," he replied, his voice filled with indifference as he ignored the rest of David's attempt at a conversation.

The two of them made their way to the private plane that would take them to their destination. Adrian's uncle owned a successful aviation company, and he was fortunate to have access to their private fleet. It was a luxury that he didn't take for granted.

They boarded the plane, and Adrian settled into his seat, feeling a sense of anticipation. As the plane took off, he glanced out the window, watching as Singapore's skyline disappeared beneath the clouds. He couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. He doesn't like Singapore but it is not like he can just up and leave the company or move the whole building to another country.

The flight was smooth, and Adrian took the opportunity to catch up on some work. He reviewed the presentation he would be giving at the business meeting, making sure every detail was perfect. David sat across from him, typing away on his laptop, assisting him with any last-minute tasks.

After several hours, the plane began its descent, and Adrian could see the lights of the city below. It was 8:58 pm when they touched down at their destination. Adrian couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement. The journey was almost over, and the real challenge was about to begin.

They made their way to the hotel, a luxurious establishment that belonged to Adrian's family. He had fond memories of staying there during family vacations as a child. The penthouse suite had been reserved for him, offering breathtaking views of the city.

Adrian woke up the next morning at 6 am, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He knew that today's meeting could potentially change the course of his company's future. As he got ready, he couldn't shake off a sense of unease that washed over him. His wolf was getting anxious.

He met David in the lobby, and together they headed to the location that had been sent in the email. As they arrived, a dreadful feeling settled in Adrian's gut. Something didn't feel right, but he brushed it off as being jet-lagged. He couldn't afford to let his instincts cloud his judgment.

They entered the restaurant and were led to the VIP room. Adrian tried to relax, letting his guard down slightly. The atmosphere was calming, and he allowed himself to be offered a drink as he waited for his potential business partner. He accepted a glass of wine, taking slow sips, trying to maintain a sense of control.

But before long, a strange sensation washed over Adrian. The room started to spin, and he felt woozy. Panic surged within him, but he fought to keep it hidden. As he glanced around, he noticed his PA, David, being forcefully restrained by two men. They had placed a cloth over his mouth, muffling his cries for help. Adrian's heart raced, and he knew he had to do something to save him.

Despite the dizziness and confusion, Adrian summoned every ounce of strength and determination. He pushed himself up from his chair, stumbling slightly as the room spun around him. His vision blurred, but he fought to stay conscious.

With unsteady steps, Adrian moved towards David and his captors. But just as he reached them, the world around him seemed to tilt, and he lost his balance. The room spun faster, and darkness closed in on him as he collapsed to the floor, losing consciousness.

Adrian woke up in an unfamiliar room, his head throbbing with pain. As his senses slowly returned, he realized he was bound to a blue translucent chair, with glowing black ropes binding him. Panic surged through his veins as he tried to free himself, but his efforts were in vain.

A door creaked open, and a tall figure stepped into the room. It was the person who had invited him to the meeting, but there was no warmth or sincerity in their eyes. Adrian's instincts were proven right; this was not a legitimate business proposal.

The figure approached Adrian, a sinister smile playing on their lips. "Adrian, Adrian, you've stumbled into something much bigger than you could have ever imagined," they taunted, their voice dripping with malice.

Adrian's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. He had been lured into a trap, but for what purpose? Was it a rival company trying to sabotage him or something more sinister?

As the figure continued to speak, Adrian realized their intentions were far from innocent. They revealed a plan to dismantle his company, steal his intellectual property, and leave him penniless. It was a calculated move to destroy everything his parents had worked so hard to build but that wasn't what troubled him the most. Their main target was Vasili. Who was this person and why were they after Vasili?

Anger and determination welled up inside Adrian, fueling his desire to escape and fight back. He knew he couldn't let this happen. He had to protect his company, his employees, himself but most importantly, Vasili.

But as he struggled against his restraints, he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that he had underestimated the danger he was in. His wolf, his instincts, had warned him, but he had brushed it off as mere jet lag. Now, he realized the consequences of ignoring that inner voice.

Adrian vowed to himself that he would find a way out of this situation. He would outsmart his captors, expose their nefarious plans, and reclaim what was rightfully his. The road ahead would be treacherous, but he was determined to emerge victorious. He was determined to protect Vasili.

With renewed determination, Adrian awaited his opportunity to strike back. He would not let this setback define him. He would rise from the ashes and prove that even in the face of adversity, he was a force to be reckoned with.

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